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File 128931996140.png - (277.75KB , 2244x714 , i-con30logo.png )
72 No. 72


As stated in the now obliterated thread, I'll be going as Pyro and my friend will be going as Heavy, we might also have a Scout with us. (Spy and Engy are maybes since the two of them are huge procrastinators)

Discuss I-Con 30 and all the previous I-Cons.
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>> No. 98
ANNNDDDD once again, Ceiling, my girlfriend and I will be going as Heavy and Medic.. If we can find decent rides to attend. Stony, stop being such a piece of shit to get to without a car! There's no way in hell I'm back tracking from Bay Shore, to Jam then a transfer at Hicks in order to get to you!

Hopefully we can put together a group better next year than how it went down this.. We just all ended up in front of the sack when we were going to go to some courtyard.. Feh.
>> No. 382
I'm going to try to be there, can't say for sure with my current financial situation. Probably not going to cosplay this year--BUT! If you guys do have a meet I will definitely be photofagging it.
>> No. 949
Bump since it's only a few months away.
>> No. 1161
Bump again since it's like.. 3 weeks away now. Doesn't look all that inviting on this end.. iCon itself looks shitasticly boring this year. Yay for their big 3 0.. Screw it, I'm ghosting.
>> No. 1168
One of these VAs I know is going, so I'm a little giddy. :V

I made pretty much no progress on my Pyro costume, so expect me to be in either a Tobi costume or a Greece costume.
>> No. 1177

If you mean Tobi from Naruto, then I have a clue. As for Hetalia.. You lost me. Either way and regardless of how it is.. It's a NY con and I shouldn't be complaining since we don't have that many anymore.
>> No. 1281
Bumping for the sake that it's just about 2 days away. Any word for a photo shot/meet up on other sites like Cosplay.com?
>> No. 1307
File 130306561619.jpg - (87.56KB , 1024x768 , img0727z.jpg )
Good year of I-Con, they're definitely getting out of that "rough patch" ever since 28. In terms of ranking, it's up there with 27.
>> No. 1312

Ah hah! So you were Ceiling Man! I don't know weather to be happy or awkward that you used the second option photo..
>> No. 1313
>> 1312

Because trying to delete shit on here is super easy.. I'm a retard and wanted to fix my 'typo' of 'whether'.
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