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File 129522118858.png - (61.71KB , 626x608 , C2E2-Logo-Square-Hi-Res.png )
768 No. 768
Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo
March 18-20

Triumphantly returning this year to Chicago is the 2nd annual C2E2.

Though strongly supportive to the comic crowd it (marvel and dc was there), it was also host to the Video game crowd (Nintendo had a booth.)

I will be going with my Newest engineering feat that was previously blurred and posted on this forum.

Anyone else brave enough to fight the good fight and join me there?
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>> No. 779
Urk! Stop tempting me!

There are three cons that weekend ((C2E2)) being one, and I have to choose which one to go to. The other two are in my same state so both of which would be cheaper.
>> No. 781
LittleMeesh, you should abandon your quest of local antiquities and invest in an adventure in chicago. Plus my dispenser will be there....
>> No. 851
File 129576331015.jpg - (128.50KB , 528x915 , booster2.jpg )
I'll probably be there. Not sure if I'll be wearing Scout yet or not but I know I'll be in Booster Fuckin' Gold for sure.

I was Scout last year and had a total blast. Best con I've been to outside of Dragon*Con hands down.

Pic related, my Booster Gold costume by Uncanny Adventures in Costuming, awyeah.


I've tried wooing her into C2E2 multiple times, because I'm pretty sure I never shut the fuck up about it.
>> No. 1169
Anybody besides myself go and catch some relevant pictures?

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