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File 129541354282.jpg - (84.20KB , 640x376 , 3749809975_536e7f1b7a_z.jpg )
805 No. 805
My latest prop/costuming goal is to build Sasha. Before I can delve too deeply into any project, I scour reference pictures and try to figure out exactly what I need, and where to prioritize and how to build the final product. Frustratingly enough, I'm having a hell of a time finding reference pictures for the back of Sasha and the side closest to Heavy.

My question is this: where do all the cosplayers of TF2chan go to find their reference pictures?
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>> No. 806
I use google, the tf2 wiki ( http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Main_Page ), or g-mod.
>> No. 809
This thread: http://tf2chan.net/offtopic/res/1549.html
>> No. 831
...that's what I get for not looking in every board here. Many thanks!
>> No. 832
The model viewer in the SDK. You view the in game model from any angle. It's almost an embarrassment of riches.

Also, I'm just going to leave this here:
>> No. 892
File 129637762586.jpg - (29.10KB , 621x513 , sasha1.jpg )

Thank you so much! I've never heard of Source SDK, and now I have all the reference pictures I could possibly want. Also, thank you for the video link. That isn't how I'm (currently) planning on getting the barrel to spin, but it is definitely a good place to start and expand on ideas with.
>> No. 914
I can't take credit for finding the video; someone else originally posted it, and I remembered it because I thought it was awesome.

Polite sage for not really contributing.

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