No. 916
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I did the Engy at last years Fan Expo, and most of the stuff for him wasn't too hard to find. Thrift stores are your best friends. It's where I found my red button up shirt. For the overalls, thrift stores, outdoor/camping stores, army/navy stores, Wal-Mart, or even places like Home Depot or Lowes have carry them. I know Lowes and Home Depot have hardhats and toolkits as well. I'm not sure what MetroCon's weapon policy is. I know for FanEx I was allowed to bring in an actual wrench. The shotgun and pistol can probably be bought at various toy stores. The Wrangler can probably be made out of an old school joystick controller, a pistol grip (if you can get an extra toy shotgun that has the pistol grip, you can break that off rather easily, as I learned the hard way) and whatever you want to use for the other, part that my brain is failing me on. For the knee pads and tool belt, Lowes and Home Depot have them, though you'll have to probably paint the knee pads. Boots can be found anywhere. And don't forget about the extension cord. Many tool belts have hooks on them, so you can hang the cord on there. Dispensers, Sentries, and Toasters are optional, but if you bring them, you'll get tons of praise. I hope this helps you.