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File 129693739278.jpg - (39.75KB , 397x285 , badge_comparison.jpg )
944 No. 944
What is this, the 4th revival of my thread? Anyway, just putting my WIPs on here.

First order of business...
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>> No. 2133
File 131567502753.png - (26.26KB , 500x500 , TheWorm.png )
So the badge idea didn't fall through, mostly because the badge maker wanted an ungodly amount of money per badge. So eff that.

Working on BLU solly with the lumbricus lid. Got an M1 helmet and quickly vectored out the worm graphic. I'll use it to make a stencil so I can spray paint the design onto the helmet.

Still looking for proper helmet netting. Making the holy hand grenades will be funsies.
>> No. 2134
File 131567516167.jpg - (58.03KB , 676x1183 , blu_streak_beer_by_borzou99-d2z9uxo.jpg )
I'm also working on the BLU Streak and RED Shed beer bottle labels, but I've had a hell of a time getting the font right. I hope to have these done soon as well.
>> No. 2158
File 131669447966.png - (38.13KB , 286x500 , blu_streak_04_withtext.png )
Got the text added. Too jaggy for my taste, but I'm getting closer.
>> No. 2198
File 131803077255.jpg - (31.61KB , 373x500 , BluStreak_b.jpg )
>> No. 2668
File 134465784389.jpg - (30.14KB , 720x537 , 484012_986862762423_205859746_n.jpg )
Upgraded my kneepads

Full progress here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.986861370213.2246199.47201125&type=3&l=e63d6b895b
>> No. 2844
File 140970823193.jpg - (74.60KB , 349x1001 , blu_engineer_by_borzou99-d5nrpd9.jpg )
Selling my Engy on the Bay. I'll drop the price by a lot if I know anyone here is actually interested.

>> No. 2845
That is a damn fine costume, and I would totally snag it for myself if I didn't already have 80% of the costume.
I really want those kneepads and goggles, hrng

Guess I don't need to wish you luck with selling it, since it has 2 bids already. Hurr.

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