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File 129694047432.gif - (24.81KB , 300x368 , COMICCON.gif )
945 No. 945
IT LOOKS LIKE TICKET SALES ARE FINALLY UP AND RUNNING! I wasn't going to start this thread until now just in case.

So. Comic-Con 2011. I already know of a few Chanfolk going, but who else plans on coming or at least being in the city around July 21-24, 2011? I'm going 4 days, will be a BLU Scout and other things I haven't decided on yet.

Viking Comic-Con Quest, commence!
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>> No. 946
I have a badge, if only because I crapped myself over the possibility of being able to get one.

Not sure whether or not I will be able to make this, since I still need to buy a plane ticket and pay for a hotel, but we'll see. If I do make it, I'll be bringing my A game--so Scout'll be on the list.
>> No. 947
Score -- I'm there!

SDCC tickets sold out in a record 8 hours this afternoon!

Even though TicketLeap was a load of bullshit, tons of badges were sold. INSANE!

I'm goin' as a BLU Scoot (or REd Spy -- still haven't decided) and will have my Ma with me. :p

I was the one that created last years' gathering, BTW. Still have tons of pictures from last years' massive gathering!
>> No. 948
Got my "2-day" badge..even though it took forever..... I'll be going as my usual BLU Engy.
>> No. 952
File 129698860796.gif - (42.79KB , 400x400 , troll dance.gif )
>mfw i got my ticket in the very first release

BLU sniper reporting in. or RED if i can finde a decent shirt. oh and depending on my luck in the with thrift stores, Mr Foster, the Doctor or maybe even the Courier as well
>> No. 960
Pfft- was thinking of going and totally didn't get tickets in time. If I'm lucky my uncle in the industry will get free entry and give it to me. In any case, I'm probably going to the symphony performance they always have. I'll be wearing my BLU Medic.
>> No. 963
I'm starting to plan an outside-of-con outing of sorts for those people who maybe didn't get in as well as a breather for the stifling mess of people inside (I jokingly call this "non-Con"). I'll let you know if there's an interest this kind of outing which included hanging out in the park and playing a demo of L4D2 in the EA gaming lounge and can maybe include lunch or a snack outing too.
>> No. 1698
swince its only like a month away i think i oughta throw a bump out there
>> No. 1699
Yes, good idea. Probably best to figure out what days we want to have a cosplay meet-up, get a final count of who's gonna be there, help spread the word, etc.

I'm gonna try to be on skype a lot more (skype name in the e-mail field) so if we want to try and plan some stuff out, feel free to Skype me.

Once again, will be a BLU Scout and Alyx Vance, gonna try to work on a Chell if I can, but probably not since I wouldn't be able to work on it until July.
>> No. 1715
I'll be there as engy if there's enough of us

Also, just a heads up, I'm gonna have a super conductor turned up full blast and pointed at you guys for the duration of the photo shoot. I'll be honest, I'm throwing science at the walls here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do.
>> No. 1726
I might be ghosting the con with my friend since it's only a half hour drive. There's a thing called Gam3r Con going on at the same time as Comic Con in downtown. Last I checked it's free to get in, so I might be hanging around there when the crowds get too extreme. Will still likely be Medic, but I've got a Pokemon Ranger and a Mincrafter I can wear as well.
>> No. 1814
Going as BLU Scout's Mom. Don't know what day yet, though..will all depend a meet-up!
>> No. 1815
..depend on*
>> No. 1817
There is a thread on Cosplay.com regarding a gathering: http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=242447

And unless we have more official posts in the thread, the gathering won't be made "official". The only benefit of having an "official" gathering, is that it will be promoted, and possibly gain the interest of other TF2 (and Valve) cosplayers who do not visit TF2chan or cosplay.com.

Unlike the ALA and AX gatherings, I will not be running this gathering, but I will be in attendance.
>> No. 1888

>> No. 1894

>> No. 1902
sniper mode activated.

3:00 outside ballroom 20. be there or be square

>> No. 1905
File 131140394297.jpg - (70.61KB , 448x473 , NO FUN (2).jpg )
>> No. 1934
next time a better place for a large gathering should be outside, on the second floor, above the exhibit hall, its where the SCA guys have fights all the time and where the big star wars gatherings happen, and security will not chase you away like they did this year outside ballroom 20
>> No. 2034
Yeah, that really sucked, and I apologize to everyone who attended. We were lucky to get off the Group and Team shots though.

But next year, totally behind the convention center.

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