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File 129698296387.jpg - (29.75KB , 544x400 , 1276906217339.jpg )
950 No. 950
Any tips for making the gas canister the Pyro wears on its back? I am stumped.
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>> No. 953
File 129699927897.jpg - (154.03KB , 1152x1536 , IMG00067-20100523-1544.jpg )
I bought two 3L bottles of cheap, horrible cider, emptied them into a sink, then cut the bottoms off both, stuck 'em together, and then sprayed 'em silver. The secondary tank was made from a similarly painted bottle of nail polish remover, the yellow was electrical tape, the gauge at the top was an old-timey thermometer, and the stripes were just slightly darker spraypaint.
>> No. 957
OP here, thanks a ton mate! You're the man.
>> No. 981
File 12972681199.jpg - (32.78KB , 437x659 , sgsdfg.jpg )
No, son. I am the Juan. *dusts off shoulders*

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