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File 12970958576.jpg - (55.28KB , 480x640 , 1344 - Pyro Team_Fortress_2.jpg )
961 No. 961
I already asked this here but then the chan died, so yeah.

How did you guys make the flamethrower? A friend of mine wants to cosplay as the Pyro and is stumped at that part. The more details, the better! Thanks a ton in advance!
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>> No. 969
print off a few pictures of the flamethrower, and go exploring toy stores, hardware stores and junkyards. look at things and think 'can i mod that into this?'

off the top of my head:
pressure washer wand = trigger
large container with screw on lid = gas tank
copper pipes and fittings = sure you can work it out..
>> No. 982
File 129727079166.jpg - (54.36KB , 900x675 , Flamethrower_WIP_3_by_Zyanith.jpg )
Someone gave me a link to a DeviantArt account that showed how they made this flamethrower. If I can find it, I'll post the link. I think it was 8D that gave it to me...
>> No. 983
Found it.
Hopefully this works for you. I'm trying to build the same thing.
>> No. 1253
Bumping requesting some more advice. Keep it coming guys, thanks in advance!

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