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File 129712713118.png - (5.36KB , 50x50 , freakedplz.png )
965 No. 965
I STILL need two people to be my scout and my spy as well as two more for stagehands. Anyone interested? Drop me an email or reply to this.
>> No. 966
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner! I would normally jump at the chance to be your Scout, but at this time I honestly don't know if I'll be in town during WonderCon (The weekend of WonderCon is also the last weekend of Spring Break for me, so I might either go home or maybe even on a trip somewhere). If you don't mind, can I be put down as a temporary alt just in case I can go?
>> No. 967
That's fine. I'll put you down as an alternative as Scout. :D

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