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File 129721347593.jpg - (7.76KB , 556x71 , Untitled.jpg )
976 No. 976
Any other tf2 cosplayers going to this?
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>> No. 985
RED Demolass checking in! There's a thread open on the Minami forum right now; there's about 4 or so of us so far, which is pretty good given how tiny this con is.
Will post pics tomorrow after sleep.
>> No. 989
File 129737093439.jpg - (88.17KB , 673x601 , delicious progress.jpg )
Pic lol. Still need to finish some stuff. Also I can't find my eye-patch but I'm sure it's somewhere in this room.

Come on guys, anyone else out there?
>> No. 990
I keep forgetting about these small cons.
And seeing as I'm literally a bus ride away it's especially disappointing.
>> No. 992
I'll be there at Minami, but i don't know if i'll be there in TF2 cosplay. got a lot of other costumes planned, and also i've not looked at Sasha at all (she's in about 17 pieces currently)
>> No. 997
Wow, a Loch-n-Load. Now that I think about it, it's been out for 2 months, but that's still pretty quick.
>> No. 1000
Blu Soldier here, but you knew that already :D
>> No. 1005
Nice number. And I thought you didn't want to hang with us here?
Also, post more pics, I want to see how the Black Box is coming along.
>> No. 1006
Trying to get more people to post~
>> No. 1068
Bumping this for great justice and because THREE WEEKS GUYS. My costume is so nearly finished but uni has got me pretty much locked down for the next two weeks.

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