No. 9513
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It is. I just never really thought about it that seriously before. I'm used to death in the series being able to be shrugged off, and everyone's able to respawn...
It's a crossover game by Telltale Games where you can play No Limits Texas Hold 'Em against the RED Heavy, Max (from Sam and Max), Strong Bad (from Homestar Runner), and Tycho Brahe (from Penny Arcade). The music includes a couple of jazzy TF2 remixes and unlockable TF2 Misc. items and weapons, but the main draw is the dialogue, a lot of which can be found on YouTube. Apparently Heavy has a PhD. in Russian Literature, hates Tetris, hates vodka, listens to Huey Lewis and The News, has a fetish for redheads, feels remorse over dead animals and leaving the wives and kids of the men he kills without a husband or father, and once choked the BLU Engineer to death with his own wrench because he single-handedly killed the rest of the RED team. And Gary Schwartz reprises his role as Heavy in the game.
Here's the website, if you're interested: