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File 131829772919.gif - (618.75KB , 200x150 , GMAN.gif )
9297 No. 9297 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So today I visited the TF2 Wiki, looking for some information on a map I'm going to use in a fanfiction.

And then this happened: http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Maps

Um.... So, is this, like, the result of a trollfest gone undetected, or... Yeah, I think that's it.
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9308
From what I've read, tf2wiki.net used to be the best, but everyone working on it moved over to the wiki.teamfortress project when it was Valve-sanctioned. Since then the domain got bought out by someone else who just uses it for ad revenue.

If you're a redditor, one of the official wiki mods is doing an Ask Me Anything right now (http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/l7sil/i_am_a_long_time_moderator_on_the_official_team/), so I guess you can ask for clarification on what happened since everything I know is probably, what, fourth hand information.
>> No. 9309
I didn't know anyone still used the old TF2wiki.
>> No. 9310
I had it bookmarked. Didn't know there were two (started figuring something was up around the Uber Update, but didn't really find out for sure until just now). So, yup.

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7557 No. 7557 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Think of all the classic 4 simultanious co-op arcade games and add a dash of TF2 and you've got what looks to be quite an interesting game
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>> No. 7618
W-wow... I absolutely LOVE this. I am so gonna nag my sister to play it with me once it is out.
>> No. 9211

It's live fellas, go ahead and pillage the fuck out of it!
>> No. 9234
I only have a Mac, so no support as of yet for me, but I had a friend spoil the ending for me, and I snorted. It's brilliant.

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9109 No. 9109 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
What are songs you associate with the classes?
Hard mode: Nothing from Tf2 or remixes with their voice clips and such.

Soldier: America Fuck Yeah!
Demoman: Princes of the Universe
Pyro: Living in the Sunlight
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>> No. 9139
Yeah. I've been kind of used to people not having any idea what I'm talking about when I bring them up... Now I'm all gleeful.
>> No. 9143

Hehe... my father loves that sort of weird old Brit stuff, so I grew up listening to the Bonzos. Still my favoritest band of all time.

And, uh, as for the thread.... my Helmet Party theme is "Better", by Jonathan Coulton, and my Sniper/Spy theme is "Bungle in the Jungle" by Jethro Tull. Despite Medic being my favorite of the team, the only song I've ever found myself associating with him in earnest is "I Want To Break Free" by Queen.
>> No. 9144
Anything Slim Dusty for Sniper

No. 7276 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
  New videos from Valve.
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>> No. 7989
Oh, okay. Well for "MEDIC!", MaxOfS2D put a download link in the description of the video he uploaded with the track. You can just right click the link and save it as an MP3. But for "A Little Heart to Heart" there's nothing else I can recommend.
>> No. 9138
  Look what Robin Atkin Downes has done.
>> No. 9140
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Well now.
Be still my non-electrocuted non-Ubercharged heart.

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9129 No. 9129 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
We had such a thread before, so I thought I'd start another one.
>> No. 9130
  "Our raisin, hah!"
>> No. 9133
  These are great, haha.

Also, Sniper invites you all to the Ass Ceremony.
>> No. 9135
  "you don't want to see my wharf wang, So Power the harsh Kimmy will get a lead enema."

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8973 No. 8973 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Whelp gang, it's official, tomorrow I'm graduating from "proverbial scum of the earth" to a competent, fully fuctioning member of Orange society

It's been a long, difficult road getting a feel for this game. I originally started off as a scout but later gravitated towards engineer and later Pyro (where I now have solid footing)

So, what lies ahead for me now in this strange new world of delights?
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>> No. 9014
>Expect to be called out on using OP classes (all of them), called a no-skill nubcaek, trolled, etc.
Also expect to be called "raging" or "mad" (constantly expressed as UMAD LOLOLOL) by people you kill in honest combat.
Notice that these people have never heard of 4chan, or any chan for that matter.
>> No. 9045
If you become too much of a menace to the enemy team, expect for EVERYONE to start a witch hunt for you.
>> No. 9071
Despite the fact that one moves forward by way of the W key, and shoots their primary weapon's primary fire by way of the left hand mouse button (M1), be prepared for people to hate on you for using both at the same time.
Especially if you're a Pyro.
"What? Do you want me to just constantly airblast you instead? Okay, then, asshole!"
He didn't cap no points that day. Frustrated him to no end.

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9052 No. 9052 Locked hide watch quickreply [Reply]

In this, we meet the creator of a "CERTAIN" FPS Knock off, an Englishman by the name of Troy Horton, creator of Tomb Raider
>> No. 9053
There's already a Final Combat thread below that already links to this video. Please put any new news in that thread.
>> No. 9125
Thread locked.

No. 9024 Locked hide watch quickreply [Reply]
  I hope you all like :D
>> No. 9069
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There's a thread of TF2 videos already started.

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8907 No. 8907 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
...and I'm all dressed up in my best camo pants and psyched to play.

...The only problem is that I'm a noob. Worse still, I'm a noob with anxiety issues, making me absolutely terrified of being a noob.

Do you guys have any tips to make me less anxious over this, or any suggestions over servers I should use? It's not like I want, or expect, to be suddenly AWESOME because that's ridiculous, but I just want to be able to actually click on a link without cacking myself from trepidation beforehand. I've practiced offline, and I can play alright if I'm with my friends on a private server, but where's the fun in that?

TL;DR, server suggestions plz

Pic related, automatic assumption of people's reactions to me.
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>> No. 8966

These show up often when people ask for UK servers:
Kritzkast - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KritzKast
Hampshire Heavies - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hampshire_heavies
Ãœberium - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uberiumpublic
Facepunch - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FPTF2UK

These are UK based with settings that shit all over balance, but they appear to have some mod servers and overpopulation doesn't affect most mods:
UKCS - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UKCS
Gaming Masters - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamingmastersuk
GTFOGaming - http://www.gtfogaming.co.uk/servers/

Since you have friends who play the game, you should ask one of them to coach you. It's fun AND helpful!
>> No. 9015
>I think my real problem is that I psych myself out too much before I start playing.
When I started out PvPing in WoW I got these awesome adrenaline rushes that often lead to my death (if any of you have had adrenaline rushes you know it completely shuts down your ability to do anything you haven't practiced A LOT).

Same thing with TF2, although I still get it to this day (started 2007), your body and mind works up an immunity to the shit, allowing you to think clearly.

Maybe TF2 is just some hardcore shit, because I didn't get an adrenaline rush when I was playing paintball inna woods, or maybe it's just because I take every death in TF2 with a mindset that I'll never outlive the eternal shame that has been brought upon me.

Just play the game and you'll see what happens.
>> No. 9019
That's why I can't PvP in WoW, I start getting rushes so my fingers never hit the right buttons and I end up randomly rocket jumping off a ledge or something. TF2 is different for me, though, generally everyone is more laid back and mistakes are funny as opposed to stupid.

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8057 No. 8057 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I don't know if this is the right board, but what servers do you guys regluarly play on?
2F2F mario_kart heree.
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>> No. 8919
My personal favorite server is Halolz.com's "Gentleman Heavy's Fancy Fedora Time". The only irritation I've found with it is that it's password-protected now and the password is under regular rotation, so it's usually a good idea to check their Steam group page before trying to log on.
>> No. 9006
oh man, i laughed way harder than i should have at OP's pic
>> No. 9009
I mainly play on the Labcoat Gamers servers or the Lordkat Mafia server.

I'll jump on mantrain whenever it's active too. It's pretty much the only custom map server I have right now. :[
(well, aside from cock and balls and brbuninstalling red version, though I'm muted on both due to them both automatically muting micspammers even though you can disable that now.)

You best switch to the ones we recommend here in this thread. Labcoat Gamers is generally pretty chill.

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