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File 130925181540.jpg - (146.56KB , 800x401 , i-24QsRdr-L.jpg )
6793 No. 6793 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
For those who didn't see, today's Penny Arcade comic & newspost was about TF2's move to Free To Play.


Color me surprised on Tycho apparently 'hating' TF2, that felt a bit outta nowhere. I know characters and authors are separate entities but where'd Medic Cosplay Tycho come from, then? Whatever the reason, He Crazy. Heck, this whole comic and newspost feels silly.
32 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7336

That Engineer... He looks so delighted to be that turkey. I love it.
>> No. 7351
I tried to give it a chance but it's not that good to be honest. The art is rather mediocre and it reads like a bad, generic ya.oi mango/soap opera using the TF2 characters' faces. The fandom is pretty obnoxious a lot of the time too.
>> No. 7356

A long, long time ago, before I'd ever actually played TF2, I took a look at that one before eventually giving up in sheer boredom. The only noteworthy thing about it is that it's long, and the artist hasn't stopped doing it yet.

No. 7269 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
  This video made me think of Demoman (lighting a wee fire on a boat) and Soldier (the bit with the rocket launcher).

File 130887813535.png - (111.51KB , 453x298 , heavywut.png )
6261 No. 6261 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Please let this be a joke.

104 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7056
Anon here again.
thank you kindly Applecup and PerryJ for your nice words. i guess i will try out the Maintrain tonight, hoping for having fun and such.
>> No. 7085
File 130973832585.gif - (9.39KB , 400x250 , dealwithitforever.gif )
Maybe I'm a bit of a dick for my thinking but I wholeheartedly welcome the massive influx of new players, simply because playing on alltalk servers with a bunch of new players bragging about their skills over other new players makes me feel ecstatic as I mow them all down with my ninja heavy skills and get 6-8 dominations on a team of 12. I do tend to give advice to anyone who asks for it, but for the most part I've noticed people raging at me, targeting me directly, switching to teams of almost all Snipers and Spies, and other assorted hate.

It feels good to be hated for being too good.

On the bright side, I get to help my own team of misfits to glourious victories, and last time I played even had three medics all healing me at once, earning achievements and weapons off of my minigunning. People end up switching from one team to the other just to play on my side.

It feels good to feel like I'm idolized, if only for a short time.

The moral here: If you're good at the game, you're guaranteed to make half the players unhappy and the other players happy. If you don't mind being a bit of a traitor, your team is being wiped out because the other team has some pro-skills player on it, and you're not enjoying the game, switch sides. At worst, you'll get autobalanced or someone will yell at you, but you'll be having more fun overall. A controversial opinion, I know, but it's what I used to do when I was new to the game.
>> No. 7195
What bums me out most is that I've owned the game for 2 years, but only a month or so ago got access to a computer that can run it. Then I go watch Meet the Medic; "oh TF2 is F2P now?" As I play I'm afraid that any moment someone's gonna start bitching at me about being a F2P noob while I'm really just a regular TF2 noob. So yeah, I don't care that I paid for the game, nor I care about the other new players, I just personally don't want to receive the hating that seems to be directed at free-to-players.

But so far no-one's said anything, I don't know if the servers are just full of scared noobs or people who actually don't give a shit if you're new or not. I hope it's a mix of both. But it's been really, really nice so far. :)

File 130933244292.png - (263.04KB , 891x596 , Medic_professor_speks.png )
6842 No. 6842 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Awesome Medic trend-thing.
21 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7042

I love you for this.
>> No. 7050
>> No. 7060
...I don't get it.

File 130969918969.jpg - (99.14KB , 190x265 , wiki_birthday.jpg )
7059 No. 7059 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Okay the TF2wiki has his big day. His birthday.
Which means some nifty things. As Example: You can download for free skins for the Sniper Hat to replace him.
So what´s the opinion of the chan to these hats and their backstories? As example: The fearless Josep, which Sniper should have get from his brother.


(PS: These teases. I ever wanted a Indinaer Jones Hat. But for Engineer.)

File 130947531225.jpg - (15.86KB , 500x281 , thefucksinthisthing.jpg )
6908 No. 6908 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I found two of these, and I'm sure you've all seen at least one be found. So.
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>> No. 6997
File 13095743413.png - (21.28KB , 133x181 , girlyawe2.png )
The Venture Bros. fangirl in me needs this.
>> No. 7003
and now i have a new way to pick my prefered targets
>> No. 7020
This for Medic and Planewalkers Helm = Brute from Amnesia The Dark Descent, kinda

File 130946362776.gif - (492.59KB , 500x278 , Medic.gif )
6901 No. 6901 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Guys, I need a bit of help with this. There are two Polish translations for Meet the Medic (other Meet the videos have really good fan subtitles, but this one has minor problems), and I want to make another one which would be accurate, won’t sound stiff and wasn’t CC. I’ve done this stuff before for Transformers Animated and even helped with the official transaction for TV, but I’ve lost contact with the guy who was adding subs to the fan versions of these episodes.

I'll write down both versions, so it'll be easier to see what goes where.

So if you could do it or know someone else who can add subs, that’d be awesome.
>> No. 6902
*translation derp

But yeah, that'd be great.

File 130834633672.jpg - (66.40KB , 1440x900 , 2011-06-17_00001.jpg )
5813 No. 5813 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys. TF2 Beta just updated, mostly with a bunch of finicky balances to the weapons under development, but also some aesthetically interesting stuff: A new main menu lay-out, and an option which allows the game to match you to a server playing the mode of your choice. Each of the modes has a cool little picture attached to it (Makani made?) and mindful of how much you like the artsy side of TF2, I thought I'd share them with you.
17 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6686
Wait, you're right.
I was so busy squeeing at the drawings that I didn't notice that.
>> No. 6869
Does anyone know makani's new t.umblr account?
>> No. 6876


Here you go.

File 130933329299.jpg - (105.54KB , 500x359 , demo_medic.jpg )
6849 No. 6849 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
You and I, on Badwater
Building charge with, my Medigun
Watch our teammates rush the bomb
'Till one by one, they were gone

Back at base, enemy medic
Shouts the words, “I am charged”
Demoman runs out the door
His new set makes him a moor

Medic and Demoman
Kritzkreig and Caber in hand
Panic bells, RED team's here
And they're nearly at uber

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 6850
99 RED Balloons?
>> No. 6852
I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, good name. Thanks

File 13088885274.png - (285.19KB , 643x363 , nnn.png )
6432 No. 6432 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Now that we've had a glimpse into Medic's life I'm wondering if he is all serious business except when Heavy is around or sciencing. Or if he is always this awesome! What do you guys think?
31 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6796
Am I the only one not seeing glass in his spectacle frames? I mean, I swear those are for more than decoration, but even during the video I never caught a flash of light or reflection or anything.
>> No. 6798
Actually, one thing you can certainly say for the "Meet The' videos is the quality of the lighting (which can be a tricky and time-consuming process but you can see how it really has improved over the course of the other videos) - although to answer your question, they may have started out giving the geometry that makes up the lens a higher reflectivity to mimic glass but if you're dealing with multiple light sources the light reflecting of the lens glass may have become too distracting.
Also, with the 'Meet The' videos I'm pretty sure they're using the same models as in game just with better rigging, weights painting, facial blends shapes (and I suspect) UVs.
>> No. 6813
The "meet the" models are in the game, you just need to use console commands to use them.

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