No. 7085
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Maybe I'm a bit of a dick for my thinking but I wholeheartedly welcome the massive influx of new players, simply because playing on alltalk servers with a bunch of new players bragging about their skills over other new players makes me feel ecstatic as I mow them all down with my ninja heavy skills and get 6-8 dominations on a team of 12. I do tend to give advice to anyone who asks for it, but for the most part I've noticed people raging at me, targeting me directly, switching to teams of almost all Snipers and Spies, and other assorted hate.
It feels good to be hated for being too good.
On the bright side, I get to help my own team of misfits to glourious victories, and last time I played even had three medics all healing me at once, earning achievements and weapons off of my minigunning. People end up switching from one team to the other just to play on my side.
It feels good to feel like I'm idolized, if only for a short time.
The moral here: If you're good at the game, you're guaranteed to make half the players unhappy and the other players happy. If you don't mind being a bit of a traitor, your team is being wiped out because the other team has some pro-skills player on it, and you're not enjoying the game, switch sides. At worst, you'll get autobalanced or someone will yell at you, but you'll be having more fun overall. A controversial opinion, I know, but it's what I used to do when I was new to the game.