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File 13509323091.jpg - (56.39KB , 250x349 , nanowrimo-icon.jpg )
13258 No. 13258 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

So, how many of you writers are going to be doing this? If enough people are interested, we could start a tf2 group.

(yes you can write erotic novels)
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13366
Well I never really claimed to be good at it...

The name in this post is my steam, If you'd like to message me there. I'd post my wrimo profile but it leads to some sensitive personal info.
>> No. 13367
Also! my internet's been shit lately, so I might not be able to respond quickly.
>> No. 13400

I recommend a book called "Making Shapely Fiction" by Jerome Stern. It discusses some basic rules of writing, general plot outlines, and character types that you can build from.

Other than that, I suggest you read as many fiction and nonfiction books and short stories from as many genres as you can. Then find what you like and start coming up with ideas and putting them to paper. From there, it's a matter of practicing your craft.

Again, I must emphasize that writing must be something that you enjoy, first and foremost. Doing it for any other reason really isn't worth the effort.

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13375 No. 13375 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm entirely new to this board, I've been considering going premium on TF2, is it worth it?
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>> No. 13379
Just once, I believe
>> No. 13380
Do you already have a full account on Steam? If you don't, then definitely put $5 into your wallet and buy something from the Mann store.

Last year I did that right before the christmas event and got a free copy of Portal 2.
>> No. 13395
If you feel like it, I'd suggest you buy a set of Mann Up Tickets. You'll get to play on the official MvM servers, get to put progress in on your badge, and even have a shot at some hats and botkiller weapons. Definitely a good-value way to go, if you don't just want to throw 49 cents on a can of Bonk or something.

No. 13338 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
  this is just a random idea i had while watching a gameplay video showcasing the finishing moves of all the characters of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, so feel free to move this post if you think this doesn't belong here.

My idea was this, "What if the Team Fortress 2 mercenaries had Astral Heats if they were in a BlazBlue game?". you can suggest ideas for the non-player characters too if you want.

Check out the video provided here to see these finishing moves in action. Man! are they ever awesome.
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>> No. 13359
Yeahhhhhhh, I learned early on you don't mention anime-styled things around here.
>> No. 13360
File 135202116461.jpg - (29.21KB , 500x397 , Spaghetticat.jpg )
Goddammit, you didn't learn a single goddamned thing from that ban I gave you, did you?

If you continue to make inane and terrible fucking threads like this you're looking at a much longer ban.

Knock it off already.
>> No. 13361
thats already been taken care of

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13266 No. 13266 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Click on the Spy's face, receive bacon.

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>> No. 13310
File 135146441263.jpg - (14.74KB , 150x150 , tumblr_lq8iyoys6T1qaykmq.jpg )
Okay, I'm really tempted to email Valve to resolve this now

But I dunno who to email and what to say
>> No. 13311
http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php?recipient=TF+Team <- I think that's right a recepient (there's contact us box in tf2.com)
>> No. 13322
Ah, thank you. They didn't answer my email, but they answered someone elses'. Both Bombinomicon and Merasmus are voiced by Nolan North.

He is best known as Dr. Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty: Nazi Zombies, Nathan Drake from Uncharted, the rejected Cores and turrets from Portal 2, annnd several Heroes from DoTA 2, amongst others (he was in the TMNT 2003 reboot, and I believe he's also on Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes). On that show and Uncharted, he worked with Robin Atkin Downes (Medic).

So yes, in a way Medic has technically killed a Nazi.

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13199 No. 13199 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I was checking out the new items, and I really loved both the looks and the description of the Distinguished Rogue. I started thinking about my favourite descriptions, and wondering about other people's.

So, what are your favourite item descriptions? Just the description, it doesn't matter if you like the hat/misc or not. Descriptions of physical items from the Valve Store are fine, too.

Here are mine. It wasn't easy to pick just a few, there are many more descriptions I love. But I figure that's the same for everybody, and if each of us starts listing half the TF2 inventory this will be a boring thread. Let's only list our absolutely very favourite ones.

-Distinguished Rogue. This coat does so much of the heavy lifting to make you look like a sophisticated man of espionage, you won't need to wear anything else at all. Watch those heads turn the next time you attend a fancy gala completely nude except for a coat. So jealous. How about that guy calling the police? Is HE jealous? Yeah he is.

No comment here. Just perfection.

-Ninja Cowl. If there's one thing that the ladies/men love, it's mystery. And what's more mysterious than covering your entire face with a Ninja Cowl? "Oh my, I can't see any of that man's face!" they'll exclaim. "He must have a terrible secret I will uncover with my love."

I love how this description both makes fun of trite romance tropes, and outright states that Spy has male admirers. I mean, sure, that's obvious, but how many FPSs would openly admit that?

-Stovepipe Sniper Shako. This hat is perfect for the sniper who likes to hide in the shadows, then run suddenly from those shadows to go lead a parade.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>> No. 13224
Yes, that was the whole point of my second paragraph ^^. I've totally switched to the headcanon that Medic pranks his own respawn-able teammates (or, at worst, the Messangers; civilian deaths upset me, but I can't say that I give a damn about the guys who were going to assassinate Soldier and then threatened the Mercs' families).

Anyway, my comment was only meant as a short explanation for my personal reaction, since the previous poster had been wondering about the reason some people were upset. I am a bit concerned about starting actual discussions because I'm worried that people will end up fighting. Can we go back to the topic, please?

Here is another description I love:

<b>Demoman portrait poster</b>. <i>A lot of important people in the world have worn eye patches. James Joyce, Marie Colvin, that guy from Days of our Lives. There are so many people in fact that it might be worth making a Wall of One-Eyes in your apartment so you can keep track of them all. Let's start you off with Demoman, and then you can get that framed picture of Dangermouse you saw at the thrift store. This is important. We're counting on you. </i>
>> No. 13234
I almost forgot:

Pyrovision Goggles: Enter a world of imagination that's far superior to the crap-ass world of imagination you get from books.
>> No. 13275
Lucky Shot-Let's see you do that again, Private.

I can only read this in Soldier's voice and I keep thinking up a hilarious scenario for the line too.

The Stereoscopic Shades-If you close one eye, one of the teams will disappear. So don't do that.

I admit putting on a pair and closing one eye, just knowing I did that makes it x10 funnier.

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13230 No. 13230 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I have no idea what drives the correlations, but the results are always hilarious, occasionally eerily accurate, and every once in a while you get a surprising gem, too.
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>> No. 13253
File 13507513505.jpg - (47.97KB , 602x602 , Medicsthewinnerbecausehedoesnthavetobebestfriendsw.jpg )

Jesus, it is pretty accurate, isn't it?

...Why is there so little Demoman, guys. Why.

(Why did I pick the unpopular classes to like the most we need more Demo/Everybody Solly/Everybody and Engie/Everybody.)
>> No. 13255
The trucks n vans instance is increasing I think. That's actually a pretty interesting graph. I haven't ever see a large amount of Sniper/Medic.
>> No. 13257
I agree. At the time, there seemed to be quite a lot of Sniper/Medic, but, come to think of it, I haven't seen much in recent months.

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12884 No. 12884 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
If Valve gave you the opportunity to choose a pairing to become canon who would you choose?
no ship wars please
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>> No. 13111
All I have to go on is my own preferences and headcanons for Scout's mom, and in my head I think she'd say no if Spy came to her and disguised as Scout for a fetish-y thing, but really, I have no idea. I'd like to see more background on her.

I do know she was mentioned again in the flavor text of the new Scout pistol, the mafia one, but nobody seemed to notice that.
>> No. 13112

I had no idea there was a blurb for this thing, thank you!
>> No. 13235
I think it would be pretty cool if Valve went against the odds and just had a little moment between Sniper and Engineer. They kind of fit the 'Those two guys' trope and it would be pretty amazing if during a big scene they teased at Heavy/Medic and Sniper/Spy but then Mundy just suddenly takes Dell in his scrawy hairy arms and they share a small kiss and all the other mercenaries look really fucking surprised/shocked.

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13146 No. 13146 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Was on Tumblr just now. The majority of people think this was a huge mistake for valve to put these hats out (especially the Medic "German commander" hat). Opinions?

I actually liked them until I thought about the unfortunate implications, and now I just feel uncomfortable...
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>> No. 13198
I may be wrong, but I believe that was a joke.
>> No. 13225
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I think it was a huge mistake to position them so fucking stupidly on their heads. Ruined two perfectly good hats.
>> No. 13226
They probably thought that the standard position would have looked too much like the Team Captain.

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12251 No. 12251 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Just noticed the old one is autosaging, so this thread is for anything not Demoman-related. For that, go to http://tf2chan.net/dis/res/12084.html I had a headcanon idea that was just driving me crazy and I had to spit it out. And it's going to sound stupid as fuck.

Scout's Mom is Carmen Sandiego. She settled down for a bit, cut her hair, died it black, and adopted five kids to give the illusion she'd been there a while. And ended up having three more kids on accident.

And that's part of the reason she and spy "get along" so well - because she knows him on more levels than one. Maybe she was even tempted to go out adventuring with him again? Who the fuck knows idkidkidk

If you have any other general headcanon ideas, go ahead - nothing can quite get sillier than that.
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>> No. 13256
File 135079335737.png - (729.48KB , 1280x744 , meetthemedic_viktorfrankenstein.png )
>>watching Ed Wood
>>he's terrible at a thing he's passionate about and goes after it with giddy enthusiasm
>>crossdresses and doesn't give a fuck what people think
>>fascinated by mad scientists and monsters and morbid things
>>writes a speech for Bela Lugosi about wanting to make monsters and being unable to go back to his homeland and wanting to make a superhuman race
>>tells a European bald hairy wrestler he's handsome

Reminds me eerily of Medic.
>> No. 13313
According to YouTube, Merasmus doesn't really have that dramatic magical voice, he's just speaking into one of those plastic echo microphones from the 90's. Also, he is the Monarch from The Venture Bros.

I'm okay with this.
>> No. 13315
i watched Léon, The Proffesional the other day.

theres a part where he says that the better the assasin, the closer he can get to his target and how you start at the sniper rifle and work your way down to the knife.

because of that i now believe that Spy is actually a better sniper than Sniper is

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12247 No. 12247 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
So... since the other thread has saged, I shall continue here. So, I was on DA today, and a new group for TF2 popped up that I hadn't seen before, called TF2 necrophilia. I figured, okay, let's see what kind of artists and art are there. I wasn't all that disappointed that it's really mostly drawn in the necrophilia style- that's about what I expected, and not really my thing for TF2. But there's a list of pictures by character. And of course, Demoman doesn't have one (yet). Pyro has one, but it's empty (what a surprise). First three characters represented in folders? The usual suspects: Scout, Spy, Sniper. Now, not all the art was necrophilia-ified, and there actually was a picture of Demo with Heavy (I think). And Engie, Heavy and Medic (with Solly) were the next three folders. But... No Demoman? No Pyro? I was faintly horrified, but it holds true to my "Demoman is too many, too drunk and too black for most necrophilia fangirls" idea. Sad to see it confirmed, though.
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>> No. 13241
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I think it's funny nonetheless.

I think it's hilarious when people in this fandom freak out over porn.
>> No. 13247
Depends on the reason. If they're freaking out because they don't like porn of TF2 specifically, or are horrified that men are being shipped together/might possibly be gay, they're idiots.

If they're freaking out about porn period because they're either very sheltered or grew up with very stern, religious parents like I did, it's understandable.
>> No. 13348
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>>people who claim fanart from 2009 is fanart for their fanfiction they wrote in 2011
>>or that a picture the artist drew for themselves is fanart of their OC

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