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File 132150884149.jpg - (37.65KB , 244x244 , Demopan.jpg )
10154 No. 10154
Hey, guys. Time for a public service announcement.

We all know that Demoman is probably the most underrated member of the game - and in my opinion, he is. (Pyro comes in close second, but Pyro has a reputation for being a cute chub monster, while Demo hardly even has that.) So, with TF2Chan being the equality-loving place it is, I came up with this idea with a friend a few weeks ago.

It seems like the probably with Demo is not that people dislike him as a character, but rather that he's... admittedly forgotten about the most. Which is even sadder.

So, my solution would be to make a whole friggin MONTH about him, just to get him saturated in the culture and get people pumped up about him or something. (Kind of like how it was with Medic before the Uber Update!) Fanart, fanfiction, cosplays, crafts, you name it!


>Also, please only use Demoman reaction images if you can, to get in the spirit of things! This is definitely not a plot to get more Demoman in my reaction image folder what are you talking about lol u silly
Expand all images
>> No. 10155
File 132151324676.png - (130.95KB , 434x400 , AYE Demo YAY.png )
I remember doing something like this last year or so. Demoman deserves all the love (especially the one that doesn't just make him all "lol he's a drunkard rofl") and so you got my full support, bro.

>> No. 10156
Crap in a hat. Do I have any reaction images for anybody?

I think I could swing in a Demoman fanfic this December. My last one sank like a stone. Then again, it was also an Othello parody. Maybe a little bit too wonky for the younger audience.

Have we had Doctor Who parodies on this site before? Because I think the Demoman would be great for that, with him being Scottish like Mr. Tennant and all. Get drunk; drive a TARDIS!
>> No. 10157
File 132154171816.jpg - (126.73KB , 1024x768 , 2011-10-29_00002.jpg )
I'm not much of an artist, but I saw this spray during Halloween, and my goodness this is something I've always wanted to share. The artist is Triple Q and has a Sparkledog Central here at http://triple-q.Sparkledog Central.com/art/BLACK-STOCKING-CYCLOPS-244302794
>> No. 10159
File 132154969372.jpg - (216.55KB , 1280x1024 , After Bigger Fish (17).jpg )
I was so pleasantly surprised when I saw this thread today, 'cuz just yesterday I made a Demoman-centered comic in Gmod!
>> No. 10160
File 132155096669.png - (146.52KB , 374x342 , YES.png )
Demoman December? What a splendid idea! It needs a bit more planning, but I think this will be a rather enjoyable event.
>> No. 10161
I wouldn't say he was underrated after having a Halloween event based around him.

Then again, Viaduct...
>> No. 10164
File 132156252874.png - (387.22KB , 537x382 , 6646564.png )
Valve likes him just fine, it's the fans that tend to forget about him.
>> No. 10165
File 132156385956.gif - (64.92KB , 256x256 , _992-.gif )
Fairy demoman is cutest demoman!
>> No. 10166
So should we post or crosspost everything ITT?

I have plenty of vip fanart of him but I didn't think anyone would care enough.
>> No. 10167
File 132156447772.png - (376.85KB , 1272x665 , shit nigger look out he\'s gonna get you.png )
I like this idea. I'll model some Demoman weapons since I can't draw or write.
>> No. 10169
File 132157204376.png - (120.21KB , 549x334 , 1297913350973.png )
I approve of this.
>> No. 10171
I dunno, I see enough of him. Demopan, the star of any medieval mode map, and so on
>> No. 10173
Requesting Prince Demoman. In some kind of royal outfit.

I'm surprised being friggin' royalty hasn't been touched on more.
>> No. 10175

I second this request along with him using soldier as a footstool. I want to see Prince Demoman kickin' back in his blinged-out throne, both feet up and resting on the soldier's back.
Demoman MUST have a pretty scepter, too.
>> No. 10179
File 132158417462.jpg - (116.37KB , 1029x717 , MeettheDemoman.jpg )
I definitely approve of this.

I think I am going to make myself draw something, since I haven't in forever. Maybe, after I play Skyrim...
>> No. 10184

I have to wonder if they appreciate his role with explosives enough, though. I mean, compared to how many melee options he has...
>> No. 10185
I hope they do- the Persian Persuader certainly helps if you have one of the Grenade Launchers out, because you get your ammo refilled. It does nothing if you go full melee.
>> No. 10187
I don't think you understand how the Persian Persuader works, it makes it so you can't pick up ammo, it just converts it to health. It's kinda horrible with any non-Demoknight weapons as you can't, you know, get any ammo.
>> No. 10188

Well sometimes I use a grenade launcher with the persuader, but those are at times when I'm sure I'll either be killed long before I run out of ammo, or if the supply cabinet is nearby.
>> No. 10190

Huh. Sorry about that, then. I remember back when it came out, that's what Kritzkast said a perfect strategy with it would be. Maybe I'm getting it confused with something else.
>> No. 10193
File 132168404352.gif - (487.38KB , 400x386 , 769081503_2071385.gif )
I'm so happy this is going over so well! Here - have this sexy me to all of you. <3
>> No. 10194
Also, I feel like I should clarify. I said he was the most underrated member in the GAME, but I meant the most underrated in the FANDOM. I know this is a huge difference, so I thought I'd clarify. How he works in-game has almost no effect of how much (or little) people like him (or not).
>> No. 10196
It's still amazing with a full explosive loadout. The times the health-to-ammo has saved my life is practically countless and the amount of time it takes to run back to a supply cabinet and return to the front lines is usually less time-intensive than dying.
>> No. 10198
I think the thing that bugs me the most about fan-made things involving the demoman focuses on nothing besides his love of booze.

There's a bunch of other facets to his character that never see the light of day.
>> No. 10199
File 132178879919.png - (248.51KB , 434x519 , THIS Spy.png )
>> No. 10200

I couldn't agree more.
>> No. 10209
I do swear that I shall draw Demoman at least once every day of December.

>> No. 10211
It's funny, I didn't know how forgotten this character was at all.
When I discuss him, with my fellow players or clan, he seems to be more than popular, being one of the strongest classes when played right.

So why is it that people forget him?
>> No. 10237
This isn't about gameplay, it's about his persona.
>> No. 10241
File 132188485879.gif - (161.35KB , 256x256 , donny spray 2_0.gif )

Also, I made another one. Thank Donny for allowing me watching helplessly as I beautified his new spray on TF2.
>> No. 10242
There are no words. No. Fucking. Words.
>> No. 10416
File 132245980258.gif - (172.14KB , 280x259 , 748483099_713515.gif )
Bumping because mo' Demo.
>> No. 10417
File 132246058010.gif - (209.10KB , 313x400 , Love Kaboom.gif )
>> No. 10419
File 132249701923.jpg - (206.61KB , 1680x1050 , 1274532282126.jpg )
Dumping Demoman Depictions.
>> No. 10420
File 132249705275.jpg - (172.78KB , 1024x819 , 1275190512750.jpg )
Demomen everywhere.
>> No. 10421
File 132249718149.jpg - (25.13KB , 400x386 , 1308846181588.jpg )
My spray for a while after the Uber update.
>> No. 10422
File 132249723910.jpg - (548.61KB , 783x1000 , 1308702144590.jpg )
>> No. 10423
File 132249730313.png - (30.39KB , 740x608 , 1318406446563.png )
You may think because I'm posting Demoman pictures I like him. I don't. I hate the bastard.
>> No. 10424
File 132249738168.jpg - (53.60KB , 654x413 , 1308484627628.jpg )
>> No. 10425
File 132249743134.png - (96.90KB , 643x627 , 128055355774.png )
As a character though he's one of my favourites.
>> No. 10426
File 13224975379.jpg - (160.57KB , 1440x900 , 1286649239894.jpg )
Just wish Schwartz's Scottish accent wasn't so abysmal it's actually difficult to tell that's what he's aiming for.
>> No. 10427
File 132249761025.png - (567.88KB , 634x2223 , demofairy.png )
Stapled together the Demomen comics from Fanart.
>> No. 10428
File 132249772664.png - (57.00KB , 602x788 , 1300928304499.png )
>> No. 10429
File 132249779729.jpg - (141.48KB , 1023x521 , 1317649250963.jpg )
>> No. 10430
File 132249789087.jpg - (208.49KB , 765x1060 , 02922885427.jpg )
>> No. 10508
File 132273156861.jpg - (64.29KB , 256x256 , DEPV1.jpg )
>> No. 10525
File 132279538773.jpg - (154.19KB , 800x576 , 132277417948.jpg )
I hope there will be more Demospam later on in the month than what I saw today! I am disappoint. /tear
>> No. 10621
File 132314665535.jpg - (60.86KB , 500x500 , First Demoman December.jpg )
I was hoping this would catch on, and was dissapointed that it hadn't. Then I realized I hadn't really DONE anything to show support. So I drew up a quick sketch that I hope to God I'll get the time and energy to complete by the 25th...
First thing I'm doing is fixing his shoulder width and his nose. Well, both their noses, but mostly the living one. Happy Demoman December?
>> No. 10628
Look over at /fanart/, there is more Demoman there!
>> No. 10659
The Killing Floor Twisted Christmas 2011 update (which came out yesterday) included a new Claymore weapon, and the description suggested running around with it and yelling "FREEDOOOMMM" in a terrible Scottish accent.

I think that counts for Democember.
>> No. 10665
demoman invented being scottish rite,
>> No. 10668
File 132345583644.jpg - (87.05KB , 894x894 , tail_5_by_ongru-d4hqk7b.jpg )
Umm, I started two stories in afanfic with him as the POV character. Demo/Soldier (Reconciliation) for one and Demo/Engie (The Glitch) for the other. I'll try and write some more for at least one of those before December is over. Demo's only drunk at the beginning of Reconciliation.

Here is the link if you want. They're buried in there. The Glitch has two parts to it so far.


(Picture seen recently; don't know if anyone has posted it before on the board.)
>> No. 10671
No, but considering the fact that another achievement referenced Medic, I assumed it was a reference to Demoman referencing Highlander, not directly referencing Highlander. Or something.
>> No. 10677
I need to draw some Demo-art this month that isn't just more porn...
>> No. 10680

There is no such thing as too much porn.
>> No. 10684
File 132364684090.jpg - (135.51KB , 965x1186 , tf-demomignola.jpg )

Yeah, but I'm not gonna post porn in this thread. Also, here is some non-porn that I whipped together for the occasion, which I consider doubly fitting as Demoman is a pretty typical Sagittarius- forthright but short-tempered, and with a bad sense of direction.
>> No. 10686
File 132365208673.png - (98.21KB , 400x545 , demo_by_tupuchan-d4ist89.png )
Some more Demo.
Credit goes to tupuchan on deviantart.
>> No. 10687
File 132365416054.jpg - (127.02KB , 727x702 , 131908186042.jpg )
I love you guys. I really do.

Here's some more Demo in case you missed it: INITIATE HUGE DUMP
>> No. 10688
File 132365471991.png - (44.16KB , 125x90 , dem11 [first].png )
First pic made specifically for DEMOCEMBER that I know of. Done by the incredibly talented Viivus.

So I'm thinking this thread could be moved to /dumps/ after, like, the 5th or so.

Also, fics are welcome, post the links to your fics if you made a demofic DO IT
>> No. 10689
File 132365485144.jpg - (309.47KB , 904x657 , dem 4.jpg )
Maybe I shouldn't do stuff like this when high off of lack of sleep.

Lintu. Who is fucking amazing at drawing all classes ever, DAMN THEM.
>> No. 10690
File 132365511026.png - (264.08KB , 770x560 , dem10.png )
More Viivus.

Okay, a joke to keep myself awake in my humming, warm, dim, comfortable home of snuggly and safe.
>> No. 10691
File 132365519662.png - (930.68KB , 795x617 , dem12.png )
Viivus again.

So there was a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead who were going on vacation through the Sahara Desert, right?
>> No. 10692
File 132365546672.jpg - (509.98KB , 1200x971 , 132321944847.jpg )

Each one was told they could bring one item with which to cool down with on the ride. So on the morning of their plane ride, they all met up at the airport to see what the other girls brought with them.
>> No. 10693
File 132365589442.jpg - (358.87KB , 861x774 , dem 5.jpg )
>New Anon

The redhead brought a damp sponge so that if she got hot, she could wipe it across her brow and if she got thirsty, she could squeeze some water in her mouth.
>> No. 10694
File 132365608233.jpg - (610.11KB , 1600x959 , Dem 1.jpg )

The other girls thought this was silly. For one, it wouldn't take very long to dry out. Secondly, if you dropped it, you were fucked because no one wants to drag a filthy sponge over their face. Third, who would want to drink the water that came from the same sponge you were wiping your sweaty armpits with and/or just fucking DROPPED on the ground.
>> No. 10695
File 132365702973.jpg - (275.92KB , 652x758 , dem 2.jpg )

So the chan is fucking with me and keeps saying my files are too big even though I SWEAR most of them are taken from other places on the site, resulting in many, many reposts. Because of this annoyance, I won't be able to show most of the beautimous artworks many made for the express reason of supporting Democember. Sorry guys!

The brunette brought a cooler of icewater and some cups for drinks and the odd splat-in-the-face for those who were feeling overheated.
>> No. 10696
File 132365716482.png - (249.06KB , 617x679 , dem 9.png )

Once again, it was shot down as being stupid, because coolers full of ice water tend to be heavy, and no one was going to lug the huge, stupid thing around with them all the way through the trip.
>> No. 10697
File 132365749855.png - (105.00KB , 420x420 , dem 6.png )

The blonde brought a car door.

The other two were, understandably, bewildered by this, so when they asked why, she laughed and said, "Duh! If we get hot, we can just wind down the window!"

>Canned laughter

>> No. 10705
File 132370523437.png - (42.52KB , 256x256 , disturbed-demoman.png )
Compared to the art boards which allow a maximum file size upload of 2MB, /dis/ only has a maxmium file size upload of 1MB.
>> No. 10707
File 132372072685.jpg - (193.48KB , 1600x900 , cp_manor_event0001.jpg )
i did a thing
>> No. 10812
I fulfilled my promise. Time Ladd is now on the Chan. You'll find it under /fanfic.
>> No. 10833
File 132397970585.jpg - (636.21KB , 1280x1024 , Medieval RPG with Demoman Titlescreen.jpg )
Little announcement!

Just started an RPG game in Gmod, and it's in the spirit of Demoman December! http://tf2chan.net/gmod/res/4601.html

Hope you all get a kick out of it!
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