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File 132187806043.jpg - (45.99KB , 450x450 , hee hee thats silly.jpg )
10240 No. 10240
Whether it just reminds you of a class or the game in general, I don't care :'D

For me it'd be Mr. Pinstripe Suit by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy... GUESS WHY?


The lyrics:

Well now friends let me tell you about this cat that I once met,
Smooth talker with an export cigarette
I don't believe I ever saw him without a cocktail in his hand
and he always swings hard to the big bad voodoo band!

Now he strolls through the city like a big ol' alley cat,
with his pinstripe suit and a big bad voodoo hat
I don't believe I ever saw him without a kitten on his hand
and he always swings hard to the big bad voodoo band!

Hey Mr. pinstripe suit
hey Mr. hi-dee-hi-dee-ho
I know you got the answers
we all wanna know

Mr. wingtip shoes
hey Mr. always on the go
well I know you got the anwers
we all wanna know


Hey Mr. Pinstripe Suit!
hey Mr. hi-dee-hi-dee-ho
well I know you got the answers,
we all wanna know

Mr. wingtip shoes!
Hey Mr. always on the go
well I know you got the anwers
we all wanna know
well I know you got the anwers
we all wanna know
well I know you got the anwers
yea, we all wanna know!

Also, captcha says "Rodriguez cutdog" ... Dude that's fucking terrible.
>> No. 10243
I don't think this thread is saging yet, so please continue using this one!
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