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File 132207814373.png - (49.56KB , 250x250 , 250px-Backpack_Pile_o\'_Gifts.png )
10266 No. 10266
So me and some close friends were thinking of doing this anyways, but I figured, why not bring up the topic with the whole chan? I never got to participate last year but would love to given the opportunity.

How would you go about organizing this? Hope it's not too late. I would be happy to help out any way I can.
Expand all images
>> No. 10271
File 132208019516.jpg - (27.15KB , 251x239 , 10pr312.jpg )
Secret Santa? Secret Santa! I like this plan.

I have no idea how to organize it either but I'd definitely help out should the need arise.
>> No. 10276
I did it last year, it's fun! As I recall it also includes fic as well as art.

You prompt what you want for a gift (like say: I want something with a gunslinger engineer involving chaps, art or fic), and you provide info with what you can do as a gift (fic and/or art, and if you will/won't do adult stuff), then the mod in charge pairs people up accordingly and emails people with their prompts they gotta do. People shoot back emails with their completed gifts to the mod, and they post them on the chan in a special thread revealing both parties.

Basically we just need a mod in charge of receiving the participating people's emails and organizing them into who does what gift for whom. I don't have the time myself, but someone must out there!
>> No. 10277
I would love to participate in this! It sounds like a lot of fun.
>> No. 10278
Technically speaking, I have a lot of time on my hands, so if no one else wants to, I can take responsibility for giving assignments, etc.

If we wanna get this thing started, it should be soon as to allow folks enough time to do something.

We'd also need volunteers for folks to make gifts for folks whose Santas don't make the deadline.
>> No. 10279
File 132209133979.png - (701.14KB , 858x676 , yesss.png )
Oh, great! That would be awesome if you could, Kilo.

But yeah, I would be willing to do either drawing or writing, although I am relatively new at both so I get through them kind of slow.

I could definitely try doing extra though- more practice!
>> No. 10280
I might be willing to give this a shot, depending on the dates we'd need to have things due (Secret santa I participated in once made you fork over everything by the 10th. Crazy.). Could use something to kick my ass into writing some more fic.
>> No. 10281
File 132209276385.jpg - (56.99KB , 250x240 , 2akmq2o.jpg )
I am excite. Seriously, I can't wait to get this show on the road, I only really got to watch Secret Santa last year, never participated.
>> No. 10283
I'm game. Not comfortable with doing straight-up porn, but I'm up for any other kind of story that you'd like.

I could also gift an item in TF2, if you would rather prefer that.
>> No. 10284
Secret Santa 2011, Heck YAH!

I am dead game in, can't wait to warm up the fanfic writing juices after so long from nearly a year long of dealing with real life before fanfiction.
>> No. 10288

Since there has been some interest generated for a Secret Santa, I am going to go ahead and start taking prompts from folks. This will be open until this SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 11:59PM GMT. E-mail me at my chan account (kilomonster@tf2chan.net) with the following information:

Your Fanname:
Are you a Writer/Artist/Both?:
General Audience or Adult?: (Specify whether you are okay with giving and receiving gifts that feature adult content or not, this way I can make sure you don't get something unexpected. Or if there's generally something you just cannot do, just make a note of it here.)
Gift Prompt: (Generally this features one or more TF2 characters doing something of your choice, be it fluff, porn, or what have you. Keep it to canon characters please. Characters like the Adminstrator, Pauling, Hale, Director, etc are included.)
Preference for fiction/art/doesn't matter gift?

Then, sometime on MONDAY, after doing appropriate matchmaking, I will distribute prompts back to everyone, so make sure you use an email that you check often.

Assignments will be due by DECEMBER 24TH, 11:59 PM GMT. If any participants feel that they will not meet this deadline, it's imperative that I'm notified so I can arrange for someone else to do the gift (I imagine I will be fulfilling most of the orphaned giftees prompts since I'm not gonna participate...please don't NOT do your prompt on purpose.) You must send me the fic/picture in your e-mail.

Then some time on Christmas Day, I will post a thread where I will leave everyone's gifts.

If you need me to clarify anything, you can ask here or e-mail me on my chan account.

Now start sending me your requests, maggots!
>> No. 10289

If your request is adult in nature, could you add a non-porny substitute just in case?

This should hopefully keep people from being orphaned from the get go.
>> No. 10296
Sent in mine. I am anxious to see what I get!
>> No. 10297
This sounds like fun! I’m in.

Kilo, do you think it’d be possible to post a temporary sticky-thread with a link here to the top of the art/fic subforums? I only found out there was a Secret Santa thing going on just now because someone mentioned it in the /afanfic/ request thread; I don’t check the non-art/fic boards all that frequently and I’m guessing I’m not the only one who might have overlooked this. The more the merrier, right?

Also, thanks for setting this up!
>> No. 10298
What the hell, I'm game.
>> No. 10299
Thank you for doing this, Kilo!
>> No. 10302
Mine's sent. I can't wait!

Thanks for putting this all together, Kilo!
>> No. 10307
I hope I do a good job at this ! My first time joining in as well.
>> No. 10308
Well, this sounds like a lot of fun. I'm in.
>> No. 10309
I'm in and can't wait.
>> No. 10311
Sent in mine. Let's do this!
>> No. 10314
May I play too?
>> No. 10319
Argh... I wanna do this so bad. But I can only really write fic and I haven't written anything for TF2 in a while and [insert several other insecurities here]
>> No. 10322
Dunno if my skills are up to par, but I'm game.
>> No. 10327
File 132218624715.jpg - (10.92KB , 119x121 , 12713153965.jpg )
Oh guys, please don't worry about stuff like that. I have only done one other digital pic with my new little $60 tablet. My writing is well...my writing.

I just figure this to be a great way to practice and have fun.
>> No. 10328
Sent you my info, Kilo. My only real concern is that, if I end up getting a fic request (because I said I could do fic as well as art), I might get carried away and take too long with it. I'll do my best not to, though...

Can't wait to see what I get assigned.
>> No. 10331
Just sent mine. Be prepared to receive some awesome not really that awesome.
>> No. 10332
A lot of the writers were asking about the length of gifts. You guys can weigh in on this yourselves, but I'd say that the goal would be somewhere around 1000 words? Does that sound reasonable to you? Of course you guys wouldn't be lynched for going under or over, but I think that's the general ball park you may be looking at here. I like the mantra of "Quality over Quantity" in this instance.

As far as artists go, the goal is to have something that looks finished, I think. That doesn't necessarily mean it has to be colored, but it just as to look done. Hopefully 3 weeks and some change will be enough time for that. I'll probably send out an e-mail at the half way point to gauge how people are doing on their assignments.
>> No. 10334

Well, gee, this makes the prompt I sent seem like it's asking too much. What do? :(
>> No. 10336
I think it's fine, really. Depending on the writer, they might not get super in depth about certain things if they go with just the general premise, but I think it's very much possible to be in the range of 1000-2000 words. No need to change it. It's cool, dawg.
>> No. 10338
>>10336 Oh that is a relief !! I was also wondering, it it possible to change my request for a gift? I gota much better idea last night !!
>> No. 10339
Awesome. I'm in.
>> No. 10342
If you wanna change your request, you have until Sunday to get it in to me. Once the deadline passes, you'll be stuck with what you first submitted.

Just at a glance of submissions so far, there is a higher ratio of writers to artists, so I may not be able to do much about those preferring art gifts than fic gifts. Just as a heads up.

Otherwise it's looking to be a great turn out. Hopefully more artists will crop up toward the deadline.
>> No. 10347
Yes I am doing this again! I really enjoyed last year, my gift still sends me into fits of giggles every time I see it (thank you ApricotSpot you are amazing).
>> No. 10348
I am excited and nervous to see what I get. I hope I can do it some justice. :|
>> No. 10357
I'm interested in joining in, moreso for the drawing someone else something part than the receiving, but I'm a bit shy to namefag.
>> No. 10360

There's been a few Anons who have joined by putting down "Anonymous" as their Fanname. That doesn't stop me from having your e-mail, but I won't be sharing it with anyone else, so you are more than welcome to join.
>> No. 10361
Was nervous about signing up for this, but I did anyway. I just hope I have enough time to do a good job on it and get it done on time.
>> No. 10363
This is going to be so much fun.

I feel sorry for the poor sap who gets my request.
>> No. 10364
File 132228101338.jpg - (40.32KB , 406x379 , 129064142636.jpg )
You can do it! I believe in you!

We ought to use this thread as means of encouragement during our "work period" on our gifts without spoiling things, etc.
>> No. 10365
I entered it and I hope I get something debauched.
>> No. 10366
Did it last year, it was the most fun. Thanks a ton for doing this, Kilo!
>> No. 10367
Also you said only canon characters: so fems are no good?
>> No. 10368
I think it should be up to the Giftee if they want a genderbend. I think the canon-only thing is just so we don't get OC's up the wazoo.

But don't quote me on it. I may be completely wrong.
>> No. 10370

If they are straight up genderbends (same core character, just with tits), I don't think there would be much of a problem, but they do tread on that fine line of OC territory, so it would really depend on how fems are handled. Giftees could ask for it if that's what they really really want and the small selection of canon TF2 ladies don't really do anything for ya.
>> No. 10372
Question. Are Tentaspy, Harpy Medic, Sewer Medic, Christian brutal Sniper or any similar Characters strictly OCs? And yes I realize there is a difference between half archosaur/cephalopod characters who act like themselves in that form and YouTube fad creations with mental differences, like christian.

>> No. 10379
I think I can do this! Maybe this can get me back in the spunk for writing again!
>> No. 10380
I’m starting to wonder if the number one wish list item this year is crack pairings? I’m really not sure if I could do those justice, and I’d hate to make a half-assery out of this. But I’d also hate to be a super picky participant and give Kilo a hard time finding a gift request I can do.

So I’m just going to let you all know that I’m taking the coward’s way out. I’m willing to write any kink, any pairing, but if I get fem!Saxton Hale/Harpy Medic they’ll both turn out to be Spies in the end. That’s my cop-out and I’m sticking to it! Sorry in advance.
>> No. 10382
I, too, would love an answer to this. ASAP.
>> No. 10384
"fem!Saxton Hale/Harpy Medic"
Someone needs to ask for this now.
>> No. 10385

I think it would be okay to request characters such as TentaSpy, Vagineer, Painis Cupcake, or Engibees. They're a meme more than OCs. I would probably say no to things like Harpy Medic or CrocoSniper because they aren't widespread fandom memes and they're getting into that dubious "furry" territory that's against chan rules.

As with any crack requests, do understand that you run the risk of your Santa not knowing what the hell to do with it (Or even not being familiar with the meme in depth). So just be reasonable or offer safer alternatives since who will fill your request is decided at random.
>> No. 10389
yay! I just sent mine. I don't know why I'm feeling very nervous, probably just because I've never participated in an art trade before. Anyways, I can't wait to see the results of this!
>> No. 10391
I'm in too. With whatever, it's all good with me.
>> No. 10392
Awright, thanks broski!
>> No. 10404
I sent you a second email with a non-porny substitute to add to mine (just in case), as I forgot in my original one. This shall be awesome!
>> No. 10431
I'm going to guess/assume that the assignments will go out later this evening because if I don't, I'm going to be checking my email every ten minutes going "IS IT HERE YET?". Am I right in this?
>> No. 10432
To give you an idea, it's still morning where I'm at, and I'm hoping to have everyone matched up by early afternoon, so that's a few hours from now. I am having to do some things inbetween so I can't give a solid time slot.
>> No. 10433
File 132252047519.jpg - (55.56KB , 465x700 , memes-we-ride-at-dawn.jpg )
Just got my request and the nerves are setting in, but here I come, photoshop...

>> No. 10434
Most of the requests are out, but I still have a handful that I need to send out this evening, so if you haven't gotten anything yet, don't worry, I'm still working on it. I just need a little break from the computer.
>> No. 10435
Just checked my email and saw my assignment. This will be interesting. Can't wait to get started on it. :)
>> No. 10437
Got my assignment today. OH JEEBUS. SO NERVOUS HOW DOES I FLUFF
>> No. 10439
I just got mine too.

I have much evil plotting ahead of me. Glorious tears will be shed.
>> No. 10440
Pleased as punch. I probably would have never written this myself if not directly prompted, but I'm glad I was. So many ideas already.
>> No. 10441
File 132253582421.jpg - (26.84KB , 450x299 , soManyDamnCandles.jpg )
Gotta say, I would never have chosen to think about what was given to me. But I think I have something in store. Already got a title and theme in store, at any rate. Hell, might even end up as a parody, of all things.

<- Hint.
>> No. 10442
File 132253816014.jpg - (47.15KB , 520x600 , dudley_merendando_5295.jpg )
I'm kind of amused with mine. I'm going to have to plan though. Hrmmmm.
>> No. 10443
File 132253922437.jpg - (251.19KB , 461x340 , 1321844356785.jpg )
Mine is...oh lord. I'm ashamed to say its not something I have not entertained in my own mind and I'm shocked somebody else out there has the same thing on their foul, perverted mind.

I just really hope I don't disappoint you, whoever you are.
>> No. 10445
Hey Kilo, can you ask the person I got if they wanted their prompt adult or not, I am confused if they wanted to go that far or not as there was never any indication of their request adult or not.
>> No. 10446
I'm pretty sure your Giftee does not care either way, since they did not specify. If they do not specify, then there isn't any expectation for it to be adult if you're not comfortable with it.

I can say that for you specifically, the Giftee would not mind either fluff or porn.
>> No. 10447
Yessssssssss; love this year's prompt, whoever you are giftee, this will be such a pleasure.
>> No. 10448
Got my prompt. This'll be fun to write. Hope you end up liking it, Giftee.
>> No. 10459
My prompt is fun but I find myself intimidated by accuracy and stuff.

I hope my giftee likes it.
>> No. 10465
Should I be concerned if I haven't gotten the prompt yet?
>> No. 10466
File 13226364002.gif - (359.06KB , 500x212 , tumblr_linwcusiq51qdxh0p.gif )
I planned not to get out of bed today. Then I remembered I had this to do. This is probably a good thing.

Gif related.
>> No. 10475
Well, my records show I have an assignment for you. I haven't been able to get into my chan e-mail for a couple days now so, if you leave an e-mail in your next comment, I can send it to you (again?).
>> No. 10476
I'm confused on how this works. Sadforever.
>> No. 10477
Double check your junk box, too. Kilo's email went straight into mine for some reason.

What exactly are you confused about?
>> No. 10479

If we are participating or not.
>> No. 10485
Aha! Thanks Kilo and Iz, I found it in the junk box. Time to get cracking!
>> No. 10494
Did you submit a prompt and receive one?
>> No. 10498

No and no? I said I was game to give something. I don't want anything in return though...
>> No. 10499
Awwww maaaaan I came in late! Is there still a chance I can help out at least?
>> No. 10503
Well, you should contact Kilo anyways. I know they wanted people to be backups, in case some people don't finish their prompts.
>> No. 10538
Thought I might ask - Ill probably want a beta to quick check this when I have it done. Is there a way of getting that done without ruining the surprise? Also, gotten carried away... a little... really really enjoying my prompt
>> No. 10539
You'd want to find a beta who isn't participating in the Secret Santa, so you may want to ask around.
>> No. 10581
I missed the sign-up date on account of thinking that I didn't think I'd have enough time to do something like this, but now I think I WILL have time. So if somebody drops out/flakes out/doesn't get theirs done I volunteer as an alternate artist.
>> No. 10596
Oh! I forgot to say, among everyone else who has, that I would love to backup(write). I don't know how many people can't get their request done in time but I am nearly done with mine anyways. (Just working on a... 'bonus' scene.)
>> No. 10613
Excuse me, but can I ask a question, please?
If someone wants to get a present, then does he/she have to make a gift for other person who wants a present??

And..if not, then can I just send a mail which is written just what I hope to get to kilo??
>> No. 10615
In order to get a gift, you have to give. You can't get something for nothing. This is irrelevant though because assignments are out already. I'm not taking any new prompts.
>> No. 10622
File 132317129228.png - (836.71KB , 1105x943 , IN_HELL.png )
Oh god, these face angles/perspectives are killing me, especially with demo's super-angular jaw. At this point I have screen capped several pictures from the "meet the" video. Hopefully I can wrap my head around all this.

How are you guys doing?
>> No. 10623
*Pats at your face* You poor cunt. I should distract you with more awful Tentaspy RPs.
I'm finding myself skipping writing a lot, but I've already got over 700 words down so I think I'll be fine by the set date.
>> No. 10624
I'm up to eleven pages. Expect to land somewhere between 15 and 20 by the end. Still no title yet, though.

Are we allowed to post these to the chan once this is over? Because as it goes on, I'm growing more and more proud of this story.
>> No. 10627
Holy cow Iz! YOU GO YOU!

As for me on a wee update, kinda hit a small snag as where I want to with it the story before the big scene. I don't want to say writer's block is back to bite my ass but I could use some words of encouragement here and there. Kinda like a writer's cattle prong to kick start me back up, I don't want to fail this!
>> No. 10636
File 132323251350.png - (76.04KB , 220x238 , 131537615798.png )

captcha: lowermost handlif
>> No. 10637
Up to 2,908 words. Estimating to end around 3700-4000 words. My prompter wanted fluff, but I feel the need to sandwich the fluff with two crispy action-packed cookies. I could probably just release the fluff, but I don't think it's as interesting without some context.

Been watching a lot of matches for the setting so I can kind of know what I'm writing about. I like the map, but I am not found of the game type on it, so I struggle a little bit when playing it. I had to program the nav for the map as well, since there was no bot support for it. That has resulted in some hilarious tactics and shenanigans from the bots.

>>10624 Liking that confidence. Keep it up!

>>10627 You've got my Steam ID if you need to pitch ideas off somebody. You've still got two and a half weeks. Just relax. If nothing else, write something else for a while, then come back. Might help kick-start your brain.
>> No. 10638
Dear Giftee, I'm sorry but I have probably taken your wonderful prompt and smashed it into little ugly pieces. I'm trying. I really, really am but I'm hating everything I've created. I've tried to pen you an epic. I've tried to paint your vision. I even tried composing a rock ballad. I don't know why but I think it's all coming out terribruu.

Which brings me to a question: if we have managed to express our giftee's prompt in a number of ways, can we send them all or can we only send one?
>> No. 10639
Seeing so many people flail at the concept, I’m feeling kind of bad about requesting fluff for my gift. Especially considering the pairing. It feels a bit like trolling, but I actually genuinely want to see it because it’s so rare. Sorry, whoever is stuck with my prompt!
>> No. 10640
File 132324997276.png - (21.20KB , 124x150 , avatar30250_7_gif.png )
You're all just making me weep now.
I must rectify this.

Pic quite possibly related.
>> No. 10641
The first draft came in around 1800 words, and it's since been sent off to the beta. It needs some more work, so I'll give it a couple of days to get a fresher perspective on the parts giving me trouble.
>> No. 10642

You're not alone, at least. What with finals work going on for me, I haven't put together anything for my prompt yet. :( That should change by this weekend, though.
>> No. 10643
Oh yeah, I should mention: Please don't post your entries yourselves. The gifts are supposed to be given on Christmas Day. Don't jump the gun.

Also, it's preferable that you only submit one gift. Most people will only get one gift, and it doesn't seem fair to them if a few people get multiple gifts, honestly. Quality over Quantity is what we're aiming for.
>> No. 10644
So the anonymity thing. Are we to never ever reveal who wrote what? Or can we if they ask, or...what's the deal? I just want to know.
>> No. 10645

Last year, people had to reveal themselves as the authors/artists of a gift. Is it going to be bothersome to be Anonymous until you reveal yourself, because technically no one knows who they're writing for either.
>> No. 10647
No, I just wanted to know if I could reveal myself after it's over.
>> No. 10654
File 132337478353.png - (792.47KB , 1024x623 , 1322948469899.png )
Do you have any idea how much pig disgusting pornography I had to look at for reference for this thing?

So. Much.

You'd better like this.
>> No. 10657
Haha. I did too. Honestly, I searched and searched for a very particular website I once saw posted to the chan. Took me 40 minutes to finally find it, and then another hour on the site itself, doing research.

Also, remember how there was that whole 'well, about 1000 words should do it'?
Haha. Up to 6k.

....I think I got a bit carried away.
>> No. 10658
Well, Im off to visit your mother, as Kilo has my story. 4k words (or round about). Hell, I don't think I start my prompt in nearly 1k words. I don't think I should sit on it any longer, since it will just get longer. And longer. And longer. I feel I did my prompt justice, but I should've done more. It feels good, but not as cohesive as it could be.

Look at me review my own crap right there... And there is no sexy times, no implied homosexuality, no gore... oh god I nearly died.

Anywho, thank you for the op again there guys for some fun, clean writing! And I hope my SSer loves it as much as I do. Cause seriously? Best prompt ever.
>> No. 10661
Look at you, braggin' away! Might have to send you a raspberry or two.

I clocked in at 4,238 words. So, pretty close to my estimate. I hope that's long enough. Think I needed to say all that had to be said. I think I may have gone in the opposite direction of the prompt once, but it comes back to being what they requested.

I don't think I'll write something like that again, but it was a good experience to have. (If we wish to quantify it, the event would be worth 4,238 experience points.) Being pushed out of my comfort zone helped me to think about what could be there. That's one of the fantastic things about this fandom. You could take any two characters and create some kind of comedic/dramatic foil.

If there's any way I can help you all, let me know. I'll be off in the corner writing a Demoman December contribution.
>> No. 10662
People are up to 6k and 4k and I... haven't even started yet. Oh well, I'm known for writing things in a day and having them turn out gold. Got a long bus ride ahead of me on the weekend, hoping to knock a ton of it out there.
>> No. 10666
18 pages. Nearly 8k works.

I am beaming with pride. Now I just have to proofread it. Oh lord. So happy it turned out so well. I hope my giftee likes it too.
>> No. 10667

Same here Stubs, though I can't say I come up with gold. I didn't expect to struggle as much, since I was given such free reign, but I guess I do better with more specific ideas. As such, I've mostly been planning and still haven't put anything concrete down. But I have plenty of time and I wanted to try and keep it short anyway (since I have a bad habit of not finishing anything that goes beyond a handful of paragraphs.) I'm still not entirely satisfied with the ideas I have. Eh.
>> No. 10669
800 words so far.

I'll admit I'm jealous of you 8k and 4k people.
>> No. 10672
Wow, there are a lot of writers! Not sure how to compare how much I have gotten done, since I am drawing, but the basic sketch is finished and I worked on their faces a good bit.

What I am really nervous about is how to color this, since I have only ever colored a picture with photoshop once before. Here's hoping this time around it will be better!
>> No. 10674
Now I don't feel so lame for having hurried up and completed my contribution to this mess.
>> No. 10676
Oh man, I'm so excited to read/see what everyone else has come up with. I'm only at about 3,000 words right now, but now that I'm done with my classes for the semester, I expect to get it up to 8,000 before it's finished.

My poor beta is going to kill me when she realizes what exactly I'm writing about. I actually feel bad for her.
>> No. 10678
Oh dear, seeing how many words everyone has... I am reaching the end of my prompt, but I only have about 2k words. I hope the prompter will be able to enjoy it none the less.
>> No. 10679
Quality, not quantity, my friend. That's what's important.
>> No. 10681
Lets be honest, the most beautiful stuff can be 40 words, and you can get derp with 4k words. Like, if it was for me, I wouldn't care if it was tiny or huge or bad or excellent, its more about the effort that is put into it. The fact that someone put everything into it and made something with their prompt, would make me (personally) happier than anything else.
>> No. 10702
In between full time work, Christmas shopping, and socialising, I'm going to get this done.

I'm going to get this done.
>> No. 10704
File 132370460616.jpg - (59.32KB , 303x400 , WeCanDoItPoster[1].jpg )
You will!

Also dear giftee: digital coloring is failing because this is the...third time I've tried to do it. So you are forcing my hand.

Even though it goes against the grain here, pig disgusting traditional art ahoy.
>> No. 10777
So how does this work? You buy the gift, and then you are in the club, if you use it on the server this thread is hosting?
>> No. 10784

Please invest the time in reading the whole thread before you post. You'd realize you have no business being in this thread at this point.
>> No. 10820
Everything hurts and nothing is intelligence.

On a terrifying side note I have only done about three days of writing out of the time given, and I keep putting it off.
Someone please give me a hard kick in the balls and tell my RP partner to stop being so distracting.

I'm going to bed now ugh.

>> No. 10832
What is this...I don't even know what-! Where did you get that weird idea?

I am about finished with my Secret Present, but I am VERY nervous! I hope the 24th of December comes quickly so I can stop worrying! Haha !
>> No. 10835
Everyone, everything I own has been hacked. This includes my Gmail, my steam account and my backup email. I am attempting to reclaim it, but since my writing is in google docs and I have neglected to back it up I may not make it for Christmas.

I need to get my steam back, badly, so that is first priority and not my writing.

I'm very sorry. Please forgive me.
>> No. 10857
Posted earlier, thought I'd throw this out again
Selling everything on pages 4 and 5. Also uncrated a festive medigun earlier, I'll trade it for whatever the best offer I get is.
>> No. 10865

I think the picture of the Secret Saxton gifts on the top combined with a reluctance to read the thread is how they came to this conclusion.
>> No. 10891
I sent out a reminder e-mail since where coming up to a week before the deadline. Those still working on their gifts should assess whether or not they feel they will finish within that timeframe so I can get some subs in if needed. be sure you are checking your spam folders just in case. Thanks guys, I appreciate your cooperation.
>> No. 10893
File 132408659757.jpg - (322.81KB , 1280x1024 , Trollaugh Demo.jpg )
I'm pretty positive I can finish mine. I will do my best to make it look good!
>> No. 10895
File 132408821880.png - (93.37KB , 200x194 , 131183769627.png )
>Spend days trying to ignore the existence and deadline of SS to save sanity

>Eventually get fed up with the avoidance - spends hours trying to brain-storm ideas about how to make it work

>Spends ten minutes staring at a blank word document

>Distracted by shiny internet

>Gets only a few hundred words done

>Ultimately decides to delete it all

>Depression / Anxiety strikes

>Rinse and repeat

Guys, I don't think I'm going to make it... ;; If I still don't have anything good by Sunday, I'll just let Kilo know I wasn't able to pull my shit together and just get booted out of the whole thing.
>> No. 10899
Since I have my required one finished, I'm willing to be a sub.
>> No. 10902
Finished mine. Part of me hates myself, but I finished it, and hope my giftee loves it.

I'm willing to be a fic sub if one is needed, but I'd need to know pretty quick. Takes me a few days to get stuff together.
>> No. 10904
Ditto on subbing in for somebody. I can't do anything too big, but I could probably push out another 3,000-4,000 words.

If anyone needs help--feel free to e-mail me. I can beta or brainstorm with you.
>> No. 10909
Still hanging in there, should be ready for that massive boom of writing like a madman over the weekend to finish up my SS. Gonna be a tad difficult in the plot path but I think I can get creative and figure some things out.
>> No. 10915
Deanoning for this post to say that I feel really bad about requesting fluff since everybody is apparently struggling with it. This must be the only fandom on the internet where authors can churn out grisly guro by the metres and be totally stumped by a request for non-hate/death/tentacle/rape sex. I don't know if you're my Secret Santa, TwoRefined, but either way, I’m sorry for the trouble I've put whoever got my request through.

My own writing was temporarily delayed by a visit abroad (I got to derp around the Berliner Medizinhistorische Museum, though, which was an education and a huge source of inspiration for future fics) but I am now back on track and hope to finish within a few days, definitely before the deadline. This won’t be my longest fic ever, but I hope my giftee will enjoy it even so.

Right now I’m just trying to figure out how to get Smissmas fitted in... Damn Valve for retconning my plot a week before the deadline!
>> No. 10919
File 132415233153.jpg - (124.79KB , 455x453 , sad1e.jpg )

I'm fairly certain that I can finish mine in time. It won't be pretty and it'll be short and without a beta but it'll happen.


Awww, TwoRefined. I've been having mostly that same problem. I wish I could help but I have confidence in you...? Even if not, you tried.


I requested fluff too and I'll feel bad if that ruined things for someone else.

I have the opposite problem with what I'm writing, oddly enough. I'm having trouble mustering the the energy to write it because 1) I have chosen the most depressing fucking idea and trying to go light hearted didn't work and 2) I tried randomizing lists of stuff to get something to click but most of the urge to write porn ain't there for some reason. All I seem to want to do is write about sad, whiny mercenaries... D:
>> No. 10922
On page six of this prompt and I should have this finished in time.
>> No. 10923
File 132416181675.png - (420.23KB , 435x651 , wirklisch.png )
It's okay guys, you aren't the only ones hitting problems. I am determined to get this to my SS one way or another though.

On that note, I sent you an e-mail about my little problem, Kilo.
>> No. 10925
Mine will be done, but probably not until a day before it's due. The whole project just sorta... exploded in my face. In the best way possible. I've had writer's block since June and this SS has totally renewed my muse.
>> No. 10928

Hey TwoRefined, keep your chin up. I got fluff too, and it's been owning me. In the end I had to resort to one of the most cliched plot devices in the history of fanfiction. I hope I don't disappoint my giftee with the unoriginality of it.
>> No. 10945
Well, if anyone gets too stuck, throw a Mael an Email and he'll help ya out! Promise!
>> No. 10950
File 132444676654.jpg - (24.96KB , 350x525 , fonzie.jpg )
Who's got two thumbs and just finished their Secret Santa?

It's me.
>> No. 10962
File 132450201174.png - (545.62KB , 1024x1024 , Gamemode_payload.png )
I... I did it! Finally. And I hit a little over 5K. Ummm... I dearly need a beta reader. I tried something a little different and I worry that it's a horrible mess. If I don't get one in time, I'll go ahead and send it off to Kilo.

Anyone willing to help with that?
>> No. 10963
I'm willing to beta for anybody who needs it. Email's in the field.
>> No. 10965
I've redone my piece so many times I've lost count and this time I'm taking a more time consuming approach than any of the previous ones. Damn OCD.
>> No. 10969
I’m just about done; I’ll take a break now and give my fic the last look-over tomorrow.

Kilo, can I send you a .doc? I have some punctuation which probably won’t work on the forum if it’s been passed through a mail and not copy-pasted directly from a Word document.

Also, do we need to include some sort of header/author's note with the giftee's prompt?
>> No. 10971
I can take .doc and .docx files no problem. Author's notes only if you want to.
>> No. 10975
How about .rtf?
>> No. 10976
.rtf is acceptable as well. So are plain old .txt docs. I got ya guys covered.
>> No. 10983
What how did you guys know I had fluff I never said I had fluff.

I mean, I DID have fluff, it's just that I never assumed that was the problem keeping me from writing. Breaking Point most certainly isn't a fluffy fic, but I haven't touched it for months. I couldn't even do anything for Demoman December WHICH I STARTED.

So, yeah. I dropped out of Secret Santa a few days ago, but the requester can rest knowing it wasn't their request - just a case of the dreaded writer's block.
>> No. 10984
As of this posting, 32 out of 51 participants still need to get their gifts in. I've had a rush of entries come in the last 24 hours, so here's hoping the rest of them will come in the next. I won't be posting gifts on the boards until what will probably be mid-day Pacific Standard Time, but that is the absolute latest. to turn it in.
>> No. 10985
We’re psychic.

Naw, actually you mentioned your fluffy woes in your second post, >10437, that’s how I knew. I’m sorry to hear about your dropping out, but I understand the frustrations of writer’s block. I hope it’ll pass soon! Breaking Point is one of my favourite stories on the ‘chan and I’d love to see it continued when you’re feeling up to it.

I’m reading through my own fic right now and headdesking at the quality of it; I think I’ll keep obsessively tweaking it again and again until I end up with the same crap I started with and then run out of time and be forced to submit it. Tomorrow. Oh god.
>> No. 10986

I think they presumed as much, based on the amount of people having trouble with it, and they ended up being correct.

I am going to karate chop your writer's block. Like so! Hyah! Owwwwwwww... my hand!


I just sent mine in. Wheee! But you know that...

I will be eagerly anticipating the postings so hard. I'm going to be sad if we don't get at least half of the entries submitted in time.
>> No. 10987
Just to be totally 100% on the safe side, what exactly is the deadline? Is it still midnight between the 24th and 25th, GMT? I.e. 27½ hours from now?

American time zones are confusing to me.
>> No. 10988
Yeah the official deadline is like 27 hours from now. But you guys probably have another 12 hours after that before I start posting all the gifts.
>> No. 10989
Just so I'm sure, you got mine, right? My email is sometimes a bitch, so I worry.
>> No. 10990
I am absolutely beyond excited for seeing the secret Santas posted.
>> No. 10991
I have such a dangerously adorbs idea for mine <3 It'll be sent in tomorrow at this rate (on time but I was shooting for Friday evening) but it'll be worth it! I love this whole secret Santa thing.
>> No. 10992
Yup, I got yours. I'd post a list of folks who have been received, but then I got the feeling that that sort of thing shouldn't be public.
If there are any problems, you'll know by tomorrow. I don't have the time presently to write confirmation e-mails to everyone.
>> No. 10995
Beyond excited.
>> No. 10996
Oh Mah Gawd! Writing mine was like pulling teeth, but I did it! I did it.

I had to squeeze in half an hour of writing every night because I seriously had no time. I got there in the end. Now I'm excited to see what everyone else has come up with.
>> No. 10998
Kay, good. Thank you.
>> No. 10999
Hey guys guess what?


Just about finishing up my prompt, should be ready by tomorrow afternoon.
>> No. 11002
I'm tired. It is done. It is sent. I am going the fuck back to bed
>> No. 11003
I hope my giftee is okay with what I got here for them. I wish I would've colored it though like I promised!! Hmm...
>> No. 11004
Checking in to say that I should have mine sent in by the afternoon. Please let me know if you need it sooner, though.
>> No. 11005
Hey Kilo, Did ya get my email? I sent it late last night so I don't have any clue if it went threw or not. (Was Half asleep.)
>> No. 11006

Same thing for me :3 I only really need to scan it and toy with it in photoshop a little bit.
>> No. 11007
Yup, it was received.
>> No. 11013
File 132476067698.jpg - (15.52KB , 220x251 , 128077772293.jpg )
Oh God... I just sent mine. URGHH.

Ah well. I can't wait 'till tomorrow!
>> No. 11014
I hope you got my picture, too.
I had to leave in a rush, sadly, and so I don't know if I copied you the link correctly. Please say yes!
>> No. 11015
It's Christmas Day for me, and I'm impatiently waiting for you non-Australians.
>> No. 11016
I am still working out the minor things on my story, but the big lines are finished.

30 minutes until my deadline!
>> No. 11017
I am having some wifi issues (posting from my phone now) and might cross the deadline before finding a decent connection for my laptop. I'll have my story to you before the 12-hour extension, Kilo! I apologise for the inconvenience.
>> No. 11018
Done and dusted.

I hope you like it, Giftee. We'll see tomorrow.
>> No. 11019
My beta is still reading over my fic, but once I get it back, I'll give it one final look over before sending it in. I just hope it doesn't suck too much. Bah.
>> No. 11020
Despite so many complications it's not even funny, got mine sent it at 7:40pm Christmas eve. Pretty sure that makes me a boss. 1754 words. Merry Christmas, giftee!
>> No. 11021
So close. Finishing touches have been taking quite a bit longer than expected. But SO CLOSE.

As an aside note, accurate feathers are a bitch to do.
>> No. 11022
Aaaand sent. Please let me know if you don't get it for some reason, Kilo.
>> No. 11023
My beta just e-mailed me. She liked it, so I'm gonna take this as a good omen and look over her changes now. Give or take two hours, I'll send it in.

I hope my giftee diesn't hate it.
>> No. 11024
Mine is done and sent!
>> No. 11025
e-mail sent and ready to receive this year's giftee!

I had a blast working on this, hope everyone who participated got some enjoyment out of it (also liked how we managed to get a month out of this instead of a week, but regardless, the fun is in the creation!)
>> No. 11027
There are 4 people who have failed to correspond with me regarding their gifts. If I don't get e-mails from these people in the next 12 hours, I may have to resort to some disciplinary action such as temp bans for failure to follow the activity rules.

Those of you that have told me you are working the midnight oil on your gifts are fine. Also those who have had technical difficulties with submitting your files. You guys are okay too. Just try to get them in as soon as possible.

I gotta get some sleep, and I'm sure my family will hold a lot of my attention during the day, but I will do my best to get all your gifts up within the next 12 hours or so.
>> No. 11029
It's six thirty seven in the morning where I live, and I just finished reading through my story. All twenty-one fucking pages of it. Fuck, I need to sleep. I'm sending it now as it is. It should be fine, but I know I'm still going to find errors once I go back to edit and post it to my fanfiction.net account. I just hope my giftee likes it. A lot of hard work went into this bugger.

I feel like my intro is really strong and that I ended it really weak, but screw it. I'll fix it after Christmas and give my giftee a link to a revised version if they want it.

Good morning, and good night.
>> No. 11030
Regarding my technical difficulties, I can't resolve them at the moment because I have to stay at my mom's until the 27th at the earliest. I don't have access to my PC and internet is sporadic so there's nothing I can do earlier.

Shit, I'm so sorry, but there's honestly nothing I can do from here. Jesus Christ ... Poor giftee has to wait for my subpar art. I really can't apologize enough!
Giftee, whoever you are, you rock and would deserve your present earlier. I hope you will like it a bit once you get it and that you still have an awesome Christmas!
>> No. 11036
I can't wait for the gifts to be posted... how is this typically done? Kilo, are you going to need help putting them up, or... ?
>> No. 11059
I don't know about you guys, but I'm more excited about my giftee liking their present than receiving one myself. 'Tis the season I suppose.
>> No. 11064
Ooooh, I'm so excited! I know the thread is up but Kilo is still posting in it. I'm probably more excited to have mine posted and find out if my gift was okay. I know Kilo said to be nice to the gift-givers in the first post and that makes perfect sense but I still worry. I really hope I didn't disappoint them, considering my prompt was so open-ended. :Oc

I won't lie; I am also excited to see if I got something. But I think I could deal with not getting anything more easily than if I ruined someone's Christmas by not quite giving them what they expected.
>> No. 11069

Oh, gosh, I'm worried about whether my giftee likes what I put together, too. I'm totally okay with going back and fiddling around with my submission some more; after viewing it again, I'm pretty sure I could still do a bunch to improve it. Aaack!
>> No. 11072
Hey, I sent my gift in last night, I'm hoping it was received by you, Kilo. :)
>> No. 11075
There hasn't been a notice yet (I think) but I was planning to throw a celebratory party sometime tomorrow because you all rock. It will be on either the mantrain or the caboose and there shall be MANY PRESENTS GIVEN! Hopefully you guys can make it!
>> No. 11081
I hope I lived up to your expectations, Banimal, and I hope you enjoy it.
>> No. 11082
Okay, dunno who did my SS, but I just want you all to know that I flailed with delight, and I yearn for more. Your Scouts are very well-written. Took me a bit to get past the 'Youse guys' accent, but once I did, I absolutely loved it.
>> No. 11083
It's taking longer to get these fics posted than I anticipated. Taking another break for now guys. I'd send files to someone else to take care of if I wasn't getting some conflicting info that needs sorted out before I proceed. I'm sorry for the delay.
>> No. 11084
I hope I did well on your gift Anna The Cat Detective.
>> No. 11096
Aw, just what I asked for!

Man, there is a lot of CUTE stuff in both the fic and art threads already! I'm on tenterhooks waiting for my efforts to be posted/seen by my giftee, but in the meantime, I sure am loving getting to see my gift, not to mention the other things that have already gone up!

Merry Christmas, everyone!
>> No. 11097
File 132487380942.png - (689.16KB , 640x1132 , 129098098653.png )
AH! I just read my gift and.. oh god.


They were completely in character and Demo was just done so well. But now I want to read more...gah. SS I have no idea who you are but I think I love you.

Seriously guys, best Christmas ever for me.
>> No. 11101
Whoever did my gift, I just want you to know that you totally made my evening.
I literally grinned when I saw which prompt you did. I didn't think anyone would actually do that one due to how obscure and far-fetched the idea was, but you managed to make it work beautifully. Thank you so much!
Brb, fangirling forever.
>> No. 11102
I feel really stupid, because i'm sure its very obvious, but where is the secret santa art thread? I've looked in both boards and I haven't found it.
>> No. 11103
Yep. Disregard this. I am a moron.
>> No. 11107
File 132489158067.png - (60.74KB , 180x186 , 13107543631.png )
Holy Hell!! Whoever created mine, sir, you deserve medals! It was perfect. It was everything I wanted. You made my night! I giggled the whole time. No, seriously, your characters were perfect. It was everything I asked for and more! I feel like I need to bake you something now. Or have your babies, depending on whatever the postal service will accept these days.
>> No. 11108

Iz, you are a champion. You went above and beyond the call of duty. I read it twice. I'm so happy you went to the effort you did, because I was worried that my gift giver wouldn't want to make it sexual. But hurray! It's %100 sexy awesome. Unf! It's just a shame we never got to see what happened to Engie.

It's funny, because I asked for exactly the opposite what I had to write. It was still fun though.
>> No. 11109
Lady Shockbox, I hope you enjoyed the fic. If I can change it in any way please let me know.
>> No. 11110
Thank you so much, my fic person. You made me something I wouldn't expect. And as such, I would like ro say that I adored it, and shower more praise on you. Thank you so much!

And to Kino and Cheese, I hope I fufilled your prompts to your satisfaction. If you want me to do it again, didn't get what you wanted or whatever, please drop me a line. I am happy to revisit these again so you get the most ultimate Christmas.

Typed on phone. Sorry for mistakes
>> No. 11113
You are welcome. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! It was new territory for me, so it was a fun and interesting prompt. (Sorry about the mystery--forgot to sign it.)

Make yourself a batch of cookies and enjoy them. Kids are expensive, so I wouldn't worry about producing them.
>> No. 11120
I'm so happy you liked it, really I am. I had a lot of fun writing this. I only cut it where I did simply because I felt like I had drawn it out too much already.

I definitely think I'm gonna write more smut, now, though. It's a lot of fun!
>> No. 11121
I am the most happy ever with my present. So happy that writing sentences that make sense stopped happening a long time ago. Now I feel really guilty about how bad my gift was, I really hope giftee likes it at least a bit, I haven't seen it posted yet.
>> No. 11122

I just want to say that the mental images your fic gave me are some of the cutest things ever. I never even thought of a pillow fort, but now I can't see Kid Fortress anything without one.

Sending you an email with the rest of my thoughts, but basically, thank you SO much all that you put into my prompt! I really like it. :)
>> No. 11124
ARGH these past two days have been the WORST! I couldn’t get online to send Kilo my gift and I’ve felt just awful! I’m so, so sorry, giftee! It’s sent now, though, so I hope you’ll get my bit of (belated) Christmas angst cheer soon.

Also, I wanted to send a big hug and a THANK YOU to the person who made this day the BEST by writing me ‘Home Sick’, my delicious Medic/Scout fluff. I was so happy to read it! I love the characterisations and the dialogue, and even though I make all my own posts in /afanfic/ I LOVE that it stays un-porny. I can tell that Medic cares for Scout, but it’s perfect to me that he stays professional and puts Scout’s well-being first for as long as he’s sick. And Scout is just spot-on too. This is just the kind of story that I love to read but never get around to write, and that makes this the perfect gift for me. Excuse me age-baiting for a moment, but I really need to - *Happy sigh.*

Also, the rectal thermometer joke? I’ve pulled that one myself. You have no idea how much I laughed when I read it! I’m so glad you put that one in.

I really, really wish emoticons were allowed so I could shower you in hearts and smileys, but I’m already tempting fate so my undying gratitude will have to do. Thank you so much! I hope you’re willing to reveal yourself; I’d love to know who to thank for this.
>> No. 11134
I hereby want to leave my sincere thank to the one who wrote my present! I am very happy with my present! Thank you whoever-wrote-it!!

......(Should I have saged? )
>> No. 11143

Hey Cyan. I'm a bit sheepish about admitting it, but I'm your Secret Santa. I'm glad you like it. At one point I didn't think I was going to get it done in time, but I dug deep and made it happen. Getting two hardened mercenaries with very little in common to act tenderly towards each other is surprisingly challenging.

Fortunately I love writing Scout, so I was able to have fun with it. I read yours too, and it just blew me away. Goddamn it. Y U so good?
>> No. 11149

Banimal wrote my amazing, lovely Medic/Scout fluff!

I’m experiencing an acute need for age-bait emoticons, damn it! THANK YOU! I don’t know why you’d feel sheepish about admitting to being my Secret Santa? I already commented above (and on tumblr, which I now realise you must’ve seen too—oh the embarrassment) on how much I loved your fic. It was perfect to me! I’m so glad you stuck with it and finished it, because the result is everything I could’ve hoped for and more. I realise my request was very open-ended, maybe too much so; I’ll remember that for next time. But you gave me exactly what I wanted and I’m very, very happy!

>Getting two hardened mercenaries with very little in common to act tenderly towards each other is surprisingly challenging.

Haha, yeah, I know! No wonder my Scout always ends up in bad ways, poor guy. It wasn’t an easy pairing either; Medic/Scout is just begging for weird kinks, but it’s my favourite pairing and I’m a total sucker for fluff. And I have to say you pulled it off amazingly. I kept smiling when I read it. And laughing too. I didn’t want to add a huge list of copy-pasted quotes to my post above, but there were so many paragraphs that really stood out to me as excellent. Their dialogues too. And the jokes, which I mentioned. Perfect in every way.

>Fortunately I love writing Scout, so I was able to have fun with it.

I’m really glad to hear that! And there are not too many of us Scout-fans out there, which makes me extra happy you were the one who got my prompt.

>Y U so good?

Y U so good?!

Seriously, though—I think I’ve mentioned this before, so please bear with my silly fangirling—but your fics have been a huge inspiration to me. I read your Muscle Management series and that fantastic Sniper/Scout piece you did, and then TeratoMarty’s In From The Cold, and I thought, this is what I want to write and that’s how I want to write it! And I’ve been trying to since. I still track down your thread here on the ‘chan every so often to read through it again and go ‘...damn it, not there yet.’ Your style, pacing, and dialogue are all just top-notch and the characterisations spot-on, as I’ve said above. So I’ve totally been trying to emulate your writing. There you have it, my embarrassing fandom secret.

Knowing you read and liked my Secret Santa fic too just totally made my day.

tl;dr: Best Christmas gift this year. Thank you!
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