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File 132218756611.jpg - (453.15KB , 900x900 , bulletpfoo.jpg )
10330 No. 10330
Alright, I'm not even gonna pretend to not be thatscoutisaspy this time.

If you wanna watch this video, go ahead. If you don't, then don't.

Expand all images
>> No. 10335
File 132219251219.gif - (497.42KB , 300x177 , ecclestonjig.gif )
I've been waiting forever for someone to make this.

Perfect synching, too. Is there a download link?
>> No. 10340
File 132220329847.jpg - (449.41KB , 650x1129 , 129789889836.jpg )
>mfw you dont know about youtube-mp3.com
>> No. 10346
Yeah! I just downloaded some of your songs last week. Props to you for the epic songs
>> No. 10349
Or, you know, juste google youtube to mp3/video. there's like a million places.
>> No. 10350

I know about them, I just prefer getting the high-quality MP3 from the artist themselves, if they're willing to provide one.
>> No. 10351
Welp, this is my new favourite thing.

And just when I'd been thinking I hadn't listened to silly remixes in ages. A+
>> No. 10356

Changed my mind and ended up using YouTube to MP3 anyways.
>> No. 10362
Refrain from using the /dis/ board for self-promotion. If you want to share general TF2 videos, use the video thread here on /dis/. If you want to make a thread to share your video work, make it in /projects/.

Locking thread and marking for deletion.
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