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File 132237921255.jpg - (55.39KB , 330x266 , humon_hoobyraeg.jpg )
10399 No. 10399
Rob Laro, who submitted The Homewrecker, The Black Box set, and was commissioned to do the Shogun/Deus Ex sets, didn't get a free irl version of the Grenadier's Softcap when they released it into the Valve Store. The hat he created.

Apparently Makani wasn't invited to the Steam-Powered Tales signings either, didn't get a free copy of the book, and isn't even credited. Even though she easily draws as much of the TF2 comics as Michael Oeming does in the book.

It irritates me, honestly. I don't have my copy of the comic yet, but if she seriously isn't credited at all in it, I'm going to be furious.
>> No. 10400
If someone had only had one or two items realized in game, then I could understand

But yeah, not in this case, because with all the items created, he is essentially working free lance for Valve
>> No. 10402
They probably just forgot. Knowing valve, if they asked for a copy they wouldn't have a problem getting it. It's probably not that big of a deal.
>> No. 10403
How coils they forget someone who illustrated comics they were releasing)
>> No. 10405
Yeah, Valve can get ridiculously silly about these things sometimes. I don't think it's done in bad taste, but I gotta wonder how the hell they're organizing their shit.

Before we start assuming things in one way or the other, we should actually ask Makani what's what.
>> No. 10407
I don't get what this matters to us, the community?

If people are treated badly or wrong by valve then they should be able to stand up for themselves, like fucking grown ups.

Or was this thread just made for gossiping "famous" people who works for with/for valve? Becaurse this seems like nothing more to me, people gossiping things they know nothing about.
>> No. 10408

I don't see it as gossip, I don't think anyone in particular is being blamed. But as an artist, I like seeing other artists get credit where credit is due, that's all.
>> No. 10409
I advise that folks don't get their undies in a bunch over speculation.

Rob Laro is perfectly capable of asking for a free hat of his design. It shouldn't be Valve's sole responsibility to offer a bonus compensation when they already send Rob checks for his content sold in the Mann Co Store. Valve seems generous enough to comply.

And since I do have a copy of the Steam Powered stories, I can confirm that I don't see any credits for Makani or the colorist either. So there's that fact checked. But at least, Makani had been paid for her work and she was still credited on things like Portal 2. It's not a horrible injustice, just a whoops on Valve's or probably Dark Horse's part.
>> No. 10411
Apologies. I won't bring it up again.

As long as they get paid, I realize that should be enough.
>> No. 10413
I don't know anything about the Rob Laro situation, but I can address some of the Valve/Darkhorse book issues, since I helped out with the signing and am friends with the editor of the book:

Makani is a contract artist, not an actual employee at Valve. All the other people at the signing were Valve employees that lived in Seattle. The signing (not signingS, there was just one) was in Portland, and while that is an easy drive from Seattle, I doubt they could have flown Makani in from Texas for just one evening of comic signing in a Portland comic shop. Also there are no credits for any of the artists in the book (or at least not proper ARTIST: blah blah COLORIST: blah blah credits), which I thought was a little weird, but they're not singling out Makani there.

Valve is super nice and if anything was overstepped (which happens a lot with companies involving multiple employees), I am sure if the offended parties just asked about it they would be answered promptly. They're nice guys. They like making sure the people who help out with their products get paid for it.

tl;dr calm yourself
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