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File 132244034354.jpg - (162.23KB , 1280x800 , TF2__Meet_the_Medic_by_r7ll.jpg )
10410 No. 10410
Sorry to bug you guys but I haven't been able to play TF2 for almost a year because it keeps crashing on my lousy computer. I'm going to try and get a new one (needs to be a laptop so I'm looking at a Gateway NV57H26U). I recall there being programs out there to make TF2 run better on computers as well.

Can we have a best computers to run TF2 on/ways to make it run better thread?
>> No. 11179
First, dem graphics. Turn them down.

Second, start poking around for config files. Look for old ones.

Third, run in window. I've found it taxes the computer less.

Fourth, close all other programs. Including tray crap. Especially crap in tray.

Also, Gateway = Bad. Go with Toshiba.
>> No. 11180
I dunno. My Toshiba was pretty shitty for gaming. Couldn't even run the Sims.

I went the route of getting a laptop that's good for gaming, rather than fixing the games to fix my lappie. HP Pavilion's what I've got, and it's got pretty good graphics and sound- never any problems, really.

But if it's just a case of using your current not-so-great-for-gaming laptop, and fixing it to run it, I'm afraid I'm not much use.
>> No. 11186
This is a little off topic but...
Whatever computer you have, make sure to use one of Chris's fps configs.

They saved hell for my comp. [I use dx9frames with a cap at 90fps] I used to crash tf2 every 30 minutes and now I play 4 hours beautifully.
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