No. 10803
(Been a lurker for a while now, I'm more exited than I should be about my first post)
On the night of Dec.11, or rather the morning of Dec 12, TF2 decided to enter my dreams like it does every so often. This dream wasn't just clips of battle like the other dreams I've had. This one was different.
I woke up in a long narrow barn with the rest of RED team. We had been sleping on hay bails that looked rather small for us. I was placed next to the barn door, it had a sign on top or it that I couldn't read and a megaphone. Everyone was either lazily geting up or not at all. I don't know which class I was, but there was no Medic so that's my best guess.
The first thing I heard was the Administrator yelling 'mission begins in five' and I didn't hear the rest of the numbers before BLU stormed into our cozy little barn and killed us all.
Then all was black for five, perhaps ten seconds, like respawn. I woke up in the same place I was killed, this time my stomach ached. The scout that killed me was waiting for me there, and killed me again.
Another 10 seconds pased, and I awoke again. I was getting sicker, but that was the only thing that had changed. I caught a glimpse of a BLU Medic and Soldier killing others on my team as they spawned. Then it went dark, for the Scout had killed me again.
Again, I awoke, more nauseous. I tried to get up, but the scout pushed me down with bullets. This kept on going for a long time, until I was stirred into semi-consciousness by the dream. I kept on getting sicker and sicker, feeling the deaths even though I was half awake. Then I got up and bolted to the restroom when I promptly threw up the contents of my stomach.
That's kinda it.(Wow this felt too long for a post)