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10469 No. 10469
Apologies if this is the wrong place to post – I’m not sure where else to ask.

I’ve only been playing tf2 for about 2 months, but recently on a lot of the servers I play on I get accused of hacking. About 70% of the time people will try to ban or kick me, and about 50% of the time they succeed. I play as medic pretty often and I do manage to take down a lot of people, but mostly because I use the Solemn Vow to decide on fight or flight.

Does this happen to other people? Is there any way I can prevent it? I love this game and I want to become a better player, but it’s hard when this keeps happening.
>> No. 10470
It would help if you said why they thought you were hacking. Are you just exceedingly better than everyone else in the servers you go in?
>> No. 10472

I suppose so? I can't think of anything else that I'd do to make them think that.
>> No. 10473
Why are you accused of hacking, especially if you play medic? That is very strange, so I need you to answer a few questions as to why you're hacking.

First of all, do you go into a folder named 'tf2' and turn off your "walls"?

Do you have anything that you would consider an 'aimbot' medigun? Do you find that you are especially awesome at catching people in midair?

Lastly, do you have any sort of subscription to 'special software'?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions you may be hacking! If you still feel that you are still being accused wrongly, I suggest you put on the "Quantic" tag in front of your name. That's the international symbol for people to just recognize a pro instead of hacking.
>> No. 10496

I can happily answer no to all of those questions. I haven't altered anything in any of the game files or settings to swing in my favour, nor have I done anything with my medigun. And I can't catch people in the air for peanuts - I've been trying to get the achievement for a while now.

And no, no special software either. I think people just get frustrated because I rack up a lot of kills as medic, and a lot of ubers.

I've never heard of the quantic tag idea, although I will definitely look into it - thank you for you help!
>> No. 10500
You must go on pub servers.
Welcome to any and every multiplayer fps ever. Perhaps you should look into finding a decent server that meets your skill level.
>> No. 10501
Most people in your average pub don't pay attention to votekicks and hit 1 just to get the notification off their screen (if they vote at all).

The only reason I can think people might want to kick, you based on what you said, is that you kill people as medic, maybe? Some people seem to think medic = dispense the healz and do nothing else whatsoever - those people can't be helped, I'm afraid. Unless you're abandoning vulnerable teammates to chase down somebody you can tell has only a few hp left, I can't really see any other reason why people would get angry.

So, that being said, I'll second >>10500
Find some good servers and fave them so you can play there whenever you like.
>> No. 10517
you should start by stopping hacking
>> No. 10536

I think I will be doing that in the coming weeks - I've found a few people nearby who play on private servers. Thank you for your advice.


Often it's people who are butthurt and raging, I've noticed. It's never people on my team, often people I've killed a number of times or earned a high amount of dominations. I prefeeer to only go battle medic if I'm on my own, but sometimes it can't be helped.


Your help knows no bounds.
>> No. 10542
You can try the Humpaholics Anonymous servers, they have really good players and sometimes bitch if you don't have their skill level (the other downside is that last I've heard, they're banning for being a battle Medic? But I see that you won't have problems with that).
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