No. 10616
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Hats that really peak my interest would be:
For Scout - The Backwards Ballcap, and the Ball-kicking Boots;
For Soldier - The Stainless Pot, maybe the Brain Bucket, and maybe the Exquisite Rack and the Lumbricus Lid. (now, if it was possible to wear those 2 at the same time, like for instance make the rack a misc slot item, then both would be all worthwhile and I will be a hella' happy camper!)
For Pyro - The Brain Slug, cause I think it's just so gosh'darn cute!
For Demoman, I haven't got any preference yet, though the Glengarry Bonnet is the only thing that caught my eye.
For Heavy, I haven't found a hat I like...
For Engineer - I'm planning on getting the Texas Ten Gallon and painting it Radigan Conagher Brown.
For Medic - Oh man, so many things I like, but the most would be the Surgeon's Stahlhelm. I don't know why, but I really like the looks of it.
For Sniper - Already have the tooth hat, and now all I need is a Crocodile Smile to complete the look. This is the highest on my 'do want' list!
And for Spy, a special place in my heart would be the L'inspecteur. A funny little story about this one:
My mom and I would sometimes watch those Gendarme movies, the ones with Louis De Fines, (she's quite a fan of those films) whenever they came on TV. I liked the films - not by a large extent, but still I liked the idea of Spy wearing a gendarme hat.
I was thinking of mentioning this idea on one of the 'hat ideas' threads on the Chan, but one day, what do I behold in one of the new updates? THE HAT! Not quite as I imagined it, but it's a french police hat for the Spy! I was so stoked when I saw it! I was thinking "Dude! The fanbase must be psychic/hiveminded!" and kept grinning like a loon.
So, yeah. The L'inspecteur is special to me, and if I ever have it I'm going to name it "Le'Oui de Gendarme" (a word-play on Louis De Fines and the words 'le' and 'oui') because that's what I kept naming my imaginary hat.
Man, that's quite a wall of text there... anyway, those are my most wanted hats. They're the only ones I actually liked since most of the other hats either don't suit the character in my opinion, or are boring, or over the top, or just plain silly. I like my hats to be somewhat more tasteful.