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File 132287372126.png - (269.21KB , 465x746 , Itsy_Bitsy_Spyder.png )
10550 No. 10550
Hats that, no matter how much you dont (or do) like hats, you feel like you just absolutely and entirely need.

Pic related. I love voodoo related items.
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>> No. 10552
My attendant.

For the speed boost I get from eqipping it, the degreaser, and the powerjack.

Thankfully, it's also adorable.

Only thing I hate about the set is the powerjack. Such a shitty melee weapon, imo.

But the hat is nice.
>> No. 10555
File 132290170729.png - (271.19KB , 620x563 , Painted_Virtual_Reality_Headset_C36C2D.png )
The day I obtain a Cream Spirit VRH for Engi is the day I shit rainbows and die.
>> No. 10559
The Grimm Hatte. It started with the Blighted Beak, after watching Repo! and now I can't stop.
>> No. 10560
The Dashin' Hashashin. Looks epic.

Also, not a hat but the Sharp Dresser is the most awesome thing I have ever seen come to TF2. I actually preordered AC: R but from GameStop, so no Genuines for me. :(
>> No. 10561
First time I ever saw that weapon I was getting shanked by it, and my reaction was "Wait..what is...OH MY GOD THAT IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. WHAT IS IT. GIVE IT TO ME. RIGHT NOW. FUCKING GOD IT'S GORGEOUS."

It is a NICE weapon.
>> No. 10562
My life became complete the moment I got my unusual ghost Tyrolean. It is my very favorite hat

Do you have a Grim Hatte or are you still looking for one? I have an extra, if you would like to trade for it.
>> No. 10567
File 132295063633.jpg - (218.58KB , 612x663 , 2011-11-03_00004.jpg )
I never realized just how empty my life was without my Halloween-themed Unusual Trophy Belt. Now I can die reasonably happy!
>> No. 10568
File 132295538361.png - (210.86KB , 630x657 , BLU_Merc\'s_Pride_Scarf.png )
Merc's Pride Scarf

The red version: "Meh......"

The blu version: "Hubba hubba, who's that stud galavanting around and killing my comrades?"

Hopefully I can get a "Stylized" Pyromacer's Mask with Team Spirit to go along with it for my pyro to wear as he sports his trendy neckwear
>> No. 10570
too bad people are going to be trading it for like 2 ref even after it becomes droppable (assuming it does), people are still trying to get me to pay 1 ref for unarmed combat and wanga prick. I can understand the prices on apocofists and maul at least.
>> No. 10571
Valve, pls make big kill and max head craftable
>> No. 10572
File 132295716256.png - (171.45KB , 505x574 , Charmer_Spy.png )
for the most part I've gotten what I feel I absolutely need, but...
Charmer's Chapeau
Buccaneer's Bicorne
Sultan's Ceremonial
Point and Shoot
Prussian Pickelhaube
Team Captain
Medic's Mountain Cap
Vintage Tyrolean
Fancy Fedora
Old Guadelewhatever
Connoisseur's Cap
Flamboyant Flamenco
Surgeon's Stahlhelm
Shooter's Sola Topi...
that's actually a lot isn't it? Way more than I actually have.
>> No. 10578
If you have some gift wrap I will straight-up give you a Pickelhaube. The one I have is untradable and I don't wear it, and it's so lonely and sad in my backpack.
>> No. 10590
File 132299504337.jpg - (119.48KB , 558x749 , LeRoi.jpg )
Some fancy hats, like Mullet for Spy or Charmer's Chapeau. And almost every hat which are valuable status symbols that show you aren't poor and irish.
>> No. 10591
I haven't gotten it yet! I don't have lots by way of trading but my brother gets hat drops every other day so I can just con stuff off him.
>> No. 10592
I'd be happy if I could work my way up to Bill's Hat and the Itsy Bitsy Spyer, myself. I'll get there eventually.
>> No. 10594
File 132301275669.png - (324.48KB , 554x485 , allofmywant.png )
The day i can play Demoman again with Dangeresque, too and Hachimaki.

The last TF2 update made it possible to see this combination again and all i thought was: OMFG! Yes, YESSS! YESSS! *jumping up dancing*
And than it all went back to normal i can´t combinate both anymore.

Valve never trolled me more, by getting my hopes up just to CRUSH them into tiny millions particals of disappointment.
>> No. 10597
>First time I ever saw that weapon I was getting shanked by it, and my reaction was "Wait..what is...OH MY GOD THAT IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. WHAT IS IT. GIVE IT TO ME. RIGHT NOW. FUCKING GOD IT'S GORGEOUS."
You're not the only one.
Every time I jump on a trade server, get bored of trading and start doing my thing (either as sniper in the inevitable endless sniper wars or a spy doing counter sniper work with the ambassador, because fuck being sniper target practice) and I wear even a remotely good hat, I get a ton of trade invites.
Usually they're all lowballing me like a motherfucker.
>> No. 10601
File 132304484837.png - (167.01KB , 563x512 , Painted_Hat_With_No_Name_694D3A.png )
Generally, I am already very happy with my hats. I tend to only wear my absolute favorites and switch them out based on my mood. I really don't need every single silly hat in existence.

With that being said, I would give my left leg for a Radigan Conagher brown Hat With No Name. I would feel the coolest a Soldier could ever feel. Seriously, that thing comes dangerously close to my number one Soldier hat, the Tyrant's Helm. All of my want.

This has nothing to do with my love for cowboys in general and for Helmetpary in specific, why would you even suggest that
>> No. 10609
Well hit me up if you want to trade! I've had the spare Grim Hatte for awhile, and I'm always up for trading for metal or hats I don't have or whatever. My steam name is korybing
>> No. 10616
File 132310460843.png - (260.62KB , 703x757 , Spy_L\'Inspecteur.png )
Hats that really peak my interest would be:
For Scout - The Backwards Ballcap, and the Ball-kicking Boots;
For Soldier - The Stainless Pot, maybe the Brain Bucket, and maybe the Exquisite Rack and the Lumbricus Lid. (now, if it was possible to wear those 2 at the same time, like for instance make the rack a misc slot item, then both would be all worthwhile and I will be a hella' happy camper!)
For Pyro - The Brain Slug, cause I think it's just so gosh'darn cute!
For Demoman, I haven't got any preference yet, though the Glengarry Bonnet is the only thing that caught my eye.
For Heavy, I haven't found a hat I like...
For Engineer - I'm planning on getting the Texas Ten Gallon and painting it Radigan Conagher Brown.
For Medic - Oh man, so many things I like, but the most would be the Surgeon's Stahlhelm. I don't know why, but I really like the looks of it.
For Sniper - Already have the tooth hat, and now all I need is a Crocodile Smile to complete the look. This is the highest on my 'do want' list!
And for Spy, a special place in my heart would be the L'inspecteur. A funny little story about this one:

My mom and I would sometimes watch those Gendarme movies, the ones with Louis De Fines, (she's quite a fan of those films) whenever they came on TV. I liked the films - not by a large extent, but still I liked the idea of Spy wearing a gendarme hat.

I was thinking of mentioning this idea on one of the 'hat ideas' threads on the Chan, but one day, what do I behold in one of the new updates? THE HAT! Not quite as I imagined it, but it's a french police hat for the Spy! I was so stoked when I saw it! I was thinking "Dude! The fanbase must be psychic/hiveminded!" and kept grinning like a loon.

So, yeah. The L'inspecteur is special to me, and if I ever have it I'm going to name it "Le'Oui de Gendarme" (a word-play on Louis De Fines and the words 'le' and 'oui') because that's what I kept naming my imaginary hat.

Man, that's quite a wall of text there... anyway, those are my most wanted hats. They're the only ones I actually liked since most of the other hats either don't suit the character in my opinion, or are boring, or over the top, or just plain silly. I like my hats to be somewhat more tasteful.
>> No. 10625
No thanks, I'll keep my teddy.

Spyer is cute, but ugly.
>> No. 10837
Soldier: Armored authority, fancy dress uniform
Sniper: the anger, villains veil, crocleather slouch
Spy: Rouge's col Roule, Charmer's chapeau
Engineer: Safe n' sound
>> No. 10838
File 132399202748.jpg - (66.11KB , 256x256 , Jizz Soldier.jpg )
Psssst ... I got a Roule that I don't need. If you want to trade, hit me up! Nick is perrydotto.

I also now have the Hat with No Name (that I ironically named immediately). ALL OF MY HAPPY
>> No. 10885
I want an Industrial Festiviser with hearts. Hell, any Engineer hat with hearts.

I crave it and I will never have it.
>> No. 11636
File 133010273513.png - (352.37KB , 547x599 , 547px-Outback_Intellectual.png )
Sniper with a pipe Sniper with a pipe Sniper with a pipe

Why are you even asking this question oh my God I absolutely must have this

>> No. 11640
I had to get that god damn teddy bear
had to
>> No. 11641
Pocket Medic and Soldier's Formals.

Otherwise, everything I'm really wanting is still in the Workshop, and I'm hoping it somehow gets in.
>> No. 11703
File 133054843946.gif - (374.11KB , 282x269 , YEAHANGERHOOD.gif )
Genuine Anger Hood. Oh MOMMA.
>> No. 11704
File 133055304985.png - (51.31KB , 358x377 , Screen Shot 2012-02-29 at 2_02_12 PM.png )
My precious bab. I'm still trying to think of the perfect name for it. It's IMPORTANT.
>> No. 11709
It´s a thankless job. (yes i know hilarious funny. But hey it is a medic song)
>> No. 11710
I don't even wear the hats I have. I'm really picky about how things look, to the point I feel awful using anything but Phlogistinator with Pyro, Direct Hit for Soldier, and Ambassador with Spy... the other weapons are just soooo not my taste for those slots. I would rather adjust my play-style based on how the weapons look in my hands.

So like... I don't wear hats on 8 of the classes. All of them wear the Merc's Pride scarf. For a time Sniper didn't either. He's my main though so I always figured if I DID wear a hat, it would be on him.

And oh my god. The Anger. I fell in love with it, pined over it for days, and then dished out money in the Mann Co Store and haven't regretted it since.

Anger + Merc's Pride, all I ever needed.
>> No. 11714
That's why the skins are invented. I use "Rogue's Rapier" skin for my Big Earner, "French Flintlock" skin for my Ambassador and Ruffled collar + mustache skin for buds or beard. Those are made for the Chapeu i love so much. Here is the page for "Community Medieval Update", Each section has numerous skins for weapons and hats
>> No. 11741
Can we talk about hats that we want made?
Cus I'd totally want a Scout cowboy hat, just to complete the American members having cowboy hats.
Besides, Scout probably grew up watching Westerns on TV or on the radio, so it's not too farfetched he'd have or wanted one during his childhood.
>> No. 11769
A coonskin cap would also be an appropriate hat for scout. They were made popular with children in 1954 with the Davy Crockett show, so going with the 1968 date on the in-game calendars and assumming Scout is in his 20s, he would have been between 6 and 16 when they started becoming popular, probably young enough to have wanted one.
>> No. 11772
I was actually thinking the coonskin cap could fit more for Solly or they could both share the hat.

Another Scout item I want, have been wanting since forever and has only spiked back up to manic levels ever since the Fast Learner came out is a pair of glasses. For now I'm making do with the 3d glasses, but a gal can hope and dream...

I've also seen someone working on a misc. Pocket Soldier item for Medics and Demos floating around tumblr.
I would be a very happy Medic if that ever gets to the workshop and approved.
>> No. 11782
I like the fact that Sarcas deliberately made both the Pocket Heavy and Pocket Soldier simultaneously equippable. I'm totally doing that if I can.
>> No. 11818

>> No. 11834
There are a few scout hoodies floating around, but these two are my favorite. They would go perfect with my tossle cap and some earbuds.
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