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10573 No. 10573
I feel like I'm a bit of a minority here. Am I the only person could honestly couldn't care less about unusual hats? I overall they're just "meh" to me. There are a few combinations that would be cool, like fire brigade helm, but even then I'd much rather have the multitude of other cosmetic items I could get by selling it.
>> No. 10577
You are not alone, anon. I don't care for unusuals at all either. Some of them look nifty, but there are so few that I really can't be bothered. I dunno, it just kinda feels tacky and distracting most of the time. They are also seriously bad to use in comp play because they make you very easy to track down, so that doesn't help either.
>> No. 10579
Yeah, I don't much understand it myself (which is rather derogatory considering how much I wanted to sell my soul for a Haunted B'Ankh and Haunted Blazing Bull)

The only items that should have a rarity value are weapons, makes much more sense

Next they'll be introducing "STRANGE HATS" that upgrade to another level each half a dozen or so hours you wear it
>> No. 10607
I can totally agree on that one. The other day my friend uncrated a trophy belt with one of the Halloween effects on it, a guy traded it to him for a copy of portal 2. I honestly don't get why he wanted that hat so much.
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