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File 132295911993.png - (212.54KB , 500x499 , Soldier_Exquisite_Rack.png )
10575 No. 10575
Some people think they are lame, and they may not even be the greatest hats in the game, but they certainly are cool in their own right and I would certainly be glad to have any of them. Such as:

Ye Olde Baker Boy
Whoopee Cap
Scotsman's Stovepipe
Mining's Light
Soldier's Stash
Trophy Belt
Cadaver's Cranium
Doctor's Dapper Topper
Exquisite Rack
Glenngarry Bonnet
Magnificent Mongolian
Old Guadalajara
Modest Pile of Hat (I like it better than the tower)
Backbiter's Billycock
Stainless Steel Pot
Stout Shako
Ghastly Gibus (and variants)

Which hats do you feel are under-appreciated?
>> No. 10576
The Rack and the sombrero are among my very favorite hats. No idea why people don't like them; I think they are really damn cool.

I also think the Demoman's Fro is seriously underappreciated. Tried to trade a spare I got, nobody would even look at it with their right butt cheek. I would wear it if I played Demoman seriously.
>> No. 10583
Gentleman's Gatsby
everyone says it's the worst medic hat but I think it's one of the best
simple yet classy
>> No. 10586
i wear the modest pile of hat cause it looks more noble ;) and i like it. but i dont wear it with sniper, only with medic, cause i hate to be a 8-feet-target ;)
>> No. 10587
well i confused it with noble assessment of hats
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