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File 132297328869.png - (159.76KB , 500x865 , demoknight_by_getgrenade-d41wwl7.png )
10580 No. 10580
Although said subclass is usually most effective when played with Spy logic, and overall partially occupies Spies' niche in gameplay, the difference in gamestyle of Demoman and Knight are quite drastic.
In fact, they are drastic enough for Demoknight to be considered a different class. Or at least I think so.
I am fully aware that some loadouts incorporating parts of both has proved to be quite efficient, yet I don't feel that these occasional, situational and map based WINs are weighty enough NOT TO make Demoknight a separate class.
Discuss, my kind sires.
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>> No. 10589
File 132299484313.png - (487.12KB , 639x475 , HatsuneGaben.png )
Dude, we have known that for like forever. Did it really take you so long to realise this?
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