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10593 No. 10593

Came across this the other day and it is quite the little godsend (srsly, I've got three strange vanilla weapons and a Haunted B'Ankh)

Basically you trade items (best to go with stranges, geniunes, Unusuals, hats, misc. and tools) to get in store credit which you then use to purchase items from the store
>> No. 10595
Totally recommending this place with much enthusiasm! The trading bots can be a little persnickety at times due to Steam's own natural persnicketiness, but it's a fair, smoothly-run site with a lot of variety. Through careful trading on it I've gotten pretty much every hat, misc., strange and weapon I've been wanting, which would've taken forever or been outright impossible elsewhere! Two manly thumbs way up!
>> No. 10605
I remember seeing this a while back, but it seemed the thread was all about screaming on about how it was a scam.

I value TF2 Chan's opinion over them though, what do you guys think?
>> No. 10606
Always worked well for me. Quick and exceedingly easy, unless Steam's having hiccups. Takes all the pain out of trading and you can get nearly anything you want with relatively short waiting times.
>> No. 10608
Nope, not a scam. It works really well! I was able to FINALLY unload a bunch of paint nobody ever wanted and get a good number of random weapons I hadn't managed to acquire. I don't know how good it is for getting the spendier items, but if you're looking for a Winger and you got some shitty paint nobody wants you can get it pretty easy!
>> No. 10610
Looks like there will be difficulty filtering the uncraftable items spoiling my OCD
>> No. 10614
Yeah, that's the only con to this, no uncraftables

I really don't understand why Valve decided to make store items that way
>> No. 10626
same reason they added trade limits to items.

VALVe do not want you blowing all your money on weapons just to craft them into hats, and "rush trading" to get items you want via trading things you got from the store.
>> No. 10629
Just tried it. Damn, what a sweet service! Works like a charm and is definitely the place to go to when you want to get rid of stuff nobody on any trade server ever wanted. And you can switch that bunch of crap for that one item you need to complete your wildest dreams. I love it and it is definitely not a scam. Positively surprised here!
>> No. 10632
I'm getting "Stock levels too high" from the credit bots for strange family business, strange soda popper, and refined.
Anyone else getting this?
>> No. 10634
Yeah, that's pretty common

They're having the same problem with the Halloween items too
>> No. 10635
There's an overstock list linked on the main page.
>> No. 10646
Doesn't look like Unusuals are officially dealt with there. I put one up, it just valued it at 110 credits, or somtehing like that.

Yeah, nah.
>> No. 10649
Wait really? That's less than even the shittiest of weapons. I've seen unusuals go for thousands of credits on that site. That is weird.
>> No. 10650
I've used this a number of times over the last month or so and fucking love it, I hate the hassle of trading normally. I looove this site, I've gotten so many things I've wanted for ages here.
As far as unusuals go, consign them at your own price instead of trading them, if you want to sell on there.
>> No. 10660

There's instructions on both the main site and the forum to put up Unusuals through the Consignment system instead of the regular Trading one. They handle Unusuals slightly differently from regular items.
>> No. 10926
this place is really cool.

but if valve suddenly decide its illegal and take everything i've gopt from them away, then i will flip my fucking shit so hard
>> No. 10927

Even if Valve doesn't like the site and asks them to close it, I severely doubt they'd take the items away. They're legitimately traded items, traded between two people willingly. It's just the middleman in the trade is automated.
>> No. 10929
They're fine with it.

I remember them somewhere saying Valve once deactivated some of their accounts, but they managed to get them back again. Obviously they don't care.
>> No. 10934
i don't understand how to start? i try starting a trade reserving an item but it says i don't have enough credits. How am i supposed to start a trade and sell?
>> No. 10936

Make sure your Steam application is open, and that you are signed in on the website. Click 'trade'. Wait a moment and you should receive a friend invite on Steam from one of the site's bots. Accept the invite and the bot will request a trade. You give your items to the bot and they will tell you how many credits it is worth. You will get your credits after trading.

To buy, reserve an item and click trade when the '1' pops up. You will get a friend invite from a bot. Etc etc.
>> No. 10938
You also need to sell something first to get credits. I discovered that selling paint was a great way to get credits since it is something that people don't normally want to trade for and just sits in my backpack being useless.
>> No. 10939
yeah it kinda should go without saying that they're not giving all this stuff away for free.

got trade them some stuff to get credits first
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