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File 132382597957.png - (691.24KB , 719x561 , Screen shot 2011-12-13 at 5_24_59 PM.png )
10742 No. 10742
Australian Christmas has begun with a comic starring Engineer and Pyro.

Expand all images
>> No. 10743
http://www.teamfortress.com/truemeaning/ how about not forgetting to add a link.
>> No. 10744
If part three was actually Meet the Pyro, it would be 2000% better.
>> No. 10745
File 132382623977.jpg - (46.03KB , 334x307 , 02.jpg )
This is the most adorable update ever.
>> No. 10746
Baaaw. Who doesn't write letters to alternate dimensions?
>> No. 10747
I am excited for this year's Australian Christmas.

Also apparently this comic was drawn by Minttu!! Dangit Valve is super-keen to their fans, Valve I want to work for you.
>> No. 10748
Congrats to Minttu on being incredibly awesome! Ahhh I would crap my pants to get a Valve comics gig. The comic looks great!
>> No. 10749
I thought it looked Minttu's work! That's such a cute comic.
>> No. 10750
8:48 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: OH GOD
8:48 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: LOOK AT THAT FLAMETHROWER
8:49 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: d'awww
8:49 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: WARM FUZZIES
8:49 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: THEY WERE JUST
8:49 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: HANGING OUT AT ENGIE'S HOUSE
8:49 PM - Wholesome 50's Housewife: I can't stop squealing in excitement

>> No. 10751
Awesome! Congrats, Minttu!
>> No. 10753
>new flamethrower
>> No. 10754
File 132383005234.png - (24.79KB , 120x76 , Smisshead.png )
Just a little thing that I thought was funny to notice in the new comic. Somebody took that Solemn Vow from Medic and dressed it up for Australian Christmas.
>> No. 10755
That was what that was? I was looking for hidden spoilers but I couldn't figure what the hell that thing was.
>> No. 10760
looks more with santa saxton than the solemn vow...
>> No. 10761
File 132383773611.jpg - (42.61KB , 500x279 , tumblr_lw66tg2QY81qipzg8o1_500.jpg )
Engie has Soldier's gunboat hanging over his fireplace.

Either Pyro's cleptomaniac habits strike again or shippers are just getting all the wrong ideas now. I know I am
>> No. 10762
File 13238388183.png - (81.30KB , 225x155 , Smisshead 2.png )
Took this screencap from Minttu's bubble-less pages on dA. Looks like they removed it in the final version of the first page.
>> No. 10763
to be fair, there's also a few familiar knives and a grenade near their. Maybe it's everyone place (but Engi owns it?)
>> No. 10764
File 132384125072.jpg - (80.79KB , 299x277 , brainslug.jpg )
So I looked at Minttu's dA like you mentioned, and saw this cute little thing! Guess the dialog's gotta go somewhere
>> No. 10804
Not gonna lie, what I love most about this update is how this fits in perfectly with my headcanon of "Engineer and Pyro are bestest buddies" and also "Engineer is so used to Pyro doing weird stuff that writing letters to another dimension wouldn't really surprise him that much." And also that RED Engineer has brown eyes.

Now I kinda want to see them adopt a superbaby.
>> No. 10805
Now Im wondering how a superbaby raised by the Engineer and Pyro would turn out.
I want to know how theyd do as parents, too.

.....this needs fanfiction.
>> No. 10806

Engie and Pyro as Ma and Pa Kent, and Medic as Superman.
>> No. 10808
Official TF2 weapons revelations are here, and let me tell you, Medic is not going to be happy.

>> No. 10809
File 132392036497.png - (498.29KB , 447x481 , Untitled.png )

>Pyro sitting on Santa's lap
>Heavy mittens
>Pyro is now his own Medic
>New map
>Double Drop Rates

>> No. 10810
I am very excited about Australian Christmas. That wrench that teleports you back to spawn is pretty rad, I'm curious to try that out.

captcha: Evangelical Falsale
>> No. 10811
File 132392112447.png - (86.62KB , 200x258 , Bitch please Medic.png )
>Medic's face when

Pomson 6000 has the EXACT SAME PROBLEM as the Cow Mangler did when it came out - 100% NO disadvantages. Didn't they learn the first time? Oh God, this is the Cow Mangler release all over again. PANIC

Eureka Effect is very situational and seems more geared towards pros, methinks. Though that's something up to the more experienced Engies here. Not sure if it's overpowered, but I think it's not.

Third Degree needs at least a tiny disadvantage. I mean, damn, this is deadly for pockets of all kinds. Blatant direct upgrade over vanilla at any rate.

Phlogistinator is gonna be the roamers' favorite new toy. Pyro is really his own Medic with that thing. Combine it with the rake and BAM! Not interesting for me since I don't roam much as Pyro, but I'm sure people will have fun with it, especially in comp since no random critical hits is totally ignored anyway. Just wondering how much of an issue the missing airblast is.

Manmelter 3600 ZX also needs a nerf because it's the BISON thingy all over AGAIN. Also no random critical hits doesn't concern any pros so I'm sure it will be banned to hell and back in comp.

That being said:


>> No. 10813
File 132392782867.png - (639.22KB , 759x577 , 130428066426.png )
>On hit: Victim loses 10% Medigun charge
>> No. 10814
You're vastly underestimating the airblast there
>> No. 10815
Yeah, quite possibly. I very rarely roam as a Pyro, so as said, I have no idea how important the airblast can be. Might be depending on the map, too. If you can, enlighten me!
>> No. 10816
Airblast is great to throw your enemy off for even half a second("Shit I was firing there, now I have to look down?!"), can push them off high surfaces/into sawblades and such to kill them, off of points so you can defend/capture them, and if you're using the reserve shooter, you can take people out in like, three or two hits.
Plus airblast can be used to put out your flaming teammates.

Airblast is important.
>> No. 10818

There is also no feeling greater than killing a Soldier with his own rocket.

I was stoked (heheh) when they put the airblast back on the Backburner. I feel like a bad team player when I don't have it, like every on-fire teammate is a testament to my failure.
>> No. 10819
If im not going to get that "suave suit" misc and french flintlock revolver for Spy this christmas, im gonna flip.
>> No. 10821
File 13239492454.png - (790.75KB , 1200x819 , 1323870266473.png )

No airblast kills that flamethrower stone dead, I wouldn't worry about it. I for one welcome Pyros eating my rockets all the way down for the next few weeks. The drawback to the Third Degree is obvious- you can't use the Axtinguisher. To me it looks incredibly situational and if you've managed to sneak up on a Medic Deg/Axting is the better thing to use.

I'm willing to bet the Pomson/Manmelter are like the Bison, shooting slower projectiles that do jizz all damage in comparison with the shottie. It'll have to be something pretty special to beat the Widowmaker. The Eureka Effect is pretty neat, but building carrying is so essential to the Engie these days I see it only being useful to the ultra defensive.

The only thing that kind've annoys me is that these classes get interesting sidegrades which negatively affect the Medic and change their style of play- something Valve are apparently completely incapable of giving the Medic himself. These two chucklefucks get this stuff and the Medic gets the Quickfix? Really Valve?
>> No. 10823
I won't be using these unlocks for sure. Especially the pyro ones.

>PYRO EXTINGUISH ME YOU FAGGOT oh wait you're using the new weapon which can't airblast how cool HELP MEEEE
>> No. 10824
File 132396599380.png - (89.67KB , 376x327 , angr.png )
oh cool. my hat got in
>> No. 10825
Screw the grordbort's weapons, wheres rest of the christmas shit?
>> No. 10826
The new Secondary can extinguish teammates, I don't see the issue.
On some of the "downside-less" weapons, lack of red text =/= no downsides. The Flaregun does not have "+Afterburn on hit, fires an arcing flare" style stats, it just says 'Level 10 Flaregun'. There could be wonky new, unlisted mechanics to these weapons that aren't listed and will be discovered today when the update launches. For example, the WETA Promo for Pyro's pack says the flamethrower uses some kind of "ultra-waves", which might hint at it NOT using the traditional flames we've come to know.
>> No. 10827

Coming tonight, Mr. Impatient Pants. Don't get your hopes up too much- I'm expecting mostly reskins.
>> No. 10828
You're quite negative, huh?

Anyway, the Pomson is obviously OP, absolutely no disadvantages and even if it does fire projectiles (which I'm pretty sure it does considering the desc says projectiles can't be reflected) you can just spam it everywhere. I'm kind of interested by the idea of 10 Engies spamming Pomson and mini-sentries everywhere. The wrench is useful for locking down PL defense areas or establishing forward bases, especially on defense for cp or pl maps.

Note that some airblast ability is restored with the Manmelter as it extinguishes people for guaranteed crits. No reflection though, so it seems the new Pyro set is meant for ambushing or ubered Pyros. The new axe will be fun for rocket-jumping Pyros and for attacking Heavy-Medic combos by surprise. Maybe to replacement for Axetinguishing them but still kind of fun.

Now, how about that new map? Thoughts on the map-chievements?
>> No. 10829

What's that Soldier? Want more laser launchers?

What's that Demo? Want some plasma swords?
>> No. 10834
Oh rad! Congrats!

yeah I wish the Medic would get some weapons that are actually useful. I haven't used the Overdose or the Quickfix since they were introduced. Wait I lied, the Solemn Vow is useful, but I still end up using the Vita-Saw most of the time.
>> No. 10839
The problem with medic weapons is that they are very difficult to balance. For example, the overdose is considered very OP, and the vita-saw infinitely super OP, which is why they were instabanned from all the 'serious' leagues. In a game mode where medics are protected at all times and are expected to run when their pockets go down, these weapons are the most useful. The solemn vow is not banned, and therefore a good number of comp medics use it instead of the ubersaw because of it's general utility instead of clutch usefulness, kind of like the blutsauger vs. syringe gun debate (blutsauger is more clutch, syringe gun affords general utility). I'm sure that the vast majority of pubbers don't see the usefulness of these weapons but I think that they have their place. I am still gunning for a medigun that give increased passive regen during the time you're healing your target.

(The quick-fix is still retarded though.)
>> No. 10840
Quickfix can be useful. In situations where I die before I get uber for one. Someone destroyed a sentry while under it's uber so that worked. I was a bit surprised.
>> No. 10841
File 132400591372.gif - (93.50KB , 500x483 , tumblr_ltlwd2dxuF1qk7lp7.gif )

>> No. 10842
Blue Spy makes for an excellent babysitter. Who knew?

That Spy-Cicle looks like fun. Maybe I'm morbid and just like having dozens of frozen enemies lying around my maps. Apparently I have the same decorating tastes as Jabba the Hutt.
>> No. 10843
File 132400692783.png - (608.07KB , 650x589 , Screen shot 2011-12-15 at 7_40_35 PM.png )

Valve is spoiling us with the amount of excellent comics they have been producing lately. This one is one of my favorites so far. Also Soldier is a lawyer now.
>> No. 10844
File 132400697236.png - (260.87KB , 436x323 , Thumbs up Solly.png )
>Also Soldier is a lawyer now.
>> No. 10845
File 132400701794.png - (275.10KB , 716x478 , 1310949141939.png )
>mfw Spy has been shaping out to have a soft spot for kids
>> No. 10846
Why arent the keys free?
>> No. 10847

MY GOD the faces are HILARIOUS.
>> No. 10848
The Heavy mittens are my favorite weapons ever.
Also bleeding projectile on the scout.
>> No. 10849
File 132400779119.png - (361.70KB , 648x625 , DAWWWWW.png )
>> No. 10850
After reading the Halloween comic and now this comic, I honestly think Spy is a decent guy. And he is one chill motherfucker.
>> No. 10852
Agreed. I don't think I can ever portray him as a dick ever again. He seems absolutely wonderful.
>> No. 10853
Yes there is. Pinning a Sniper to the wall by his own arrow. THROUGH HIS HEAD, NO LESS.
Felt good, man.
>> No. 10854

Spy has the "Inner Child" perk.
>> No. 10855

Wait, wait. So, the BLU Soldier also has a wizard roommate? I thought that was the REd Soldier? In the WAR comic, the BLU Soldier looked like he lived alone...

Also I'm pissed that Scout was IN COURT, and even had that line about "naming names", and yet we didn't learn anyone's names in this comic. Baww.
>> No. 10856

Spy gives balisongs and cigarettes to children and then teaches another to become a cold-blooded murderer and kill Santa Claus.

Obviously a madman with a heart of gold. Like Garland Greene in Con Air.
>> No. 10858
I think it's safe to assume that each class just has one backstory, and it's identical for RED and BLU. Helen called the RED Soldier "Mr. Doe" too, so they at least have the same last name.
>> No. 10859
I don't care what anyone says, Con Air is a damn good movie, and Steve Buscemi is a damn good actor.
>> No. 10860
File 132401949512.gif - (449.07KB , 286x119 , cant deal with it.gif )
i'm pissed off that people are already asssuming Judas is scout's real name.

its fucking Jane Doe all over again
>> No. 10861

That it is, I love Steve Buscemi.

Nic Cage was great in that movie too.


Yeah, but at least with Jane Doe you could say it's his real name due to the Rule of Funny.
>> No. 10862
File 132402426116.png - (261.81KB , 399x392 , GIFTOFMANHOOD.png )
I mean, God forbid he just called him that because Judas = traitor in the bible and blah.

Also, this panel.
>> No. 10863
Truth be told, since some time i already picture Soldier screaming OBJECTION! Valve, why are you using my headcanon SO MUCH?
>> No. 10864
I SO want to see Ace Attorney spoofs with Solly. Just sayin'.
>> No. 10866
I knew it. Only few hats and no good weapons... Steam workshop page is full of amazing weapons and hats, and they only picked random hats and miscs. from same contributer? Oh this update is ruined...
Last year we got a fucking crossbow for medic and stunning set of exploding things for demoman and now? Only a tiny piece of ice and mittens that makes people laugh? Of Valve you so funny.
>> No. 10867
Last year, bad halloween update, but great christmas update. This year: vice versa
Medic and Demoman didn't get anything? Oh come on! And why isn't there anymore weapons than those sucky grordbort weapons and other crap? Valve obviously doesn't want my money then.
>> No. 10868

>Demoman didn't get anything

I'm pretty sure Demoman's gotten more than enough items over numerous updates to last him quite a while. Classes like Engineer and Pyro tend to be really neglected.
>> No. 10869

You know Perry, Soldier wouldn´t let Ace speak out one word, before he would jump at him and try to struggle him to death.

And a got a good chuckle out of Lorem Ipsum Valve. Ahh the memories on uncounted Typographie
lessons are coming back.
>> No. 10870
Well, im happy that engineer got FINALLY a item/weapon set, but Pyro doesn't need anything. He is already overpowered. (Pyro lovers can drink my jarate)
>> No. 10872
File 132404851166.jpg - (197.29KB , 1680x1050 , 1286647605458.jpg )

Not really true. He has less than most, and virtually all of it is really gimmicky crap- or stuff that attempts to make Demoknight viable (same thing). Attempting to make balanced new explosives for him is tough and Valve clearly would rather take the easy option and continue to load him with yet more useless swords instead.

As for the Update- dead pleased by a new Valve-made CP map, one that uses the underrated Well/Freight feel too. Cool new Spy knife too, hurrah. Not happy about the fact they've decided you're not allowed to have any of the new weapons unless you're willing to pay through the fucking nose for them- at Christmas time too- but I can be patient.
>> No. 10875
File 132405898895.png - (963.27KB , 1010x886 , whatisexpectedfromvalve.png )
Booohoooo. Santa (Valve) didn't give me what i wanted. Im so disapointed. They really need to keep a break working with the Source Engine 2 and give us GOOD smissmas update after all that money they stole from us.
>> No. 10876
File 132405932068.png - (218.94KB , 450x450 , 130512193046.png )
Dude, those are just perfect!
Last year we had "elegant" christmas with those medieval items and hats from the "Fancy Vs. Nasty Update" which were beautiful, but unlike this year most of the items are saturated with that modern and "commericial" christmas look, like stereotypical color palette (green red, white).
>> No. 10879

The red/green/white palette for Christmas has been around for a loooooong time, heh, nothin' modern or commercial about it.
>> No. 10907
Talking about overpower, one who is overpowered is scout. Not pyro.
>> No. 10910
Anyone interested in obtaining the achievements together at some point? Most are quite easy to get, but the "play with 5 people on the friend list" is a bitch.

Should we start a server just for this or can this be done on the Mantrain?
>> No. 10940

So, anyone up for this? It's like FOUNDRY FORCE 5 UP IN THIS MOTHERFUCKER
>> No. 10941
I'm down, but I'm a scrub free to player, and don't actually know how to get into a server that doesn't show up when I browse.
>> No. 10942
>>10941 here's the Mantrain's IP, just add it to your favorites!
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