New meme? New meme. Source for origins and OH EXPLOITABLE: You know what you must do. GOGOGO
Allow me to add some examples from Steam and tumblr.
Last one I got stored. NOW YOU GUYS GO WILD
I've found a few. This one being one of my faves.
And the last one I have. If this one gets taken off the chan, I completely understand.
>>10779 Heh, thank you for posting mine! Flattered, I am! Here, have some more from SPUF.
>>10774 What's that from? Gonna drive me crazy
>>10785 Remember this update? It's from when TF2 became compatible with Mac computers.
This one was bound to happen eventually.
Gotta say though, Pyro in boxes is just adorable.
Wasn't quite expecting this one, but I still love it.
I'm kinda meh on this one.
Definitely one of my favourites so far.
Last one that I've found on tumblr for now.
there's tons more here
Here's one I made to put on my tumblr.
I just... How has no one done this yet?