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File 132385248034.png - (71.82KB , 205x205 , 1322519243809.png )
10775 No. 10775
I know this is TF2 discussion area, but I think this is worthy enough to be posted here, both because its a good deal and its charity.

Number four is out, and boy is this one a hum dinger. At the time of writing this, you can get seven, count em, seven indie games for less than a dollar a game, not only that, but included in these games are the critically acclaimed Super Meat Boy and Cave Story+, a game which has been called "The best 2D platformer since the days of Super Nintendo"

Can it get better? Yes actually. The reason these games are so cheap is for charity, namely the Red Cross and the Child's Play charity, and out of the money you pay, you get to select how much of what goes where. Sure you could download these games for free, but come on, this is a great deal for a great cause and only scum steal from charity.

If you don't want to buy it, fair enough, but if you do want these games, you'll never get a better price or for a better cause.

Cheers, Donny.
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>> No. 10776
File 132385379195.jpg - (157.00KB , 520x800 , 131215131727.jpg )
Already bought it, just as usual. Amazing deal that just gets more amazing with each passing issue of the bundle. You seriously can't go wrong with this. And since everyone can give just how much they want, there's no pressure. Just good money donated to good charity.
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