can anyone tell me why everyone thinks TF2 it's in 1960? I'm not saying it's not I just don't know why people say this - has it been posted somewhere?
The calendars in-game say 1968 on them, Saxton Hale is always beating up/murdering hippies, and Valve has said specifically in various posts that they were going for a '50s/'60s theme with the setting.
>>10881 >calendars in-game pics?
>>10882 nah but you find them in the spawns sometimes. Pretty sure there's one in the main spawn in 2fort
>>10882 The game is set in some approximation of 1968 and the entire aesthetic is based on mid-1900s illustration.
The theme itself is 50s/60s, but some of the stuff in the lore loses chronology completely. For example, Earbuds, and the comic about them. >that's our newest product, the iBlewupthemoon.
>>10888 To be fair though, that comic wasn't canon.
>>10888 Well it's obvious that the TF2 world doesn't strictly adhere to our timeline, what with Australia being a major technological powerhouse in the 1800s and things like teleportation and mediguns. So things like having earbuds in the game doesn't mean that it's still not generally mid-20th century.
>>10890 I don't even know anymore since they had to explain the appearance of Bill's Hat.
I think TF2 can pretty much be summarized as "'50s/'60s period setting with occasional slips because Rule Of Funny".
>>10894 Not to mention Shakespearicles.
>>10903 And also Soldier's roommate is a magician.
lol, tf2 newfags. Gotta love 'em.