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10948 No. 10948

Am I the only one hoping it really is a character proposing to Pyro?
Though I guess a real person proposing to another real person might be cool, too. I guess.
>> No. 10949
I'm secretly hoping a male character is giving it to another male character. Although if Pyro does get revealed as female or someone proposes to Miss Pauling or Spy and Scoutmom get hitched or Saxton tries to win over Helen by doing something sweet, I'll be just as happy.

Although it's most likely a real-person proposal, which is just as awesome.
>> No. 10951
It's Heavy proposing to Medic.

Okay probably not but I can dream, can't I?

>> No. 10952
Well, in my headcanon Medic and Heavy doesn´t strike me as a couple for marriage, they are just to much icecoldkiller for that. It´s more likely Soldier finaly does the step forward and proposes to shovel. On a other note, it´s silly how much CUTE it is in my opinion. I mean world of warcraft marriages never stricted me as romantic or other marriage things in games. But a fps game with manly man killing each other by shooting, blowing each other to gibs, decapitating, incernating, stabbing, and so on... having a proposal ring in there? It hits this soft spot deep inside of me, which i carefully try not to let up.

I will have teary eyes if i witness someone asking someone in reallife to marry them with this. Teary eyes through overly sweetness.

That beeing said it´s hilarious how my mind now goes to a TF2 ingame wedding ceremonie. Soldier giving the salute of honor, demoman saying cheers and taking a drink of his bottle. Medic playing on his bonesaw the wedding march. Heavy telling in a touched voice that sascha shall kiss him. People high fiving each other. And than BAM Spy backstabbing the broom telling him he never was on his side and is now up to visit his mother.
>> No. 10954
>crafting item
stop dreaming about your stupid fagfiction "OH Goodie! Pyro is going to marry someone", blaa blaa. it's propably next generation haunted scrap metal or something.

(You...DO remember you're on TF2chan, don't you? I don't think you do.)
>> No. 10955
I think it might be another thing like the Gary Hudson project (which Valve approved of and got GlaDOS herself to help out with the voicework) where they help a gamer with his or her proposal to their loved one. Would be wonderful!

I really don't know where you guys get the idea from that it might be character related ... ?
>> No. 10956
it's crafting item, not a "virtual proposing item".
>> No. 10957
If i would propose woman, i would get a real ring, not a nerdy virtual one.
>> No. 10958
I was just repeating what I heard in the article, I think a fake wedding proposal between characters would be pretty cool, and I really doubt theyd make an obvious gay couple out of it, leaving Pyro as the only real option. Unless they do go that route. No fanfiction about it.

Whats stopping them from getting a real ring, if that's what it's for? I think going through the trouble of coding and designing a game item would be far sweeter than just going to a jewelry store and grabbing a ring, which would be needed for a real wedding, anyway.
>> No. 10960
What if the woman you were going to propose to was a huge nerd?

I mean me, personally, I like the flowers, chocolate, down on one knee sort of proposal. That's my preference.
But there are women out there who find that cliche, lame, and not their cup of tea. Some women out there would probably flip over being proposed to in TF2. Not the majority of women, of course, but there are women out there who would.

Part of me still has fingers crossed for girl Pyro, simply because it's my main, but a real-life proposal would be fucking adorable.

>>10954 'fagfiction'? Really? If you're going to use words like that, why the fuck are you on a site like this?
>> No. 10961

Time out time for you, buddy. There's having a dissenting opinion and then there's being inflammatory. You are currently doing the latter. Come back when you can do the former without calling people stupid and using words like "fagfiction".
>> No. 11011
I actually chuckled a bit when I read 'fagfiction'

Truth be told, a character proposing to another character is wildly inappropriate in relation to the consistency of the personalities. Valve wouldn't tear apart the team dynamic for a joke.
>> No. 11126
I don't think Valve is going to encourage Twilight-level fanfiction, so I'm going to wait until it's true purpose is known.

Will be interesting.
>> No. 11139
Just my imagination; If that's to given to blu scout's ma by red spy and blu scout tries to prevent their wedding. So this becomes the trigger of spy vs scout event like demoman vs soldier and sniper vs spy before.

I was just imagining a silly shit.
>> No. 11141
I could actually see this.
>> No. 11151
I... love this.

It'd be like an 80's movie, but with more murder.
>> No. 11153
Maybe it'll be a taunt of sorts.
>> No. 11155
That would be hilarious to have a killcam of a Heavy or something on one knee.
>> No. 11219
>Perhaps one of the classes has finally plucked up the courage to propose to the Pyro. He/she/it has been waiting long enough.

There are so many delightful things about this statement, I don't even know where to start. I would have to invent new vocabulary just to describe how giddy this makes me.
>> No. 11220
That actually would be a great idea.
>> No. 11224
If it werent for a fact that we've already had a "vs Spy" thing.
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