No. 11170
If I remember right, its cartoon-ish style was what made TF2 stand out before it was released way back in the day. At the time, big-name shooters were designed to be hardcore realistic with wall-hugging action and etc.
If you're talking about realism in gameplay though... it would have made TF2 a very different game that would appeal to a much smaller audience.
The "slow down as you're damaged" thing works for L4D & L4D2 because the players are meant to place survival over "getting mad killz yo", and worry about getting to the finish line with limited ways of restoring health.
TF2 as it is now however, is all about run-and-gun and objective-based fighting, where you have to make kills and cap points while trudging through bullets and explosions. In L4D, you were supposed to desire avoiding conflict and reaching safety. In TF2, getting into fights is the whole point of the game, with survival as a delightful bonus, but not a requirement. Universally hampering players' speed (or some other variable) through damage would not appeal to the average player today. In fact, when the Natascha came out, a lot of players raged severely over its slow-down effect.