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11202 No. 11202
So, would people be interested in doing Achievements together at some point, on some server? Some of those are quite hard to get without help, especially those requiring playing with something like 5 people on your friend list. But some dicussion:

- Could it be done on the Mantrain at some point? Or could we use a temporarily started server?

- Would people be interested this only once, or many times?

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>> No. 11205
I was lucky enough to stumble with a server in which cp_foundry was always on, and the people there (about 10) were all helping each other getting the achievements.
Thats how I got ma steam hat the day after the map got introduced.

I am not adverse to the idea, but know there are some servers (Sydler's Idle server, for example) that have a special feature that gets you all the achievements (except the last 2 of the replay update). You can see people get 5-7 weapons drop at the time (because of all them achievements).
>> No. 11218
I want in on this and I hope some other people will express interest as well.
I'm gonna have a hard time getting a few of the achievements otherwise, because I just don't know anybody on Steam.
>> No. 11254
Anyone else up to this? Should we try to set something up on IRC or something? Or actually, can you like schedule events on steam groups or something?
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