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File 132603182779.png - (250.60KB , 600x513 , Pyroplaysfireman.png )
11210 No. 11210
Since nothing ever catches fire in TF2 except for people and Engineer's buildings, does that mean that they have the same technique as in Fahrenheit 451 to make things inflammable? If so, why doesn't Engineer use it for his buildings?
>> No. 11212
I'm fairly certain the buildings don't actually catch fire (no afterburn), the fire you see looks more like an internal failure from rocket being lobed onto it.
>> No. 11213
Always wondered how you had a pyromaniac with a flamethrower living in a wooden building, often with hay laying around.
>> No. 11214
But they still break.. Pyro can't set fire to houses or anything in them.. there must be some way ro explain this :D
>> No. 11215
Don't forget, the maps are all just covers for secret spy bases.

I wouldn't be surprised if everything was just sculpted concrete or something.
>> No. 11227
I love how windows don't even get a little crack when you shoot 4 rockets at them.
>> No. 11230
My theory has always been this: every time you see the administrator, she's always in her control room with cameras everywhere. and when youre playing, zoom out and view the skyboxes. these places theyre fighting in are in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. so i assume everything is set-up much akin to Portal. Which accounts for the synthetic buildings. also, the items (e.g. buckets, sheets of metal) laying around the maps dont move when you kick or shoot rockets at them, so i assume that they're glued or locked into the ground. just props. so possibly the engineer cant use them, as they arent made of functional metal?
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