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11291 No. 11291
TF2 traders, get in here!

As many of you know...Tf2 has made Ellis Cap Craftable now. You can craft it with another hat now. The question I raise is simple. Many of Ellis's hats are being "destroyed" in the process leaving out a certain % of them out of existence. If this continues...will Ellis's Cap increase in value?

>> No. 11292
A good question i asked myself again. Considering that everyone who buys L4D2 gets a Ellis hat and a pan for free i don´t believe there will be such a dramatical uprising in the value. Or i´m wrong now? Does someone still get the hat and the pan if they now buy the game? I mean i got mine months after it was released. I was rather positivly surprised that i still got it. What should be made craftable is the alien swarm hat. Far to many outside in the world.
>> No. 11293
Rarity is only one of a number of factors when it comes to the value of a hat. The Hetman's Headpiece for instance is incredibly rare, but you'll be hard pressed to find many people shitting themselves over it.

Ellis' cap never had any cache value like Bill's Hat and the Buds do, it can still be received for buying L4D2 (I think?), although it can be worn by any class it only looks good on one or two of them, and finally it's just one of myriad baseball caps in the game. These all combine to make Ellis' Cap a low value hat, even now it can be crafted.
>> No. 11294

Delurking just to say the Alien Swarm hat probably will never be craftable if Valve is smart; the game is from is free and it does not take long to get the hat, which means that players could exploit the system of rebuild headgear and just use the Alien Swarm hats, which means easier to get hats.

Lots of idlers would probably use the exploit so money should not normally be a problem.
>> No. 11298
What color is the hat?

I'd like to match my Monday night combat-socks with it. Naturally i could paint both Team spirit but and it would match Scout's shirt too, but i think it's a bit too bright.

Can i get the same colour as Ellis cap with the new team spirit-esque colours?
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