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File 132770111366.jpg - (33.03KB , 542x323 , medic_statue.jpg )
11309 No. 11309
So, they've announced the new Medic statue. Lets all gawk over it and whine about how poor we all are. Or, if you're rich, gloat. (Maybe buy us one?)

Also, what statue are you guys hoping for next? I want them to release a Sniper one.
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>> No. 11310
Just small versions of the Soldier, Heavy, and Medic ones already out. I can't afford a statue that expensive, no matter how much I love the game.
>> No. 11311
I want those action figures to be out already. These statues are beautiful but there's no way I could ever justify spending 250+ bucks on one. Weh wehh.
>> No. 11312
I saw the price and died on the inside. On another note:
I’d like them to release a Demoman, complete with smiley face.

If they included a mini sentry or toolbox I’d love an Engineer.
>> No. 11313
That'll be possible with the more affordable toys.
>> No. 11314
Seconding the, "Not spending $250 on a piece of plastic" sentiment. As much as I adore Medic, I don't need an expensive statue of him to express my affection for a fictional character.
>> No. 11321
File 13277919754.jpg - (194.48KB , 640x480 , 5648757221_af7d79de12_z.jpg )
Look what I found in Google search.
Is this the one?
>> No. 11322
I want little lead toy soldier style TF2 characters.. maybe made out of pewter, or something heavy like that
>> No. 11323
Mother of God...
>> No. 11335
File 132785035283.jpg - (50.89KB , 1000x563 , 1368_huge.jpg )
>> No. 11343
Gonna get myself one RED herr doktor, und make him a Prussian Pickelhaube and procedure mask + create Kritzkrieg nozzle for the medigun which he is holding.
>> No. 11354
Oh, how I wish I had money...
>> No. 11356
I have my Heavy and i think thats all im going to buy, unless they really make the Scout one to be awesome.
>> No. 11357
File 132803512873.jpg - (54.00KB , 400x398 , Slowpoke.jpg )
Wait. Did this just canonize Josef Heilburger as the Medic's name, or did this happen sometime before? I know there was some unofficial update that used it, but--I--guh--buh--word--fragments.

Once again, it's clear that my number should be 79, not 38.
>> No. 11358

As far as I care, that's not cannon. The name "Joseph Heilburger" was given to him in a fan-update, and gaming heads is probably giving him that as a joke. (If they are as smart as I hope.)

If Valve wants that to be his name, then they'll announce it in a comic. They'll do that with every name.
>> No. 11359
I kind of hope we do have more names given. I really liked Heavy's name being Ivan "Ivan" Ivanov. Gave me a good laugh.
>> No. 11360
Wait, when was this?
>> No. 11361
Halloween, I think? It was a fan-created thing, so it wasn't for real, but I still thought it was funny.
>> No. 11363
I get the Josef part. But. Heilburger?
>> No. 11364
>>11358 I guess what confuses me is that the name is listed on the Gaming Heads website for him. (Weirdly enough, the Heavy's name isn't listed...) Briefly, the Medic's page on wiki.teamfortress.com had his name (around noon), but I see it's been redacted since then.

To continue with my previous post's theme, Gaming Heads used Confusion on me, and I'm continuing to attack myself.
>> No. 11366
File 132807140077.jpg - (229.64KB , 873x705 , dashboard.jpg )
The more I see of this figure the less I like it. He's not in scale with the Heavy figure (even slouched over, Heavy is taller than Medic) and there are a lot of small details like Medic's eyebrows that aren't captured in the figure. Normally this would just be little nitpicks, but they're asking for $250 bucks for this thing. I would expect more precise details, you know?
>> No. 11373
Valve have confirmed that Medic's name is NOT Josef Heilburger:
>> No. 11378
Aww, I liked Heilburger. Josef reminds me too much of Mengele to be funny.
>> No. 11379
Thanks for the clarification image. (I still might use 'Heilburger' as an insult from the Soldier.)
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