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11351 No. 11351
Post your pyro loadout, favorite weapons, and how they complement each other.

EX. my "roaming pyro" setup

The detonator is great for detjumping and getting behind enemy lines, while also causing general chaos. The backburner is (obviously) good for surprising lone enemies and mass murder when having detjumped behind the entire enemy team. The backscratcher is good for roaming pyros, as you might not have a medic with you. They're probably helping your team on the frontlines. And when you DO encounter a lost little medic, the Backscratcher works great for building Ubercharge, which he can then go and deploy on an offensive class in a push.

My normal loadout is Degreaser, shotgun, Powerjack or Third Degree (which is awesome)
>> No. 11352
My normal loadout is my Degreaser, Shotty, and the hammer whose name escapes me at this exact moment, because I often stick with the Engies.

If I'm on a pub server, on my own, though, I usually slap on my Attendant and the Powerjack, for the speed boost.

And my bells. I LOVE my bells.
>> No. 11353
bells to strike fear in the heart of the opponent. i recently got rid of my bells, and found myself with an Ornament Armament. feelsbadman
>> No. 11370
1. Phlogistinator
Roaming on my favorite map (Balloon_Race_v1), which is quite spacious and a lethal sniper nest i need something to gain health, while i roast some scouts from the way and get the health i need to survive the Snipers
2. Detonator
Never used it much, but after it had better flarejump ability it's one of my favorites, gets me on some places where i can sniper snipers if they can't see me or at least trying to stop them by setting them on fire
3. Powerjack or G. Maul
after it gives you health like Phlogistinator, but after the map which i play mostly doesn't have any health packs, powerjack is better. Sometimes Engineers need some help after Spies are menacing over the map, so Maul is my second best friend.
>> No. 11377
Strange flamethrower - I can go back and forth killing people either with m1+w or airblasting people off cliffs. Plus its fun to keep track of how many kills I get.

Shotgun - I tried running with the Reserve shooter for a bit, but since I can never seem to puff enemies into the air fast enough, it just seemed like a setback. The bigger clip is just so much more useful.

Powerjack - I only ever really use this if I need a quick health refill.
>> No. 11403
Flamethrower, Detonator and Homewrecker unless I'm going Degroot Keep, then I'll use the Sharpened Volcano Fragment because I am a bitch and can't melee anyway. I used to play Backburner but then I learnt the joys of puffing Medics.
>> No. 11427
Strange Degreaser, Reserve Shooter, and Strange Axtinguisher.
It serves me well, plus I don't get called out by other players for being cheap!
>> No. 11429
vintage backburner, sheerly out of preference. i have a degreaser, but i simply prefer the backburner because i circle-strafe like nobody's business and i get a crit bonus. and despite the fact that the cost is 50 ammo, i use the airblast to my discretion. if i see a scout on fire near the spawn, i'm not going to extinguish them. if i see an engulfed medic on the front lines, definitely.

i use the detonator for flare-sniping and det-jumping. it actually comes in very handy (combined with a crouch jump) when i need to get to a higher place and i have health to spare. when enemies move out of my flamethrower's range, i nail them with the flare. thankfully, my extensive practice with aiming the detonator gives me a pretty nifty chance of hitting my target.

as for melee, i stick to either the axtinguisher or the homewrecker. i like pyrbroing it up with the engineers, so i'm usually wielding the latter.
>> No. 11437
Phlogistinator, Shotgun, Axtinguisher.

Even when I switch out to another flamethrower I tend to forget or forgo the air-blast out of carelessness, and for some reason I find the Phlog's reach easier to use.

I like the Phlog-Shotgun combo a lot because I use Shotgun as my primary, approach that way and do smaller bits of damage while shorter-range classes try to get close, then switch out when I run out of shots so when they try to charge me they run right into the Phlog's range. Then I can get out of larger-ranged classes' way easier because I still have enough space. I do ambushes as well when it's a good time, but with the Shotgun I can take it head-on as long as my timing is right.
>> No. 11439
Vanilla Stranges + Homewrecker

Fck y'all. I love taking a scout by surprise when he thinks he can weapon heckle me. Shotgun comes out, he gets buckshot at medium and long range. Also, rage spies when they gank the engie and then try to sap his stuff. I set them on fire, then save the buildings. Then roast them some more.

I must be doing something right, because I ranked up my Strange flamethrower four times in one cp_orange_superfort match.

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