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File 132821634972.png - (111.48KB , 400x240 , blog_nowfeaturing_9.png )
11385 No. 11385

>This year, the lovable, indecipherable Pyro finally gets some time in the spotlight. There will be blood. And not like in the movie There Will Be Blood, either, where there was only blood at the end, and not even very much of it. Ours has lots of blood pretty much all the way through.
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>> No. 11386
What the heck is the secret project going to be? I am very excited.
>> No. 11387
at this rate, meet the pyro will be a full 5 minutes long and the first 6 will still always be just 1:30. kinda disspaointing.

here's hoping for "meet the X again"
>> No. 11388
File 132821955467.jpg - (77.54KB , 500x667 , tumblr_lwxxf0O87I1qgmn34o11_r1_500.jpg )
>not hats
>not maps
Saxton Hale model/boss/class/nude/whatever!

...or just weapons.
>> No. 11389
I'm feeling like it might be a new game-mode actually. Also hoping for more 'meet the X's after Pyro's, or even little vignettes. Anything that'll keep those delicious animators animating and those delectable voice actors voicing.
>> No. 11391
This has gotten me really exited. Like, "I wanna go outside and uppercut a random chump" exated.

I still can't help feeling that 'Meet the Pyro' will be slightly dissapointing to me, like MtM was.
>> No. 11393

Could you explain how Meet the Medic was disappointing?
Not hassling, just curious.
>> No. 11394
File 13282332937.jpg - (80.75KB , 525x902 , Capturar.jpg )
today's update:

>- Added The Conquistador
>- Added The Map Maker's Medallion
>- Added new promotional items
>- Added information about item origins to the WebAPI
>- Added "DamagedPlayer" animation event for the HUD, fired when the local player damages other players
>- Fixed The Head Warmer not displaying unusual particle effects correctly
>- Fixed paint applying incorrectly on Max's Severed Head
>- Fixed a server crash caused by Holiday Punch critical attacks on physics objects
>- Updated the Itsy Bitsy Spyer so it can also be equipped by the Sniper
>- Updated cp_foundry:
>- Clip brush collision smoothing by the forward spawn alternate exit
>- Fixed Nobuild exploits
>- Fixed the teleporter player trap on the roof of the forward spawn alternate exit
>- Fixed Nodraw and texturing errors
>- Fixed clipping of barrels on final cap points
>- Fixed fade distance on props
>- Fixed lighting bugs in spytech vistas
>- Removed props hidden in geometry
>- Removed ability for players to cap the final point by standing on the catwalk behind it
>> No. 11395
>> No. 11396
File 132825084229.jpg - (33.38KB , 430x359 , tumblr_ls76tfTKKD1qafrh6.jpg )
Meet the Pyro.

>> No. 11398
Yeah, I thought the same thing when I first read it - this top secret stuff is probably a new game mode. Though it's possible that, since it's not good to 'fall in love' with your first idea, and knowing Valve, it's gonna be something completely different and unexpected.

As for Meet the Pyro, I like the fact that we still won't know what gender Pyro is after seeing it.
>> No. 11399

I thought it wasn't 'Medic' enough. I thought it needed more similarities to the Medic in-game, like a more serious attitude on the battlefield. Also. I was hoping he would brutally maul some poor sap that got in his way, but I guess we got that with the beta.
(This might be too little to nitpick about, but why is Demoman in a wheelchair when his arm is in a cast? Just sayin'.)

But this isn't the place to talk about it. Maybe I'll start a thread to discuss them all when Pyro is out.
>> No. 11402
I don't think this'll be the last short we get, the way the reception's been on the previous ones. It'll be fun, because this way they can be unpredictable and come out with one for an NPC/holiday/event out of nowhere.
>> No. 11407

Medic never had much of a character before his film- as evinced by the fact all the fanwank writers on here created a wide variety of personalities for him in their stories. So Medic not being quite what you wanted him to be is a bit of a case of projection.

I don't think Valve will ever top Meet the Spy, but Meet the Medic had a lot of great interaction, was very funny, and had easily the best music of the entire series. The only disappointing aspect of it in my view is that it gave us the Quickfix, and that Valve didn't bother recording new in-game lines for the Medic whilst they had Atkin Downes in for some reason.
>> No. 11411

The man was there, he had a microphone, everyone else has awesome new lines and fantastic taunts... Gosh, fellas, it just ain't fair!
>> No. 11415

Part of me wonders if they skipped Medic dominations for now because they assume Medics don't dominate that much to begin with (also might explain why he doesn't have a "Medic, follow me" message). They can, though, depending on the player.
>> No. 11416
File 132848463121.jpg - (51.47KB , 430x290 , 6590784413_efdfd32a12_o.jpg )
Heres to hoping that they make a "Meet the Assistant" for Miss Pauling. I love Miss Pauling, and I really want to see her interacting more with the Team. Also I'm curious about who they'd cast for her voice. I hope it's Jen Taylor, Zoey's voice actress.
>> No. 11417
For the secret project I would be super-happy for a new game mode. That would be so great. It would put something fresh in and expand the game. I'm putting my bets on that.

But there's one possibility nobody's mentioned. It's ludicrous, audacious... and I don't think I'd really want it to happen, myself. It's unlikely because of how delicate the team balances are. But I'm gonna throw it out there.

Tenth class.

Yeah, I went there.
>> No. 11418

She sounds like the "Mystery Inc." version of Velma in my headcanon, but Jen Taylor would work well, too, as long as she doesn't sound identical to Zoey.

I'm wondering if we could see a return of the mode from TFC where the classes have to protect the Civilian. I really don't want a tenth class either.
>> No. 11423
Personally, I'm hoping that the Big Secret Thing will be the Source Filmmaker in some sort of usable format.
>> No. 11426
A small part of me still wishes the Guard Dog would be implemented. It was a well though-out prank if you ask me.
>> No. 11430
Female classes? Valve would rock that, you know it.
>> No. 11431
File 13285679365.png - (30.21KB , 590x576 , the tenth class.png )

>> No. 11432
I would shit myself with joy.
>> No. 11433
This means that Chemical Alia should speed up her work.
>> No. 11435
File 132858116923.png - (84.53KB , 180x278 , G-man.png )
I might actually play TF2 again if Civilian mode makes it in.
>> No. 11436

Campaign mode! Single-player mode, or even a co-op type thing. Some kind of story-based something. That would be so sweet.
>> No. 11438
File 132873278951.jpg - (243.05KB , 698x459 , tf2circa1890.jpg )
Rooting for an 1890's mode myself, with crazy Victorian gadgets, though I doubt it could be realistically implemented in time considering everything it would need. Can always hope though.

Civilian mode or Boss mode seem like more likely results, and either would be super fun.
>> No. 11440


It won't happen. :c
>> No. 11441
Camera pans over the map and into the RED spawn room
Spy narrating: Once upon a time, there was a fat bastard.
Heavy spawns
Spy: This simple-minded fool decided that he needed to cram something down his gullet, otherwise he would be forced to eat one of his teammates, probably the Scout.
Player takes control of Heavy
Spy: So the fatuous, fat-headed fat man headed down do the kitchen, but his tiny brain was shocked to find that there were no sandwiches to be found anywhere. He somehow gathered enough brain power to formulate a plan: he would take the enemy's sandwiches.
Heavy heads to the main battlefield.
Spy: Suddenly, a wild Soldier appeared!
Heavy: I am getting sandvich, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
They fight, Soldier loses.
Spy: And so the shaved bear made his way into the BLU team's kitchen, to find... ME! Well I am sorry to tell you, fat-man, but I have eaten the last sandwich here! HAHAHAHA!
Heavy punches spy in the head and knocks him out cold. He sees the BLU intel rotating on the counter, walks over, and opens it. It is the top-secret plans for a new superweapon BLU is planning to use against RED.
Heavy: I must tell team about this immediately!
Level one completed.
>> No. 11442
That would be a shit idea if the threads on /v/ are any indication.

But seriously the team squad nature of this game would not make for a very good single player game the way Half-Life would.
>> No. 11443
Agreed. This is TEAM Fortress 2, not Left 4 Dead, and certainly not Half Life. We've had big updates before, but making TEAM Fortress 2 a single player campaign? lol no.

Interesting idea. But no.
>> No. 11444

Calling it now.
>> No. 11445


The surprise is all of these ideas AT THE SAME TIME.

...Yeah it's too good to be true.
>> No. 11499
I did say single-player like a fool but I thought more about it and I think a campaign mode could work if it was Co-Op. Sort of like Serious Sam. Get a team of 24 together and play a story. Maybe even make it open like everything else for user-made campaigns.

I'm a dreamer, damnit.

Though I'll settle for CP_Steampunk.
>> No. 11503
I'd definitely play a Serious Sam TF2 mode. Or something like Team Fortress Arcade.
>> No. 11507
I've been thinking. What if one of their surprises was actually make one of our otp pairings become official?
It's valentine's today, I had a vague hope that they would make a short sorta gayspyper comic for us. meh.
my friend said it would be impossible but it's valve so we never know - the world is changing anyway, isn't it?
>> No. 11508
File 132927203471.gif - (40.49KB , 365x395 , v4vcG.gif )
They will never make pairings official.
BUt they added a weeding ring in a game where every player is a dude (and a possible potato bag), soo,it's cannon, entire team is gay!
>> No. 11509

Today I got so many notifications saying that "so-and-so has accepted whats-his-face's proposal." We're gonna see a whole lotta fb or other notifications that 'this-and-that just married some-dudette.' But hey, this is all that Valentine hype, so we'll just ignore it.
>> No. 11510
You oughta see the forums, they are ABLAZE with "GOD THAT'S SUCH A WASTE OF MONEY, VALVE YOU DUMB FUCKS"-type threads.
>> No. 11512
Oops, incoming from my friend Huntsman S. Thompson:

"one just came in that said CUBE accepts CHELL's undying love"

You can see how a bunch of people don't give a damn, lol.
>> No. 11513
File 132927841979.jpg - (28.85KB , 600x285 , 1721940-gaben_super.jpg )
everytime I saw that pop up today about a propose, I said to myself, "hey, valve made more 100$" haha
>> No. 11514
File 132928622969.jpg - (210.22KB , 1366x768 , 2012-02-15_00001.jpg )
Someone paid $100 to make this joke, but in his defense it's a really good joke.
>> No. 11517
"Then presto, the gift turns into two matching diamond bands you can wear in the rain while you smooch up a storm, you crazy kids."

Am I the only one who (falsely) hopes that two character models will kiss in-game?
You're so right, Furei, they'll never make parings official. If I could use emoticons, there would be a sadface here.
>> No. 11518
It's a game with customization, you customize your pairing hahaha, you can name tag it or use paint can.
>> No. 11519
File 132935405289.jpg - (135.00KB , 1280x800 , cleverone.jpg )
I'll admit, I laughed. A lot.
>> No. 11521
File 132935907792.jpg - (138.50KB , 1366x768 , 2012-02-15_00001.jpg )
Fuck it, it's now completly cannon for me.
>> No. 11523
Ok, anyone here who actually bought one?
I bought hachimaki when Japan was hit, but this... lol it actually fits with the Spy :3
But maybe i'll buy golden wrench if they would sell those sometime
>> No. 11527
I was given one if that counts. It makes my spy look more like a mob king with the scarf,fedora, and ring. I'm kinda creeped out by keeping it because I barely know the person who gave it to me.
>> No. 11528

I actually have this slight nagging feeling that the ring might in the future become an equippable taunt. They could repurpose the high-five animations so it's just them burly TF2 men raising their hands, palm-inwards to show off their bling.

Would that be too much though? Too much effort or too much potential of frothing fan-rage at the presence of a $100 taunt?
>> No. 11532
Well, if someone has a ring and is willing to give it to someone who they don't even know, PROPOSE ME and i give you 5 keys in return. I just want the misc. and you'll get something in return. Maybe i'll even be a good waifu and give something similar in future :3
>> No. 11534
"Hey, spend $100 so I can flaunt cosmetics and I'll give you $12.50 on useless gambling shit that will probably get you five Huntsmen!"
>> No. 11535
File 132951434948.jpg - (55.42KB , 590x449 , 1300832069960.jpg )

I don't know what's more embarrassing: you making that proposal, or the knowledge that someone somewhere will take you up on it.
>> No. 11537
Part of me hopes that we'll eventually get a legitimate proposal out of this.

I can't see myself playing $100 for anything unless I was completely serious.
>> No. 11627
Why does it sound so unlogic?
random rich fool with no friends spends 100 dollars only to make stupid joke, i want the misc. ring for my collection, i pay him in return when he proposes me, i get the ring, he gets something with the stupid joke. Why does it sound so strange? Would it be more logic to just spend 100 dollars and only to get the stupid joke?
>> No. 11633
the fact you're underpaying and still expecting it

when someone more set on the idea could offer HALF and get it
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