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File 132965753292.jpg - (79.90KB , 448x473 , Wot.jpg )
11541 No. 11541
I've been thinking - why does everyone assume that Sniper's name is actually Mundy?

Couldn't it be a fake name, like soldier's?
Maybe he got it after saying "monday" with his australian accent and everyone just started calling him "Mundy"?
I just don't think he'd be that careless to tell everyone his real name; besides Mundy is actually an Irish name.

Well just a thought I wanted to share with you guys.
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>> No. 11545
They think that because it is.

Seriously, look in the 'Meet the Director' comic.

Also, it's an Irish name becuase Sniper is not a real Austrailian-He couldn't possibly be. He has no muscles! Every Austrailian has muscles. And a handlebar mustache.
>> No. 11546
I've read the comics? What does have to do with anything? that's why I refereed to soldier's name too (unless someone believes his true name is in fact jane doe?)
>> No. 11550
The comics are cannon.

And there is a possibility that Jane is a fake name, but 'Doe' was mentioned in two comics, so it's definately cannon. But Jane is still a possibility.
>> No. 11551
Jane Doe "is used as a placeholder name in a legal action, case or discussion for a party, whose true identity is unknown or must be withheld for legal reasons."

It would be hard for me to say that Doe is his actual last name he was born with. And considering comics canon and his backstory, it's easy to see reasons for Soldier wanting to hide his identity.

Sniper could have similar reasons for having a fake name, honestly. However, in these two cases, taking the official wiki as Word of God, here, Soldier is listed as "Unknown; referred to as Mr. Jane Doe", whereas Sniper is just "Mr. Mundy". It would be easy for fans to assume that Mundy is his actual last name.
>> No. 11552
While it's a placeholder, it's also possible for it to be a last name, too. I know a girl with the last name Doe. It's a name, too. It's entirely possible that Soldier's name is really Jane Doe. Unlikely, but possible.

But as to the original thing, with Sniper being Mundy, I've heard people say it's a Crocodile Dundee reference. Instead of Mick Dundee it's Dick Mundy.
Again, not certain, but entirely possible.
>> No. 11553
I have never thought of it that way. That's awesome.
>> No. 11556
that'd be Rick mundy

Ritzy rick's hair fixative. afterall

another was laurence correct?
>> No. 11557
I've never heard the Laurence one, but I accept the Richard/Rick/Dick Mundy thing as headcanon now. He looks like a Rick.
>> No. 11558
The Laurence is because of the Laurence of Australia pack. It's just a reference to Laurence of Arabia, but I can see how people could think it's his name.
>> No. 11559
File 132969549890.jpg - (25.12KB , 220x338 , Crocodile_dundee_poster.jpg )
His name is Dick Mundy.

Dick can be short for Richard, Rich, Rick, et cetera.

It's Dick Mundy because D and M swapped is Mick Dundy, or Michael Dundee, the Crocodile Hunter.

This is all canon in my head, it's logical to me.
>> No. 11562

That explains the pissing in jars, at least.
>> No. 11563
Wouldn't they have used the male equivalent "John Doe" then, instead of Jane? That's the only thing that makes me think it might just be the actual name that he was given. I imagine his mother to be...very off.
>> No. 11564

Soldier himself is 'off,' and it's fitting to the nature of the game. Besides, in this game, teleporters were invented in the late 1800's, and there is a magic element that makes people grow muscles & mustaches. Names don't need to make sense here.

In other words, they did it for the lols.
>> No. 11565
File 132972007731.jpg - (26.15KB , 720x480 , Bruce.jpg )
because soldier is a dumbass

to me its either Rick for the aforementioned reasons.

or its Bruce
>> No. 11567
File 132975793036.jpg - (12.07KB , 100x100 , wot (2).jpg )
I'm guessing you took the Richard and Laurence names from the spyper fanfictions on ff.net?

Well those were all good points, but to me it's still a fake ID (both sniper's and soldier's) - and I don't think we'll ever find out their real names either (well, except for demoman's but that's because of that war comic where his family was mentioned as well right?).

Ok here's one more point I'd like to discuss:
If his last and real name really is Mundy then why was he so pissed that someone found his parents location (and took pictures of them) on the director comic? If they really knew his real last name (Mundy) then it wouldn't be that hard to find them, now would it?
Unless of course, sniper is a complete moron...

btw has someone considered that the person who took all those pictures (sniper's parents, heavy sleeping with sasha on a tiny bead, etc.) was actually BLU spy? He seems to be the...staler/paparazzi type
>> No. 11578
>I'm guessing you took the Richard and Laurence names from the spyper fanfictions on ff.net?
>People explained the reasoning behind the name ideas in the following posts: >>11552 >>11556 >>11558 >>11559

Please read the thread before you post.
>> No. 11583
I like the idea that if Soldier's name is really Jane, it's because his dad pulled a Boy Named Sue on him and wanted him to get his ass kicked as a kid so he'd grow up to be tough.

I don't have a headcanon name for Sniper, but I like Bruce because I've seen a couple Gmod videos where he was Bruce from Monty Python and Bruce from Finding Nemo, and oddly, it fit well.
>> No. 11608

Monty would be an awesome name for Sniper.
>> No. 11611
'My headcanon is that none of them share their real names because of a whole secrecy thing. They call each other by their class names- they are coworkers but not more than that- or the sort of epithets you hear in the game "Filthy Jarman" and whatnot. Again, personal headcanon only, their cook assigns them nicknames they end up using- they just don't care, and it's actually kind of easier to use the nicknames (She doesn't care to call them "Hey you" or their class names.) But nobody really cared much until she showed up.
>> No. 11657

Just because he's Australian doesn't mean he can't have a non-Australian name.

I've seen other people say this about the other classes as well and I think it's silly to assume they have to have names that are strictly from their nation.
>> No. 11677
This. Case in point, I'm British but my last name is Greek!
>> No. 11683
>If they really knew his real last name (Mundy) then it wouldn't be that hard to find them, now would it?

My last name is Murray.
I'm from Canada.

>> No. 11684
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Spyper, eh? And just how would you know what he's called in those?
>> No. 11685
File 133038165914.jpg - (107.95KB , 600x654 , spy ming.jpg )
What's this about Spyper fanfiction anyway? It's not yet another of those crappy torrid romance novel-type fanfictions that always crop up when I'm looking for Spy/Sniper stuff, is it?

Because if it's about Minifett's Spyper, then /r/ links.
>> No. 11686

Refer to the post I was referring to.
>> No. 11696
File 133048356663.jpg - (291.51KB , 859x797 , BlindSnipes.jpg )
Well, yes. 'Kelly' is also a name of Irish origin (as in Ned Kelly, famous IRL Australian outlaw).

In fact about 95% of white Australians are descended from the English, Irish and Scottish (these days, anyway- back in the 50's-60's you just about couldn't find a white Aussie who wasn't descended from there)

I'm Australian, my last name is Chrisp. It's Scottish.
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