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File 133022713283.png - (53.14KB , 300x314 , Pyro.png )
11651 No. 11651
I just want to suck the pyro's rubber fingers for some reason. Kiss his gasmask too. But, especially finger all over that suit for some reason.

I think the pyro gave me a fetish for rubber suits and gasmasks.
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>> No. 11652
Good for you?
>> No. 11653
Wait a minute, I think I know what (s)he's trying to get us to discuss here. (S)he wants us to talk about our kinks.

Am I right, Anon 11651?
>> No. 11655

OP here

Was just posting to start a "Do I need help or not" type of thread.

But if you want to discuss any kinks spawned by tf2 and/or tf2 kinks specifically, go on.
>> No. 11664

Well, I wouldn't be the one to ask, because I have similar fetishes. But I've always thought I needed help, so maybe you do too.

Kinks spawned by tf2, eh? Shit, I have a whole page. My favorite would be fisting. I never gave a second thought to it before I read 'one at a time' and now it's my favorite.
Then there's tentaspies and tentacles. Before I found tentaspies, I hated tentacle porn. It was always these weird tentacle-penises and some anime chick that looked way to young. But tentaspies...good-looking tentacles and males? Yes please! Waiter, give me two of those.

I'd go on, but they are either stupid, embarrassing, or impossible. And besides, I want to hear from other people so I can judge mine insane or not.
>> No. 11672
File 133030392748.png - (40.26KB , 156x178 , Heavymugshot.png )
Anyone who says wouldn't (at least platonically) hug Heavy is lying.
>> No. 11675
TF2 gave me a thing for shorter males dominating (Engie, anyone?), masks, and... Well, I always had a thing for gun play, but TF2 just made it stronger.

Shutting up now.
>> No. 11676
Don't get me started. Kaz's art gave me a kink for seams of all things, Marty and Cyan have given me medical terminology kinks, I now have a bigger accent kink than before as well as clothed sex, dark room sex, objects-inserted-where-said-object-is-not-supposed-to-go...

Fuck you guys and your amazing kink-giving abilities.
>> No. 11678
I always loved manly men, but TF2 showed me an entire world full of delicious kinks revolving around them. Aw yeah.

I also got a cyborg fetish of all things from a TF2 RP (dat Gunslinger). I certainly didn't expect that.
>> No. 11681
Some of my kinks were further enhanced such as being partially clothed sex, sex in dirty dim rooms, biting and clawing, and medical situations.

I was already sort of into scraggy, hairy guys with scars, but this fandom made it even more so.
>> No. 11682
I developed a kink of loving, tender, passionate relationships developing between hardened mercenaries amidst strife and turmoil.

Does that count?

If not, then invisible sex. Cloaked sex. Whatever you wanna call it. The idea of feeling sexual pleasure, but being unable to see the one giving it- godDAMN that is arousing.
>> No. 11687
You must be me and I must be you.

Im glad Im not the only one who gained a rubber/gasmask kink from TF2.
>> No. 11688
The "kink" of dominating several people at once and laughing maniacally as they all try to chase my down.
Im lookin at you Nyx.
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