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11699 No. 11699
I spent a good thirty minutes trying to figure out where to put this and couldn't figure it out, so it's going here and I hope that's just swell with you guys. (It kind of belongs on Fanfic, but that's a text board only so ~whatever~.)

Regardless! A gaggle of long-time TF2 fans, myself one of them, have teamed up to create a new radio show on Pratt Internet Radio (radio.pratt.edu) called F*cked Up Fanfic, and we're podcasting it now. The gist is that we do dramatic readings of fic, generally bad!fic but not always, and the goal is to make everyone in the room very uncomfortable. We just released a reading of Roxal's TF2 beauty "Voyeur Scout" and it's up for download right here on our Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/fckedupfanfic/webexclusivetf2

I promise you that your day is not complete until you've heard one guy do horribly, comedically accurate impersonations Medic, Heavy, and Scout in an orgy.

Boink bonk, baby.
>> No. 11715
I listed to this and it was pretty good. It was hard to keep myself from laughing in the middle of class.

If you do requests, you should do the classic "King of My Hill"
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