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File 133066115478.jpg - (91.97KB , 512x512 , cowboyboots_thumb.jpg )
11718 No. 11718
Valve's been reading my dream diary.
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>> No. 11723
I can understand em being on Solly, Sniper, maybe Demo... but Scout and not Engy? What possible reason could they have for that?
>> No. 11724

He already has a cowboy related foot item.
>> No. 11725
True, but these boots just seem... more suited, especially if ye had both these and the Texas Ten Gallon, heck, Demo has two grenade replacements.
>> No. 11728
File 133075784761.jpg - (125.18KB , 1280x800 , pl_hoodoo_final0000.jpg )
Probably valve put this just because was for soldier, and since the one who made had made it to sniper demo and scout too, why not?
People was askin the make to make it for engie too, he asked to valve if they would add it late, they said yep.
>> No. 11729
I'm all for your Gmodding and art, Furie, but seriously. When you're not on the art boards, PLEASE spoiler-image dat shit!
>> No. 11770
It can still be changed. Like Private Eye, which was Spy only hat when it came out.
>> No. 11778
File 133168305016.png - (228.79KB , 384x711 , tumblr_m0put0Cdzf1rrtgbwo1_500.png )
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