No. 11971
If it were up to me, "Meet the Pyro" would be the focus of a HUGE update. Like, on the basis of the "WAR!" update, including a comic.
Something like the administrator realizing that their file on the Pyro is blank, and ordering Pauling to get to the bottom of things. Along the way, Pauling interviews a bunch of the mercs and minor characters. While investigating the minor characters, she realizes that they all have reasons to be the Pyro, and all have Pyro-worthy names (Lucifer Bidwell, Reddy Blazeworthy, Scoutsmom Setsstuffonfire, etc.) The comic introduces a bunch of new theories and possibilities, but nothing concrete- we end the story with the strong hint that Pauling herself MIGHT be the Pyro, but nothing concrete is ever found out.