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File 133418913824.png - (66.46KB , 500x400 , 130890682743.png )
11948 No. 11948
I can feel it.

The update. The next big one. The one that comes with Meet The Pyro.

What're you speculating? Mexican woman? Soulless robot? Fancy English-Man? Or they'll explain nothing at all
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>> No. 11949
File 133419467863.jpg - (283.88KB , 1920x1080 , 1313743294898.jpg )
They'll cut the video just as the Pyro is about to reveal himself and we'll be left wondering as they continue to throw vague hints at us, never saying an actual thing about him. I am positive, though, that they'll clarify that the Pyro is male. A massive tease all his life, maybe even a little bit of a manchild, but male all the same.
>> No. 11950
Honestly I'll be disappointed if they actually confirm anything about the identity of Pyro.
>> No. 11951
File 133419554846.png - (572.96KB , 649x484 , meet the pyro.png )
I call sentient bag of potato or nothing at all.
Or a ghost haunting a fire retardant suit.
>> No. 11954
Pyro is a Frankenstein monster, created from the dismembered gibs of the other team members. Mua hahahaha!
>> No. 11956
I think I'm more excited for Pyro's music then the actual video.

I don't think the gender will be revealed or anything at all. It ruins the mystery we all love.
>> No. 11958
I don't think the gender will be revealed, as so much as the pyro will do what the pyro does best; set shit of fire. That being said, I think that it's best that it isn't revealed. I mean, then that way everyone's headcanons can be both canon and uncanon at the same time. Because that totally made sense.

That being said, I will still think that the pyro is a demented manchild of a woman who was raised by alien conspiracy theorists.
>> No. 11959
Fifty bucks says they go the route of "Oh, we had the film done, but someone set it on fire, so here! Have this new hat! 'The charred filmreel'!"
>> No. 11960
I really want to know part of Pyro's backstory- which I think could be pulled off without revealing gender. Or just a little about Pyro's interests and hobbies or something.
>> No. 11962
Or, maybe as they are removing their mask, the film reel melts and bubbles away...

Now all I can think about is an exploitation film styled trailer for Team Fortress 2. (Team Grindhouse 2?)
>> No. 11964
I thought I heard somewhere that this video would be from Pyro's POV in the first person.
>> No. 11965

You heard right. Confirmed by Robin Walker: >>11964">http://www.kritzkast.com/RobinWalker>>11964
>> No. 11967
im hoping mexican woman,always felt it to be true. but i think theyre going to have it show the back of the pyro with long blonde hair, and the cameras gonna rotate and show the pyro in her mask with a blonde wig, huddah hu!, and then things will be set on fire with no further explanation. sigh.
>> No. 11970
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>> No. 11971
If it were up to me, "Meet the Pyro" would be the focus of a HUGE update. Like, on the basis of the "WAR!" update, including a comic.

Something like the administrator realizing that their file on the Pyro is blank, and ordering Pauling to get to the bottom of things. Along the way, Pauling interviews a bunch of the mercs and minor characters. While investigating the minor characters, she realizes that they all have reasons to be the Pyro, and all have Pyro-worthy names (Lucifer Bidwell, Reddy Blazeworthy, Scoutsmom Setsstuffonfire, etc.) The comic introduces a bunch of new theories and possibilities, but nothing concrete- we end the story with the strong hint that Pauling herself MIGHT be the Pyro, but nothing concrete is ever found out.
>> No. 11972
If this doesn't happen, I want someone to write a fic about it.
>> No. 11974
>Scoutsmom Setsstuffonfire

>> No. 11997
It'd be cool if they had new announcer lines referencing this, like the "War!" update.
"Did you really think you could keep this from me?"
"Secrets end in 30 seconds."
"Privacy is a luxury you no longer enjoy."
"Anonymity ends in 10 seconds."
>> No. 12024
File 133551274716.jpg - (170.75KB , 800x576 , meanwhileinaustralia.jpg )
1:16 One of the bottom monitors
>> No. 12026
>> No. 12027
Pyro is a duck.
>> No. 12044
...I'm okay with this.
>> No. 12095
I EXPECT MORE GRORDBORT LAZER MADNESS, and then Valve forgets that the update was supposed to be a Pyro update and never releases MTP
>> No. 12108
Pyro is Engineer's twin brother/clone/droid.
>> No. 12111
I like the idea of Cholita pyro.
>> No. 12157
I'm not sure how this idea even came into my head but, I can see Pyro being Cholo with vitiligo. I don't care if they show Pyro's sex/gender, I just want to see their skin as weird as that sounds.
>> No. 12158
Are you me?
If anything, anything at all, I just want to see skin tone... perhaps even eye shape or body type without the suit, but that may be asking for way too much.

Gender just doesn't matter to me, though I like the idea of male better. Either way, I just want to know nationality.

.............I want him to be an Eskimo or Native American.
>> No. 12159
I think that Pyro is young George Harrison, but sassy and Algerian, with a Geordie accent. But they won't reveal his identity. If they do, even if I'm right [and I am,] I'm going to be pissed. Pyro is and must forever remain a secret. I didn't tell you anything.
I am, however, holding out to see Pyro slap a bitch.
>> No. 12160

This (specifically the part about revealing the identity of Pyro). It's one of those things that I think should never be explained. Pyro is the most awesome as a secret.
>> No. 12162
It would be funny if pyro is from Greece.
Since the word 'pyro' means fire in Greek word.
>> No. 12172
A LOT of normal, everyday words originate from Greek or Latin.

You DO understand that Pyro, in this case, is short for Pyrotechnitian, right?
>> No. 12175
I thought it was for Pyromaniac.
>> No. 12177
Nah, his class name is Pyrotechnition. Everyone else is named for what they do.

A pyromaniac is just what he is. (possibly)
>> No. 12178
Maybe the fact that they call him Pyro, rather than Pyromaniac, or Pyrotechnician, is intentional. It's so he can be a combination of the two. Pyrotechnicians are usually more associated with fireworks and such, anyway. Rarely just flamethrowers.
>> No. 12181
I'm honestly expecting it to not reveal anything about Pyro, in order to retain the running gag.

I do however expect to see an origin to Pyro's original flamethrower and how it came to be, like how MtM showed the origin of the uber.

And i'm hoping that something happens soon. Like, maybe the Saxxys? That'd be neat.
>> No. 12297
I would like them to give a HUUUGE cocktease on the Pyro's identity.
A shitty example I just thought up is, have him blow up or something, and the rest of the Team examine his "corpse". All that is left is a mask/flamethrower and a few potatoes/rocks/flowers/ect. Could give the question, did he get away, or was he actually a living suit filled with inanimate objects?
Something like that, only better.

Also, didn't valve say Meet the Pyro would be coming out when they officially release Source Film Maker?
Can't remember where I heard it though...
>> No. 12345
I guess it's coming out on monday, my body is not ready, I might spontaneously catch fire during lecture or something.

I really hope though, that Medic says something in Meet the Pyro, I'd love that.
>> No. 12346
File 134045258310.jpg - (80.89KB , 463x358 , 1339977335185.jpg )
>Pyro is Poopy Joe with a rebuilt body made of Australiam
>> No. 12347
You can't take Pyro's mask off, because that's his face. That saggy rubbersuit ass? That's his real ass. Valve figured they had to throw in some shameless fanservice somewhere.
>> No. 12348
This is what I will now believe
>> No. 12366
My headcanon is that Pyro's a (semi) adorable-canadian-ex-firefighter-turned-arsonist-troller-extraordinaire-manchild who was born with his mask fused to his face.


For no particular reason.

But I don't think Valve would reveal anything...
>> No. 12475
Apparently Pyro lives in a world of lollipops, sunshine and rainbows. I'm totally okay with this, and not surprised in the least.
>> No. 12476
File 13409812447.jpg - (131.04KB , 1024x768 , are-you-my-mummy--doctor-who-616750_1024_768.jpg )
So basically Pyro is affected by nanomechanisms from outer space.
It all makes sense now.
>> No. 12516
File 13414981647.jpg - (6.58KB , 157x157 , iseensomeshit.jpg )

>>the ornament on the lower right-hand corner of the tree is a Balloonicorn
>> No. 12524
File 134155634265.jpg - (75.49KB , 360x348 , 1341092342340.jpg )
That looks a little blurry for my taste
>> No. 12529
No, I see it, too!
>> No. 12533
i dont usually buy into this shit, but even i think it is
>> No. 12536
I usually wouldn't either, but it's Valve, they do this kind of stuff.

I am still unsure over the "balloon puppy in Meet The Pyro is wearing Alyx's necklace" thing though.
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