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File 133585196890.png - (295.13KB , 700x500 , demos_by_silsol-d4hpsop.png )
12084 No. 12084
Because everyones favorite black scottish cyclops needs more love. Post any and all head canons you have about Tav here !

(And yes, I am aware there already was a head canon thread awhile back, but it's ridiculously old and was about the game as a whole, so lets keep this about Demoman okay? Good. )

artwork by the very lovely Silsol : http://silsol.Sparkledog Central.com/gallery/31640757offset=0#/d4hpsop
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>> No. 12085
I've always thought he was as Scottish as William Wallace. Not trace of American Black. Just a Scottish dude who is black.

I also think alot of his hats are a travesty.
>> No. 12086

* not A trace
>> No. 12088
I imagine he has supernatural powers. Not numinous negro empowering his white teammates with mystical bullshit kind of supernatural powers. I mean like, crazy legendary clan of bomb-chucking scotsmen kind of powers. Almost highlander kinda crap, but with more bombs and less immortality.

I haven't emphasized it much in my stories, but I also like to imagine he's fought other supernatural creatures. Yang did a Mike Mignola-style picture of him and the Loch Ness monster where she'd commented how she wanted to give him a BPRD badge on his shoulder, that totally jives with my ideas about Demoman.

I haven't gone into any explicit detail about it because the supernatural isn't the focus of the story, but in the fanfic I've been posting in /afanfic , Demoman's not just jittery- he really is experiencing weak precognition. He's also unconsciously effected by the demoman who was perma-killed at the start of the story, and is being drawn to avenge him.
>> No. 12089
I sort of agree with this headcanon, though the way I always saw it, Demoman isn't so much supernatural or particularly more attuned to such as he is a sort of magnet for the supernatural. Which I guess is about the same thing? I don't know.
Also, I blame a certain writer for making it work so darn well, but I totally see Sniper and Demoman being bros off the clock.
I also see Demoman being particularly well-versed in chemistry and occasionally palling with Engineer and/or Medic because SCIENCE.
By thew way, I'm totally thinking of reinstating the general headcanon thread to have a more positive feel than its current equivalent.
>> No. 12090
This. And he's sick and tired of goddamn vampires trying to kill him all the time. Unfortunately, his drinking habits have messed him up just a touch, so he's constantly dealing with the mystical and the undead in the wrong ways. Luckily, zombies always blow apart with grenades, so that's not a huge problem.

He also argues with the Soldier about the supernatural a lot, as his teammate is full of crap and doesn't know what he's talking about. They really should go off and have whacky adventures together. Like, where they're investigating supernatural murders or jewel heists by actual cat women or whatever.

I also think he's had sex with a mermaid. Or something he claims to be a mermaid, at the least.
>> No. 12091
"They really should go off and have whacky adventures together. Like, where they're investigating supernatural murders or jewel heists by actual cat women or whatever. "

Yes, yes, and YES. This is my headcanon. When there not at work, solly and demo go off on stupid adventures encountering all sorts of magical things.

Also, I like to think they made up after the whole WAR! update thing.It took them awhile, but they made up. Because hey, what best friends haven't fought before?

Also, Demo is a slow reader. NOT dumb, he's just has trouble with reading comprehension, so he goes over text a couple times to understand it.
>> No. 12092
I like to think that in addition to the supernatural being attracted to him, he too is interested in it. He's well versed in the ways of changelings, faeries, and other supernatural critters, even if he does sometimes confuses his mythologies. As a result, anything remotely supernatural is met with great suspicion, respect, and fear.

He also believes that any sort of myths and legends originating in Europe are the real deal whereas American Monsters (Moth Man, Chupacabra, Big Foot etc) are just a bunch of silly stories.
>> No. 12093

So why not take an episode of Supernatural and replace the main two with Soldier and Demo.

^This would be a good looking GIF^
>> No. 12101
I like to think demoman and sniper DID go into the desert together

>> No. 12103

Whoa wait what? When was it implied they went into the desert? Am I missing something here?
>> No. 12104

I'd also like to think the Spy joined them, based on his "Saharan Spy" costume set. It would be amusing to know the breadth of their adventures. Then again, I'm a sucker for any instance that would involve digging through old ruins in forgotten landscapes.
>> No. 12105
That would make a really cool fanfic. Someone creative, get on it.
>> No. 12106
He and the enemy Soldier made up.

[spoiler]I want to believe.
>> No. 12107

This. Absolutely this.

People have said before (and not without reason) that the hats and items don't equal canon, but they could sure make for some awesome stories. Maybe if I can figuratively shoot myself up with more mojo, I'll try something along the theme of fuckin' awesome Demoman and Sniper broventures.

I'm a huge geek, I admit, but I was tickled pink to find out the Uncharted vibes I was getting from DF's latest story are no accident.
>> No. 12110
File 13360608569.jpg - (313.64KB , 800x542 , Stefan-68sideview.jpg )
>>12090 this. So much this.
As for Timbuk Tuesday I had the nutty idea to make a spray with a big explosion and Turban Demo in front of it yelling PRAISE ALLAH.
Also in my mind, he drives a cobra jet.
>> No. 12112

That would be inappropriate and hilarious. I renamed my Ullapool Caber "Hezbollah Nightstick"
>> No. 12138
This thread is danger close to failure.
>> No. 12186
I'm going to bump to ask for clarification: did Tavish lose his eye in his attempt to destroy "Nessie", or while looking at Merasmus's Bombidicon (?)? I sort of want to assuyme that, somehow, both happened. Like, Demoman peeking at the tome as a kid sort of warped reality or something. Anyway, my question is, was their ever an official retcon of one story or the other?
>> No. 12188
>>12186 The wiki page for Demo notes the conflict in the trivia section but doesn't say either is true. I don't think there's been a retcon.

For the supernatural headcanon:
(1) I imagine his family is kind of like a hereditary line of avatars and he can reach out and speak to his demolition-gifted ancestors. I dunno if HE knows that or not, though.
(2) I don't think he would have any spirituality to go along with it, since I see him as largely a pessimist.

My own headcanon: The RED one has Malcom X posters in his bedroom at home, and the BLU one has MLK Jr posters.
It makes sense to me because of the ways MLK and Malcom X went about the Civil Rights movement differently.

Also, Ullapool is a beautiful harbour town. If for some reason the team ever needed to make it across a body of water, Demo would be the go-to guy.
>> No. 12189

>(2) I don't think he would have any spirituality to go along with it, since I see him as largely a pessimist.

Holy shit, I can just imagine him going head-to-head with a vampire. A real vampire.
And the entire time he's just all 'ye bloody numpty, pretendin' ta be a vampire!' and scoffing at the guy while telling him all the vampire trivia that supposedly discredits his claims of vampirism.
He travels around the world in his free time, trying his best to discredit the existence of the supernatural while facing it all and not believing a damn word of it. He can take out any form of supernatural being but he's a pain in the ass to deal with because he'll berate you the entire time for believing in it.
>> No. 12191
As hilarious as that spin is-- I didn't mean it that way. I meant a in, I don't think he would look at it in a spiritual sense. I don't want to say "religion" because that's completely not what I mean. Um. Acknowledging that yes, ghosts exist, and vampires, and wizards... so does grass and the sun. Thinking of it in a sort of way where there's not much to think about instead of treating it in the way a seer/tarot-reader would, or the way John Edward and his fanbase do. No mysticism to it, just taking it as it is.

Still, I do like the "Scooby Doo without the man behind the mask" idea.

(There's already an anime of that, however! It's called Occult Academy. It's literally about a girl who deals with the occult but doesn't believe in it. It's pretty good.)
>> No. 12200
In my headcanon, Demoman can see perfectly well out of the eye he keeps covered with the patch...into the spiritual world. All of the extra bad juju going on in the RED/BLU owned lands (not just because of respawn, of course, but also the curse and the ghost of what's-his-face) means he keeps the patch on to spare what's left of his sanity.

He never fights sober because he remembers what he sees in the brief moments where he's dead.
>> No. 12201

Can't he just be a fucking scottish guy who is black without making a THING of it?

You're a nigger.
>> No. 12202

I agree.
>> No. 12203

not with the swear I mean. (and this awkwardness is exactly why I'm on anon)
>> No. 12207
I never put much thought into Demoman until this thread. I like the idea that he's kind of a magnet for the supernatural. I can't see him being superstitious despite that but I can see him having conviction in the things that appear before him. What if he were a catalyst for the paranormal-- that is to say, he doesn't just draw things to him, he causes supernatural phenomenon. Not due to any special powers mind, but if there's any supernatural potential in a place he tends to unwittingly unlock it.

Imagine Tavish getting shipped into Dustbowl or wherever, and a week after he arrives the whole team begins encountering the ghosts of miners or settlers. Things start moving on their own, maybe someone gets possessed. Or maybe we end up with a sort of "Drop Kick Me, Jesus" (for those of you who read that fanfic. If you've not read it, go to /fanfic/ and read it right goddamn now, it's great) scenario where he somehow awakens sandworms sleeping beneath Dustbowl for centuries, disturbs a yeti in Viaduct, or unintentionally unleashes a kappa into 2fort.

As for his relationships, I can see him being reasonably close with Soldier and Sniper (who actually believe in the supernatural hooey that Demoman manages to stir up around him, intentionally or not), maybe a friendship is budding between him and Scout. He probably is still sore over the incidents of the WAR update. Having your best friend try to kill you isn't exactly a wound that heals quickly for either party. He desires the friendship of the Soldier on his team, but more because he's trying to replace the enemy Soldier with him. He thinks it will be the same with either Soldier.

tl;dr, probably didn't make sense. I want to write Demofic now but I'm already working on something else. Maybe after that.
>> No. 12209
Trying to as we speak. Thank you for inspiring me.
>> No. 12211
I'm really appalled with the lot of you for having not yet deliberated over the specifics of Demoman's other two jobs.
I think that at least one of them has to be something terribly blue-collar, such as janitorial work, or coal-mining, or... he's a chimney-sweep. I've just decided.

I also think that somewhere out there, there's a pasty redheaded bastard from a lesser line of demomen, who's right pissed that Demoman got to be The Demoman, and is out for his soul.

And Demoman isn't near so drunk as people seem to think; some 69% of his alleged drunkenness is really just his personality.

And he's got a momma's boy tattoo somewhere on his person.

And he has mistaken Pyro for a fairy of some sort. Unless Pyro really is a fairy, which case, Demo knew all along. This hasn't stopped them from being bros and making beautiful, fiery explosions together. If anything, Demoman's insistence that the mere sight of Pyro's true face will curse his soul for all eternity has helped Pyro to feel more secure in his personal boundaries.

Look, you've gotten me started.
>> No. 12214
There's a trope (I forget what it's called, exactly) for people who see the supernatural in person and still flat-out refuse to believe in it.

Captain America's like that in The Avengers. He's met Thor and Loki in person, but tells the team that the only God that exists is Jesus. Of course, in the movie they hand-wave Asgardians as being immortal aliens and not actual gods, and Cap seems to be very blase about that...
>> No. 12220
Is this the 'Agent Scully' trope you refer to, by chance?

Sage for no contribution.
>> No. 12226
I think so.

Maybe Demo's so drunk he thinks he's hallucinating all of the supernatural creatures he sees.
>> No. 12229
>>12201 Do what you have to do. My headcanon is mine and yours is yours, chum.

All of this is beautiful.
I like to believe one job is as a high-class chemistry thing, and the other is something silly like an exorcist.

OR... they're all real but he's so drunk he doesn't believe his eye.
>> No. 12286
Insobriety is the secret ingredient that makes a demoman’s bombs go kablooey. If by some cruel sleight of chance, Demoman had to demo without grog, he wouldn’t be able. He could do everything just right, as sober people are prone to doing, and it simply wouldn’t work.

At one point during his wild teenage years, he managed to produce an action movie style automobile explosion whilst crashing a golf cart.

If Demoman would sober the fuck up sometime, he'd have the makings of a fantastic acoustic singer.
That's not really headcanon. It's just a fact. You can tell by his voice clips, if you've got good ears and know how singing works.
The headcanon is that he considers himself deeply traumatised by all the times he was made to sing The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond in front of grown-ups as a lad. Now he's a man and he knows to stand for his freedom, so he'll probably just blow up the next little old lady who asks him to sing a hymn at her husband’s funeral.

I think that Demoman has lost his eye in more than just two ways. I’m thinking; five, eight, fifteen different ways, all fantastically epic, and all, somehow, within the same reality.
>> No. 12531
  This is my headcanon for Demo.

That is all.

>> No. 12532
  One for the guys, too

>> No. 12534

Christmas must be really interesting at the Degroot household
>> No. 12670
>I think that Demoman has lost his eye in more than just two ways. I’m thinking; five, eight, fifteen different ways, all fantastically epic, and all, somehow, within the same reality.

And now I'm picturing Demo's eye-loss as being akin to TDK Joker's facial scars...

"D'yeh wanna ken how Ah lost me eye, laddie?"
>> No. 12746
"The loch ness monster was a drunk"
>> No. 12880
I can totally imagine Demoman being an "otter" (A slimmer, but still hairy gay man). I'm surprised I always see him with a waxed chest.
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