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File 13394380789.jpg - (26.82KB , 500x375 , 6a00e54f10a0988834014e8ac3a690970d.jpg )
12247 No. 12247
So... since the other thread has saged, I shall continue here. So, I was on DA today, and a new group for TF2 popped up that I hadn't seen before, called TF2 necrophilia. I figured, okay, let's see what kind of artists and art are there. I wasn't all that disappointed that it's really mostly drawn in the necrophilia style- that's about what I expected, and not really my thing for TF2. But there's a list of pictures by character. And of course, Demoman doesn't have one (yet). Pyro has one, but it's empty (what a surprise). First three characters represented in folders? The usual suspects: Scout, Spy, Sniper. Now, not all the art was necrophilia-ified, and there actually was a picture of Demo with Heavy (I think). And Engie, Heavy and Medic (with Solly) were the next three folders. But... No Demoman? No Pyro? I was faintly horrified, but it holds true to my "Demoman is too many, too drunk and too black for most necrophilia fangirls" idea. Sad to see it confirmed, though.
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>> No. 13003
>>13002 But the fandom is ALL ABOUT taking things seriously. What will this game do to the impressionable girls who play it? They'll lose their self esteem and think that it's okay for guys in their early 20's to hit on them. Scout has always been depicted as an upstanding, morally just role model for young men everywhere- think of the depravity this will inspire them to commit! It's so inappropriate. I mean, really. Did they even think of how offensive that was? Oh my God. I've never seen something so antisocial in a videogame. I think we should write to the government or have a protest or something.

On a less sarcastic note, I can't stand it when people write or draw Scout as a cute little 16 year old waif. He just doesn't act like a kawaii shota in canon. And he's 23.
>> No. 13004
I don't mind when people write him younger, but yeah, there's a limit. I find it easier to deal with, too, if you're RPing/writing Scouts on both sides. For example, in an RP I'm doing, one of my Scouts is the typical asshole, and he's probably a little older, but the one on the other side of the battlefield is a lot meeker and younger.
>> No. 13005

Yeah thats how I feel. If you want to ignore the idea that he's 23 thats fine, but I wouldn't go younger than 18 or older than 25. Unless its in the future or the past or something. Or like, you have a really good reason for it.


Oh man, if thats true I'm sorry I don't remember that being in the rules. If I broke a rule and the mods wanna punish me I understand. Actually now that I think about it, It was kind of mean of me to bring it up, I wanted to make fun of it with someone but I don't wanna bash someone or encourage bullying on there page. I mean, I've never met this girl so i have no idea who she is as a person and it would be wrong to attack her page. So I apologize for being a major douchenozzle. I honestly just thought it was funny as hell.

I need to stop using the word "like" so much. Thats what I get for typing how I talk.
>> No. 13006
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Wait what? I haven't been following the fandom that closely lately for anything other than porn, so what's this about Scout being a pedo? And where did it say he was 23? Scout's always been my favorite class so seeing him get Ukefied or otherwise turned into a rape and abuse magnet by obnoxious fangirls is an especially bad berserk button for me.
>> No. 13008
>>13006 One of the latest items for him has flavour text about how he was the terror of the track team at highschool, until he was kicked off because they found out he's 23 and not even enrolled at that highschool. He apparantly joined to hit on girls, and some insightful people decided that obviously meant he rapes highschool girls and is a pedophile. I can't make this shit up.
>> No. 13011
It's called the Track TERRORIZER and not all high school girls are of age. I think the anger is valid.

That, and the new Medic item started off as a Holocaust gas chamber joke. Check the original Workshop file. That just goes over the line for me.
>> No. 13012
>>13011 Maybe you ought to start a thread about things that offend you about the game itself. This thread is about things we hate about fanon.
>> No. 13013
Lemme guess, the rage is from Tumblr right? I've seen them flip the shit about how thinking the Pyro is a man or woman or whatever the fuck he/she/it is means you're "cis scum" and reinforcing the patriarchal gender binary.
>> No. 13014
>>13013 Yeah. I'd elaborate, but it's off-topic. Suffice to say, Tumblr.
>> No. 13015
Actually, "track terrorizer" is a runner's term for someone dominating the track lines and is usually aggressively going for gold. So it more means he's terrorizing either the other runners or the track itself, honestly. It also never specifies which girls he's out there to hit on. Sure, it could be students, like the seniors that would be about 17-18 years (which I guess may seem shady to some people, but seems just fine to me). Or, Scout could totally be into MILFs. Or, maybe the coach was a hot chick. Hell, he could have done it just so he could claim he was a high school track star, and it had nothing to do with the girls that were actually at the school. There's just no reason to automatically assume "pedophile rapist," but I guess outrageous conclusions and ridiculous overreactions are what the internet is for. Honestly I think this says more about how some people seem to think 23 is all that old.

Also, that thing you mentioned about Medic's new gas mask? Well, I was curious, and went to the workshop to look it up, myself. Here's a bit of text from the earliest version available.
>Re-uploaded with a bit less accidentally anti-semististic name.
>Sorry if I offended someone.
So either this person is lying or you were misinformed. Both conclusions are equally plausible.

Back on topic, I guess one thing about the fandom that bothers me is when people take the game too seriously. It is a nonsensical game about mercs laughing, having fun, and killing the shit outta each other. They've been hired by brothers that absolutely hate each other since birth, that have lived well past their time thanks to some magic Australian metal powered machines (and I will miss them terribly). Everything's managed and oversaw by an older lady who seems to hate everything except massive amounts of bloodshed. And you can run around and punch robots! One of the reasons I love the game so much is because it doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest, which sets it apart from most every other shooter out there these days, so seeing people taking little aspects and jokes from it and making huge deals, taking it more seriously than the creators probably imagined, and getting so butthurt over it... I dunno, it just pushes all the wrong buttons on me. It's like I want to say to them, "This game is supposed to be fun. Stop trying to take the fun away."

Also wow was this a much longer post than I intended it to be.
>> No. 13016
The thing that pisses me off about the Track Terrorizer drama on tumblr (and here - yes, I'm looking at you, anon #13011) is that people are taking it way too fucking seriously. Some people have panic attacks thinking about Scout hitting on high-school seniors. Posts about Scout are tagged with ‘trigger warning: statutory rape’. Scout fans are called out for being rape culture supporters.

The blurb for the Track Terrorizer is hilarious because Scout will never get laid. The joke about him running fast and dying a virgin wouldn’t be so funny (and endlessly repeated in memes) if it wasn’t true. Countless afanfics have been written about Scout having his first sexual experience with one of the other mercenaries (implied: because no women want him). It’s a core aspect of Scout’s character that he hits on everything with boobs and never gets lucky.

Flirting with a girl, even a minor, is not statutory rape.

Secondly, Americans, please realise that cultural differences do exist before accusing others of promoting paedophilia (and look up ‘paedophilia’ in a dictionary too, because sexual attraction towards late-teen girls is not it). The age of consent in my country is 16. High school students here are aged 16-19. I do not experience a visceral reaction of disgust and moral outrage over the Track Terrorizer because Scout's failed attempt at picking up a date is neither legally nor morally wrong in most of the Western World that isn’t the USA. This doesn’t make me a horrible person, nor Scout.
>> No. 13017
One of the most baffling things about the outrage over the Track Terrorizer is that another items in the very same update, the Medi-Mask, says that Medic conducts illegal medical experiments on people (implied to be civilians), and two people have died.

I haven't seen any outrage over that. At most, a few people have complained about the Medi-Mask's previous and non-canon name, not its current description.

(Tbh, even though TF2 is just a funny game and I know we are not meant to take it seriously, the idea that Medic casually murders random civilians with insane experiments did upset me... Yeah, I know, Medic once took a patient's skeleton out. But that incident was described in much vaguer terms, and it was something that happened in the distant past, it wasn't "these days Medic routinely takes random civilians's skeletons out." My personal headcanon is that the patient was a nazi anyway.)

So, Medic gets random innocent people killed for shit and giggles? Nobody cares.

23-year-old Scout attempts a wacky hijink to try and impress female students (who are most likely 17-18 anyway) so they'll want to sleep with him? THE HORROR! FIRE AND BRIMSTONES!

I do not experience a visceral reaction of disgust and moral outrage over the Track Terrorizer because Scout's failed attempt at picking up a date is neither legally nor morally wrong in most of the Western World that isn’t the USA. This doesn’t make me a horrible person, nor Scout.

Thank you.
>> No. 13018
In 1968, the age of consent was probably 16, so Scout would consider high-school-aged ladies legal.

Spy's committing adultery (and treason), where's all the moral outrage?
>> No. 13020
The only thing that bothers me about the Track Terrorizer is this: is 23 his age in 1968, or in 1972 when people are saying MvM takes place?
>> No. 13022
I looked it up. In the 60's, the age of consent was, indeed, 16, and wasn't raised until around the 90's. Unless you're talking homosexual relations. The age of consent for man-on-man lovins was 21.
>> No. 13025
I wasn't getting offended, nor have I ever been, I was just explaining why other people are mad. Just because someone's mad on Tumblr doesn't mean they automatically have a stupid reason.

Cyan, I thought we were friends.
>> No. 13028
I find it funny how up in arms the Tumblr culture gets about anything remotely rapey. Or even suspect.

Most of them are probably like 16-17, and think "OMG A 23 YEAR OLD HITTING ON A GIRL MY AGE HE'S A PREDATOR OMG". As opposed to a 23 year old, who is more likely to think, "Ha. Scout probably can't even impress teenagers."

Dude's a skinny little Johnny Bravo-type. He thinks he's hot shit, and hits on everything with a pair of tits, but recieves revulsion and possibly violence instead, due to his ego. It's a classic character type and one of my personal favourites.

I, too, am a bit disappointed at Medic being as apparently wanton a murderer of civilians. Before his shenanigans were cheeky and fun, but now they're cruel and tragic. Not really shenanigans at all.
>> No. 13029
>Cyan, I thought we were friends.

Oh, I’m not going to unfriend anyone over this. Several people I follow on tumblr are in the ‘Scout is a sexual predator’ brigade and I haven’t unfollowed any of them. I just find most of the reactions over-the-top hysterical. While I understand that psychological triggers exist and try to avoid or tag them appropriately, it’s obvious that some of the people making a fuss over this are doing so because they dislike Scout as a character and are making up for losing their previous ‘he looks like a minor and you’re a creep for liking him’ argument.

As Dotchan mentions, and as I have stated on tumblr (http://writingcyan.tumblr.com/post/31053091593/tf2-fandom-drama), most of the characters have committed far worse crimes than flirting with high-schoolers. And as Iz says, what Scout did is not actually illegal. In 1968, the age of consent in the USA was 16. According to Wikipedia, it still is in Massachusetts. So Scout has done nothing wrong and yet he’s still catching flak for it, as am I for having him as my favourite character. It’s wearing thin on me.

For the record, it’d be a lot easier to assure you that we’re still friends if you weren’t anonymous. You can let me know who you are; I don’t do drama over people agreeing to disagree on a subject of mutual debate.
>> No. 13030
It's fine. I'm not mad. I actually like Scout a lot (even if I can't play him often, his speed actually makes me dizzy), and I've gotten mad at people for making him lolicon or a uke in the past, because that's not like him. I guess I didn't realize the historical context, I apologize (or I was thinking of freshmen who were 14, 15 like I was).

I don't think Medic's mask ever explicitly said civilians, like Scout's jacket never explicitly said students. I think, yeah, we're all overreacting here. I figured he'd killed Helen's expendable spies, those guys with TV's on their chests.
>> No. 13031

This is how I feel. It's just completely ridiculous. I don't hate anyone over it but I really think people are overreacting

From what I've seen, only a few people are up in arms about it, and it seems to be the same people who get up in arms about everything in TF2. I don't have anything against them, but I kind of have a hard time believing someone would have a panic attack over this. It honestly just seems like another excuse to hate scout because you insist on demonizing him.

It's over the top and just plain stupid.
>> No. 13034
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The most hilarious thing about this is how much of a double standard it is. Even if Scout's is in fact hitting on the students I doubht he's actually raping them, and there's no reason to believe he's actually successful in getting any.

Yet like half of all TF2 porn is about Scout constantly getting raped and abused by people who are probably twice his canonical age, all while being portrayed as a teenager. And this is supposed to be super hot and romantic and sexy. Yet the above, which doesn't even go this far, is somehow inhumane and makes him a monster.
>> No. 13036
I don't think it's the same people making up both camps, to be fair.
>> No. 13039
The tense for the Medi-Mask makes me think this is something Medic is doing to other mercenaries or people involved in RED/BLU, not civilians. From the description I always imagined he was doing it specifically to the other classes, who might be able to respawn anyway.
>> No. 13040

This is true.


This is what creeps me out so much about scout fanfiction. Half of it is scout being being fucked by men twice his age without consent (which he apparently "deserves"/turn out to be actually gay and/or actually like it so "it's fine") while the other half is writing scout like a homophobic brat who spouts the word fag like it ain't no thing and gets the shit beaten out of him. Then theres a small amount where scout is just some kid that hangs out with engie, or a just some brat in the background.

Honestly, I would love to see scouts various attempts to pick up woman more than anything. Or character depth of some kind, I don't know.
>> No. 13050
...shit. If I can coalesce something in my head, I may have to do a small pieces of Scout hittin' on bitches.

>captcha: broke fort pportera
Broke fort indeed, Captcha.
>> No. 13054

Please do? I'd love to read it
>> No. 13055
This is probably more a personal opinion than a genuine complaint, but I really dislike it when people use the official character names in their stories. It just doesn't gel for me if once character is called Dell and the rest of the characters are still referred to by their class titles. Maybe if all their names were revealed it wouldn't be as much of a problem.
>> No. 13056
It will be hilarious if there's a fanon class/canon class work.
Like, fanon spy disturbing canon spy for no reason as if he's an enemy even if they are in same team and trying faggy things to him or fanon scout being sissy weak uke bitch yelling ' you faggot!!' to canon scout and else.
>> No. 13057
I hate it (not really, hate is a strong word, more like dislike) when people tries to write fan fiction with these guys and they oblivious have no idea how guys work.

The thing that really ticks me off, is when someone write sex/romance fan fiction and one of the guys starts acting like a girl/woman.
Unusually Medic is a victim of this.

It's like people think that when your are gay, then one still have to act as/be a female.
>> No. 13058
>>13057 That's the same heteronormative "seme-uke" crap you see in any fandom where slash happens. Shit, I bet even the Star Trek slash women were writing in the 70's had a "woman" in the relationship (I bet it was Spock). Not to say it doesn't bug the hell out of me. Especially when it's Medic as the angsty, constantly embarrassed, effete sissy in the relationship. Because everyone knows muscle-men never bottom, it's against union rules!
>> No. 13061

Not to mention how much sass medic has. I can imagine him being effeminate maybe, but a damsel? Pfffffft, not without a fight. Or at least not without some sort of bitchy comments.

Medic is rarity
>> No. 13064
>Dat spoiler.

And now I love you. Medic is best pony.
>> No. 13067
Yeah I know, and about that - I fucking hate it when girls tell me they support gays only because they read that kind of crap.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a homophobe. But people who act like they know about gay relationships, becurse they read that kind of crap, are retared.
How can you actually think that fanfiction porn gives you any idea how a gay relationship works.

To me, it would be like saying - Yeah I know what love is, I've read Twillight.
>> No. 13070
Oh my god. All the super pro-gay rights activists in my high school were girls who carried shitty shoujo BL mangoes around with them all the time. Some of them really were into the social justice stuff, but they probably still had a really skewed idea of what gay relationships were like.

I've always been pro-gay rights ever since I even knew what the term "gay" meant, but until a few years ago I vehemently hated anything M/M related in fiction because of obnoxious fangirls and shippers and the fact that most of it was the aforementioned shoujo BL crap.
>> No. 13074
I first read BL manga after I'd already decided I supported gay rights. It was the only media I'd encountered that mentioned homosexuality at all, and at the time, I thought it portrayed it positively, so I was happy. I wouldn'tve read it had I known how inaccurate it was.

To be honest, I have issues with bara manga too, but only because it has the exact opposite problems as BL does.
>> No. 13120
Is it only me who thinks fanon is becoming some kinda prejudice or canon to regular male players who are not in fandom??
I was surprised to see some replies to a tf2 and ed, edd'n, eddy crossover video on youtube. In the video, spy was in Eddy's roll. But someone replied to the video that pyro or scout should have been Eddy instead of spy and that was all, literally.
Do you know what happened to that reply? it was reported as spam. It was just nothing more than an opinion, neither offense nor advertisement was implied.
While it was reported as spam, the objecting reply that scout shouldn't play bad, mean and sneaky character got agree from 115 people, even ranked as the best reply of the video. Does it contain a good explanation? Not at all. It was just only a sentence like the spamed one.
>> No. 13121
You may want to support that argument with something a little more substantial than YouTube comments. They are not exactly known for being mature and intelligent.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a question: does anybody have any idea why some people are saying that MvsM takes place in 1972?

As far as I know, neither the game nor the comics have a date, just a vague "some time in the future" line. Even the blog posts don't mention any date. Yet, for some reason, the official wiki says that the date is "1972 (unconfirmed)."


What's with the apparently random date that never appears in any material and with the unconfirmed part? Did a wiki editor just make it up?
>> No. 13122

Actually, this really confused me too. I mean, the only canon date we got was 'some time in the future,' but suddenly people were saying that MvM took place in the 1970s. I just thought that by 'some time in the future,' Valve meant 'a few days (of real life time)' or 'whenever we feel like releasing this game mode.'

Maybe I missed something, but I don't see any evidence that MvM actually has a set date.
>> No. 13123

I don't think that have anything to do with anything other than it being youtube.

Most people mark comments as spam, if they don't like the opinion in that comment. You will find that on almost every big video.
>> No. 13124

Wait, I'm sorry, what does this have to do with male players exactly?
>> No. 13125
It says in the comic that the Mann brothers were born in 1822, and then Gray Mann comes in, and says he's been watching them for 150 years.

1822+150= 1972.

That's gotta be it.
>> No. 13126
Thank you, that makes a lot of sense.

I guess this is also why the 1972 is "unconfirmed". 150 is a round number, if something has been happening for 147 or 153 years the natural tendency is to say that it has been happening for 150 years.
>> No. 13127

Ahh, thank you. I was seriously confused about that. That makes sense. I just thought fans were talking out of their asses or something.
>> No. 13128
I heard that most of tf2 related video watchers on youtube were male players. So I thought they had replied on the video, too.
>> No. 13129
It's 1968.

It has always been 1968.

We are at war.

We have always been at war.
>> No. 13133
Goddamn you. You had be slapping my head trying to remember what that was from, and when I got home it finally hit me.

Literally. I was putting books away and 1984 fell off the shelf and hit me in the back. Thank god I'm too cheap to buy hardcovers.
>> No. 13213
That depressing moment when you realize there are people who genuinely believe gay characters only exist in canon to placate fangirls and that they cannot exist for any other reason (like, you know, because they were intended to be gay even before the fandom existed).

This isn't exclusively related to TF2, and I have no idea what the characters' canon sexualities are or were, but it just makes me sad.
>> No. 13241
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I think it's funny nonetheless.

I think it's hilarious when people in this fandom freak out over porn.
>> No. 13247
Depends on the reason. If they're freaking out because they don't like porn of TF2 specifically, or are horrified that men are being shipped together/might possibly be gay, they're idiots.

If they're freaking out about porn period because they're either very sheltered or grew up with very stern, religious parents like I did, it's understandable.
>> No. 13348
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>>people who claim fanart from 2009 is fanart for their fanfiction they wrote in 2011
>>or that a picture the artist drew for themselves is fanart of their OC
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