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File 134022949347.png - (96.48KB , 512x512 , Backpack_Secret_Diary.png )
12300 No. 12300
So. We going to talk about this?
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>> No. 12301
I don't know what all this mystery-solving rubbish is about, and if it doesn't involve setting fire to Spy, I don't care.
>> No. 12302
Personally, I just feel like Valve is going to give us the biggest case of blue balls of our lives. But that's just a guess.
>> No. 12304
from the wiki, for those who didn't know:
Equipping the Eliminating The Impossible set will change the Pocket Lint description to "...the... which...", with random characters removed, which is a part of a quote from the "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches" short story, part of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes collection. When combined with the other items added in the June 19, 2012 Patch, the full quote reads "Think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on, year in, year out, in such places, and none the wiser."
>> No. 12305
Meet the Pyro?
>> No. 12306
>>12304 If I wanted to read a quote from Sherlock Holmes, I'd go to the library and read Sherlock Holmes.
If this is the whole point of this item set, somebody at Valve should be sternly reprimanded.
>> No. 12307
File 134026900864.jpg - (89.45KB , 488x516 , pyro in full cyborg set attacking local governance.jpg )
>> No. 12309
>>12307 Oh, is it fun? It looks to me like nine more boring and useless items to add to TF2's growing pile of item clutter. Collect them all and you get words.

But it doesn't look like it's going to interfere with regular gameplay, so aside from being unimpressed I don't really have any complaints.
>> No. 12310
File 134029671224.png - (116.72KB , 282x236 , pyro_waiting.png )

I don't think that they would add these just for silly riddles. Some people on wiki have speculated that they will be used as crafting ingredients, and they have some proof for that
-> http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Talk:Goldfish

So let's wait patiently and we will see what TF2 team has in store for us.
>> No. 12312
File 134031999964.jpg - (47.16KB , 584x584 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
The new items crafted together.
>> No. 12313

It's the tenth class!
>> No. 12314
File 134032769823.jpg - (88.86KB , 230x1812 , cajtaypvdbyl.jpg )
A friend of mine has been diligently working on the codes and has so far found this. Good Work Voidy.
>> No. 12315
Strikes fear into my heart!
>> No. 12316
I'm already designing hats for it.

None of them are beautiful enough.
>> No. 12317
File 134034126792.jpg - (406.63KB , 2013x1812 , 9jjnD.jpg )
I know it seems kind of off base, but being >>12314 I am pleased to announce those random items we've been getting lately combine into this text. Whelp, hopefully the Pyro isn't a monkey.
>> No. 12318
>>I'm substantially more amused now. I always had a soft spot for Poopy Joe.
>> No. 12322
I would be ok with that I guess.
>> No. 12323
This whole thing seems incredibly stupid to me, but I like the idea of having a partially deceased Goldfish in my inventory, so I'll hush
>> No. 12324
so.. pyro is popy joe?
>> No. 12325
>>12324 If this is true, I will forgive Valve for unmasking Pyro.
>> No. 12333
>> No. 12334
BRB flipping my shit.
>> No. 12337
Hats incoming, better sign up!
>> No. 12338

It's coming!

And so am I!

>> No. 12342
I don't know, I think I like Pyro being Poopy Joe. More amusing than the sexy female redhead, psycho madman, or tragic scar victim that already get bandied around way too much. Of course if he is all of the above and a monkey at the same time that would be even better. Poopy Jane?
>> No. 12343
Pyro = Poopy Joe explains the banana peel.

Wasn't Joe a baboon? Could also tie into the "Mega Baboon" heart...and why they needed a doctor who knew things about animals...
>> No. 12344
My body is ready.
>> No. 12349

What about the other new items?
>> No. 12350

Maybe Pyro is not a sack of potatoes, but a sack full of goldfish.

Somehow all I have gotten as a drop is just Pocket Link, Pocket Lint and more Pocket Lint. I don't think that it has higher drop rate, but somehow that's what I get as a drop all the time...
>> No. 12351
File 134055527366.jpg - (20.62KB , 346x399 , goldfish-shark.jpg )
Someone said Goldfish?
>> No. 12353
>> No. 12357
>> No. 12485
The Diary and the Capcaitor were the only items not incinerated by Pyromania.

Curiouser and curiouser...
>> No. 12747
Well the cap is outta the bag, that just leaves the diary. Bets? Bets?
>> No. 12778
It is the diary of Grey Mann, and it will reveal the secret of how to stop his robots, other than just shooting them.
>> No. 12779
>, other than just shooting them.

What other secrets to stopping the robots do you need?
>> No. 12786


I want to teach them how to love

then I want to take that love away
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