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File 134039515577.png - (135.81KB , 500x287 , tf2show.png )
12327 No. 12327

So. So. I just saw this, and thought I'd share with the rest of the chan.

I'm not 100% sure what to make of it, but I feel this implies a TF2 show. If it is I need it in my life like right now.

So uh. Speculations? Discussion?
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>> No. 12328
Oh god if it's a show the fandom might collectively have seizure or something.
>> No. 12330
Maybe...meet the pyro, on television?

I must prepare.
>> No. 12335
Adult Swim rep guy on Twitter says no, more likely they're just showing Meet the Pyro on Adult Swim.
>> No. 12336
If you're talking about Jason DeMarco, he's updated since to say that he wasn't referring to anything TF2-related. It sounds more like he was just confirming that a new promo airing on Toonami this weekend wasn't for a new show. I guess that means a TF2 cartoon could still be a possibility (though I agree there's a good chance it'll just be Meet the Pyro, but hey, I can dream...)
>> No. 12339
I don't know about an actual show, but what about clips? Mini-clips?

Alternatively, the "Meet the"s that have been produced so far have been of exceptional quality, especially the latter ones. Maybe this will be a proposal to rerun them on the channel as ads?
>> No. 12340
File 13404170504.png - (176.68KB , 306x391 , wha___what.png )
I really hope it's a TF2 cartoon. They already show that they can do it with the materials they already have (and if not, they can always outsource to the talented Gmod video makers).

And this... for some reason, pic related gives me so many feelings.
>> No. 12341
The official wiki's (literally) up in smoke now. Gonna root around for any clues.
>> No. 12365
That'd kick so much ass.

... unless it turns out it's written by seth macfarlane.
(... well to be fair when he's actually writing and not up his own ass in politics he can be funny.)
>> No. 12368

I highly doubt they would be so stupid as to hire the worlds most un funny douche bag. Especially since a lot of people, ya know, hate him. A lot.
>> No. 12370
He's an extremely talented voice actor, though...if he can be in it without writing anything, I'm down.
>> No. 12371

Seth mcfarlane touching tf2 in any manner. No. I seriously wouldn't even want him to voice act. He's not even that great of an actor.
>> No. 12372
Seeing that it looks like Meet the Pyro is going to have a normal release via the internet ((just guessing since nothing on the website seems to hint at a special television debut of it)) I am wondering what adult swim and Valve up their sleeves.

I wonder if they will play all the meet the team shorts. Heck, I am hoping they announce a TF2 show! That'd be rad. And I am sure we would not have to worry too much about who they get to write for it. Valve has no problem with being picky and taking their time. If a show was in the works, I am sure they would not get some half assed writer to fuck it up.
>> No. 12373

Exactly. If it's a show, I'm gonna be so estatic, because valve is actually smart, and wont screw up the characters we know and love. They've always hired quality people. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they used the same writers they always do. In fact I'd prefer it. Those guys are actually really funny.
>> No. 12379
if Meet the Pyro gets a televised release, that would imply the short will be a whopping eleven minutes long at least...
>> No. 12380
It wouldn't have to be 11 minutes. 90's Cartoon Network ran Looney Tunes shorts and music videos between shows sometimes.

I remember the AS staff member on Twitter mentioned that it wasn't a TV show, so maybe it's a DVD release of all the shorts.
>> No. 12394
Actually on consideration, teaming up with a channel like Adult Swim might be Valve's best chance of delivering "Meet the Pyro" to as many viewers as possible without causing their servers to explode.
>> No. 12418
Page updated. Chicken hats.

>> No. 12419

Q. Are you making a Team Fortress cartoon?

A. Make sure you're signed up to receive at least one Adult Swim newsletter.
>> No. 12423
File 134082562755.png - (621.62KB , 720x540 , 718-spongebob-wallet.png )
Did you think you could hide that from us, [AS]?

>> No. 12438
File 134083105212.jpg - (5.93KB , 500x51 , tumblr_m6aji4ByK51qf4vlzo1_500.jpg )
Lol, they changed it. Some at [as] fell asleep on the job hur-hur. Posting original for preservation
>> No. 12487
I'm going to ask their mothers, all of them.
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