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File 134460392438.png - (679.88KB , 1280x1024 , 1343943233798.png )
12680 No. 12680

What are you doin Valve? What are you doin?
Would be a TF2 pic, but size limits are too small damn it!
Expand all images
>> No. 12682
Oh, I had been trying to remember something.
The mystery man, Grey, the forgotten son, the colour of steel, rev up yer engines people!
>> No. 12684
File 134460445699.gif - (391.13KB , 245x278 , FEELS.gif )
I'm more excited than I should be.
>> No. 12685
Oh yeah, and my friend pointed me to these heads found in SFM? Not sure if he is trolling though.

Clever fucks.
>> No. 12689

I concur with the file size limits. Too teeny tiny I say.

This is totally gonna be the robot update. I can feel it.
>> No. 12690
File 134463972612.gif - (732.40KB , 330x245 , OHWOW.gif )
The note says that the sons were born on Sept. 2nd... does that hint an upcoming update/event next month? Ooooooo, I shouldn't be this excited.
>> No. 12693
File 134468395047.png - (98.34KB , 350x350 , I WARNED YOU ABOUT SPIES BRO I TOLD YOU DOG.png )


What if

They make another video to go along with it. Like the "Meet the" videos and the Mac update!

>> No. 12695

>> No. 12696
Look, all the dirt's been cleared off.
>> No. 12697
I see 'Marasmus' in there. Ties to the Halloween comic?
>> No. 12698
>>superfluous uterus

Wait, what?

(Captcha: zool gsilers. Zepheniah, motherfuckers, Zepheniah!)
>> No. 12700
Actually, in this case he's probably talking about the disease, especially since this first come out with the first Halloween update (except with parts of it covered by dirt).
To Valve's credit, it really does sound like a wizard's name. So maybe this is how he got his name?
>> No. 12703
Barely-Melted Capacitor is now equipable and tells a bar joke each time to high five someone.

"The smaller set of numbers along the bottom of the capacitor read 07180125. When split into four and translated into letters (A = 1, B = 2, etc), it reads "GRAY""
>> No. 12704
  Someone already made a video with all the clues, seems this has been hinted at as early as 2010. Valve you sneaky fucks, tis a good day to be a TF2 fan.
>> No. 12706
When Meet The Pyro came out, I thought that would be the last big update for TF2. I thought the game, already five-years-old, was on its way out.

I'm SO happy I was dead wrong!
>> No. 12707
I don't want to get my hopes up, but:

>>Grey Mann
>>G. Mann
>> No. 12708
oh hey

>> No. 12709
File 134476686864.gif - (494.09KB , 260x146 , tumblr_m7822rHXCx1qkprai.gif )
>> No. 12710
>> No. 12711
I can't believe they actually nearly made twincestuous Mpreg canon. I spat a lung at that part.
>> No. 12712
Every time I read/watch/etc. a TF2 update, I go "That's it, I've read the weirdest, most shocking development the team could come up with--" and then they raise the stakes even higher. Bravo. The question is now, what happens next? This can't possibly be the only comic they do for the update.

Also showing Archimedes, but not Medic? You teasing bastards.
>> No. 12713
File 134477876163.jpg - (72.45KB , 717x717 , Mystery.jpg )
So the capacitor code is cracked, and it reveals this image. Anyone got a level 37 weapon I can have? :3
>> No. 12714
File 134477948185.jpg - (28.89KB , 500x375 , chowder_WANT.jpg )
>>go to makani's tumblr
>>someone wonders why Medic isn't in a comic
>>"don't worry your turn will come"
>>#i can confirm this
>> No. 12715
I think it's gonna be a hat. Modest Pile of Hat is level 38, and the Pyromancer Mask is level 35. Everything in the thirties for me has been hats.
>> No. 12716
According to the wiki, someone already crafted that, and it caused the release of the Bloodbrothers comic. Which is pretty cool of Valve, letting the fans figure out the secrets and codes they put everywhere as part of the ARG.
>> No. 12717
Either Gray is with Gray Gravel Co as people have suspected, or he's with Spytech. It's the knife, and the fact that his first line is "Gentlemen."
>> No. 12718
>Grey arrives on the scene.
>Has Spy technology, including a disguise to make him look younger.
>Grey is Spy.
>Grey is dating Scout's mum.
>Scout is the new heir to everything.

So many headcannon possibilities!
>> No. 12720
Maybe he runs both? It'd make sense, since they seem to be separate companies from Mann Co., RED, and BLU.
>> No. 12721
File 134486274012.jpg - (63.85KB , 297x200 , 1344383427432.jpg )


Daily links.
>> No. 12725


Jesus Christ I do not have words for how ridiculously excited I am for this.
>> No. 12726
File 134487783840.jpg - (133.50KB , 1515x829 , THATS WHY!.jpg )
Just noticed something. Were Scout, Heavy and Spy always staring so suspiciously at engy on the website?
Oh wait, they know!
>> No. 12727
Actually yes, they have always had their heads like that.
>> No. 12728
  It's here. Prepare yourselves, Gentlemen.
>> No. 12729
So L4D with TF2 characters... fucking... GENIUS!
>> No. 12730
File 134490381072.gif - (810.85KB , 160x160 , hmm.gif )
I had so many reaction images but this one deserves it.

No, no, no. I need to correct you here good Sir. Because by the elements enemies in waves, mercenary, upgrading abilities in the breaks and all that i just think:
Killing Floor. Do not confuse my loved Left4Dead with that. Do not confuse it. (Except if you think survival than okay, but still you can not exactly upgrade your abilities in L4D there.)

My thought: Commando chicken and everything else from KF is now legit in TF2.
>> No. 12731
File 134490397774.png - (202.09KB , 576x559 , 13102156911.png )
My body is ready.

I'm more excited for the Co-op than anything right now.

I'm just hoping there will be more than one map for fightin robots.
>> No. 12732
I have the biggest smile on my face now. Not the pure-hearted sunshine and kittens smile though, this is more a sinister robot-hating fist-clenching kind of smile. But I disgress. This is not just epic, but epic squared.
>> No. 12733
All fan-love aside, I wonder are we going to look back on TF2 as the most epic game of all time in a decade or so? The scope of it's back story is so deep it boggles the mind.
>> No. 12745
I'm on vacation right now, miles away from my laptop. I swear to god, though, if this gamemode thing suddenly disappears as soon as I get back, I will cry bitter, bitter tears.
>> No. 12748
Hey Iz! Don't worry, we'll take pictures for you. Or hey, wanna be in the first six man team?
>> No. 12750
File 134494610687.png - (332.89KB , 792x376 , nothing at all.png )
It's actually difficult to take this all in. 3 updates in the space of a month? I honestly wasn't expecting Valve to touch TF2 ever again after Pyromania, save for the odd new hat or crate. I haven't even got to try all the stuff from the Pyro update, never mind the new KOTH map.

Anyways it will be interesting to see how they differentiate this from L4D; a TF2 flavoured Killing Floor would be incredible.

R.I.P. guys who paid me to do what I loved doing for 3 years.
>> No. 12751
File 134494679691.jpg - (221.25KB , 1600x900 , zf_dustbowl_b40012copy.jpg )
>> No. 12752
I felt the same way. Were Redmond and Blutarch idiots and douchebags? Yes. Did I feel a sting when they died? Also yes. Partially because "oh shit, what happens now", and partially because "Christ, they were finally almost getting along, why would you stab them?"

I'm hoping if MvM goes well, Killing Floor will take tips from it. Because I love KF too, don't get me wrong, but as I've said before, the servers are terrible, there's no communication, and I'm still slightly incensed that I have to pay extra money for DLC of the only female character in the entire game (DLC that was pre-packaged with other versions of the game). Hope Valve shows them how to do it right.
>> No. 12753
I call the Pyro. Teehee.
>> No. 12754
File 134497816591.png - (93.17KB , 220x344 , 220px-The_Tin_Soldier.png )

Soldier tried to warn us of the impending robot horde. Warn us of the robots taking our jobs. Soldier knew all along, but we didn't listen to him. No one paid him any attention because he's crazy. Which is a good reason to not pay any attention to him. And he's extremely crazy.

But damn, he was right.
>> No. 12755

OF course... It all makes sense now! WE NEVER SAW IT COMING
>> No. 12759
File 134499633388.png - (218.68KB , 391x455 , 12986020828.png )

>> No. 12760
DEMOM- Nah, too obvious...
>> No. 12761
In case you missed it

>> No. 12762
Weapon Upgrades?!
This is too awesome!
>> No. 12764
Wait, whats with the crappy pyro upgrades? Airblasting and flare. I wonder if the robots take afterburn?

>> No. 12765
I honestly don't like the idea of upgrade stations. But, TF2 hasn't disappointed me yet. I trust them and hope that it doesn't ruin my gaming experience.
>> No. 12766
I'm hoping that since we are fighting at Mann Co. facilities and not directly for TF Industries, that the round announcements will be made by Saxton Hale instead of the Administrator. I am gushing to hear that sexy Australian Baritone as cannon.
>> No. 12767
Maybe they are only available in MvM mode? Considering how tough those robots are! And my guess would be the upgrades are only temporary, considering you buy them with ingame money.
>> No. 12769
If it does dissapear anytime soon, i'll be sharing your pain.

oh how I miss my big strong computer, the Pyro update, and now this amazing update are teasing me so MUCH
>> No. 12780
File 134507680738.jpg - (132.88KB , 1024x768 , meh_ro7186.jpg )

wait. wait. wait. I have to pay to play? I FUCKING BOUGHT THIS GAME! AND I HAVE TO PAY?!!?!?!?
>> No. 12781
You do not need a Tour of Duty Ticket to play Mann vs. Machine on non-Mann Co. servers (i.e.: not in Mann Up Mode).

You can play for free all you like, just not in official Valve servers.
>> No. 12782

lol TLDR. disregard my rage I suck massive heavy cock
>> No. 12783
Speaking of Mann Vs Machine, I have posted a thread for discussion over in /inception/ regarding the current server crisis and the possibility of having the Mantrain be available for use in this mode. http://tf2chan.net/inception/res/1071.html
>> No. 12784
So after getting some play time on each map for this (Friend hooked up a private server, cause fuck you waiting) I can honestly say this is so much fun! Not necessarily a challenge all the time, but fun. All the upgrades, when used together, can create different play styles for every class and mesh well, heck, airblasts can make the difference between winning and losing sometimes.

Highlight so far? The computer deciding "Fuck you" after we mince meated his 30 pyros and throwing 150 FUCKING SCOUTS AT US! Holy crap that was amazing!
>> No. 12785
File 134510161782.png - (99.52KB , 500x265 , meetthemedic_letsgopracticemedicine.png )

These new voice clips are hilarious.
>> No. 12790
I especially love Medic's "OH! Money!"
>> No. 12792
Can someone tell me why the trailer reminds me of Def Leppard's "Let it Go?" Like it should be playing or something.
>> No. 12793
  All you demoXsolly shippers should get a kick out of this
>> No. 12794

Awwww, they're still friends.

Also on an unrelated note, my brother exclaimed "I knew he was Jewish!" when he heard the Medic's new money-related lines.

My brother's a bad man. But he learned everything he knew from me so what does that tell us
>> No. 12795
oh my feels
if these were available non-roboticised they'd have unlimited SFM potential
>> No. 12796

Oooohhhhhwwwww my heart

I wonder what solly wanted to say about the engineer dohohohoho
>> No. 12797
Even though I'm Jewish myself, I thought the same thing. I know the game pulls a lot of offensive stereotypes (black guy has shutter shades and an afro, etc.) I know they mean no harm by them, and they're not serious.

And whatever it takes to make people stop calling him a Nazi.
>> No. 12799
File 134519567534.png - (308.85KB , 807x735 , Team_Captain_Medic.png )

Valve started off trying hard not to give the Medic anything Nazi related. Unfortunately there's no getting away from the fact the Nazis were incredibly stylish.
>> No. 12802
The funny thing about Medic's costume is it looks strangely Nazi-like in a nonspecific kind of way. I mean, he's basically wearing the same pants and boots as Heavy, but they just look different on Medic. Everything Medic wears looks like it was designed by Hugo Boss... (Also you can't tell me his "Papers, please!" line isn't a Nazi joke.)

On the other hand, the "Archimedes" song they did for "Meet the Medic" sounds kind of Jewish-influenced...
>> No. 12803
It's hard to know if that's intentional, or if the composer's just using his roots in it, or something. His last name's Morasky, which is Polish, so it's not a big reach that he could be. I hear the same kind of stuff in Alan Menken's works some times, and he's Jewish.

He's so skilled a composer (referring to Morasky, though Menken is also great), though, I think it's an intentional thing, but I'm not sure if it's Jewish, so much as it just is that area of Europe where there were lots of Jewish people. Czechoslovakia and the rest of the Balkans, etc. Some chords reminded me of French music, actually.

It's hard to actually call something 'Jewish music' unless it's got like 'Havaaaa Nagila Havaaaa' in it. Most things of 'Jewish' origin are just generally European, since Jewish people lived all over Europe. Whether the country they lived in influenced their culture, or whether their culture influenced the culture of their country, I don't know, but either way, we get terrific sounding music.
>> No. 12806
I can't find their uniforms appealing at all because of who they belonged to. Just makes me really uncomfortable.
>> No. 12810
Whatever references you'll find are going to be very subtle, this is both because Nazism is a very sensitive subject, and because blatant references simply wouldn't be funny.
Having said that this we should probably end this line of dialogue before it achieves rigamaroll status
>> No. 12813
Agreed. Let's move on.

Unrelated: There's two achievements now named "Real Steel". Both of which were released this summer. Oops.
>> No. 12814
So there is no engiebot.
how sad does this make you?
>> No. 12815

Engie bot does not appear because it is too busy constructing more bots.
>> No. 12827
So, guys, I'm not sure if you noticed, but in the back of the spawn room of Mannworks, there is a Spy hand poking out of a bin, near a million bags of quicklime.

Creepiest part?

>> No. 12829
It's not just me then!

We got some fucking Sweeney Todd shit going on here.
>> No. 12831
My theatre company is putting that on this year, and GODDAMNIT I WANT THEM TO ANNOUNCE THE AUDITIONS ALREADY.
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