No. 12803
It's hard to know if that's intentional, or if the composer's just using his roots in it, or something. His last name's Morasky, which is Polish, so it's not a big reach that he could be. I hear the same kind of stuff in Alan Menken's works some times, and he's Jewish.
He's so skilled a composer (referring to Morasky, though Menken is also great), though, I think it's an intentional thing, but I'm not sure if it's Jewish, so much as it just is that area of Europe where there were lots of Jewish people. Czechoslovakia and the rest of the Balkans, etc. Some chords reminded me of French music, actually.
It's hard to actually call something 'Jewish music' unless it's got like 'Havaaaa Nagila Havaaaa' in it. Most things of 'Jewish' origin are just generally European, since Jewish people lived all over Europe. Whether the country they lived in influenced their culture, or whether their culture influenced the culture of their country, I don't know, but either way, we get terrific sounding music.