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File 134512749716.jpg - (205.73KB , 600x800 , wH0Gm.jpg )
12788 No. 12788
The MvM is now playable and there must be some shortcomes of it since the power and effect of weapones are different.
Some of nine mercs have become more superior to others and even some of those others have become more inferior than before.

Few of them may need to get BUFF/NERF in MvM to recover the balance.

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>> No. 12800
File 134519821734.jpg - (14.00KB , 353x354 , seven zero.jpg )
Phlog was nerfed with MvM.

I'd like them to reconsider the Tomislav nerf, push the faster wind-up speed to 20-30% perhaps. As is they've rendered it almost completely useless. Tomigruvich needed a fix, not a separate kick to the balls for each item.

I'd also like them to make the Dalokohs Bar useful but who am I kidding, that's never going to happen.
>> No. 12804
File 134522435684.png - (147.20KB , 349x442 , 130894601026.png )
Less of an item, but damn, RoboPyro's flames need to be nerfed a bit. As a Pyro running backwards torching one Pyrobot, it shouldn't kill me as fast as it does.

Engie's pistol really doesn't need to go from 200 rounds to 500. It's a bit amusing, but as much as I try to battle Engie, I never use more than a bit over 150.

Someone in my server was saying the Sentry should have a range buff, since there was the faster shooting. Not sure if I can really agree, but I tend to build at chokepoints.

Jesus Christ I about shit my pants at Mannworks when just a wall of grenades came at me from the starting point.

Out of curiosity, how would you make it so it looked like RED and BLU were working together? A simple reskin of the robots (registered as BLU) to be grey, and then three of REDs to make them have the BLU skins?
>> No. 12805
I would have made them grey. Exactly. I think this way, though, it's a lot less confusing to newer players, perhaps. And even for the veterans. 'I am wearing red, therefore I shoot everything NOT red'.

100% in agreement on roboPyro.

I'm still not sure how I feel about giant rapid fire classes. That Soldier is fucking OP. I would have maybe just had him big and strong, and have the other smaller Soldiers be rapid fire.
>> No. 12808
I'd be in support of different weapons having different stats in MvM vs. normal gameplay, provided you can make it easily understandable for newbies.

I assumed you didn't play as RED and BLU together because the two human teams could unintentionally friendly fire on each other (or something) and it would make the game harder.
>> No. 12809
>And even for the veterans. 'I am wearing red, therefore I shoot everything NOT red'.

>Assuming that veterans remember what team they're on. Pffffft.
>> No. 12818
Does anyone who thinks sniper and spy need to get buff??
They really seem that they are rather nerfed in mvm compared to other seven classes.
They REALLY become inferior to other classes.
>> No. 12820
I find the Spybots actually much harder to deal with than regular spies.

Now, with Snipers, which ones do you mean? Sniper-Snipers, or Bowman? Because I could see a buff for the former, but the latter is fine, I thinl.
>> No. 12823
>using the engie pistol at all ever

dude, why aint you wranglin that shit?
>> No. 12825

Even though they get loudly announced and are sniggering half the time, those Spybots are surprisingly effective. They are pretty bloody good with their revolver and all. I think just removing the administrator talking about them would make them fine.

Huntbots: horribly effective. Normal sniperbots: Eh. Pretty effective if everyone ignores them, which is as it should be.
>> No. 12843
No, I'm not talking about the robots!!

I'm talking about playable mercanaries.
Spy's sapper has delay term and sappers are useless when it comes to sentry busters.
>> No. 12844
That's why you use the upgrades. Spy would be so fucking OP if he could just instantly sap anything that moved.
>> No. 12850

Too lazy to switch out from my 2fort or Freak Fortress layouts I guess. I dunno, I enjoy building at chokepoints in hard to reach places, and then using the pistol to finish people/bots off.

I have never run into a Spybot that uses a revolver. I always get backstabbed. However, they tend to backstab me before sapping the Sentry, so...

Rapid Fire anything on Decoy is scary.
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